Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and seventy-five to support war with war

The Jinyu oak tree was indeed a surprise, but when the team approached these big trees, a dark cloud flew out of them.

For everyone in Genting, where fighting has become instinctive, they were ready immediately.

It was a flying mutated sound with a general level of about six, which looked a lot like a ladybug. It's just that compared to the ladybugs on the earth that are the size of a child's fingernail, each of them here seems to be a cake of traditional Pu'er tea.

"There are seven levels, be careful!"

When Ye Zhongming was silent, Xiao Min was the commander of the entire team. Under her order, the team prepared for defense in an orderly manner. When the cloud of ladybugs was within a hundred meters of the team, the cloud top attack began .

Various skills, magic crystal weapons, and long-range equipment covered them one after another. The energy light illuminated the surroundings, and the sound of collisions continued. Many of these mutated lives fell to the ground. After falling on it, fluorescent green splashed out. body fluids.

However, the situation is not very good. The defense of these mutated lifeforms is surprisingly high. The number of this dark cloud-like group is at least over 10,000. However, the first round of full-state long-range attacks on Yunding destroyed at most one-tenth of them.

You should know that each evolutionary has different skill cooling time, different attack speed, and even different frequency of changing bullets and pulling the trigger. The first attack is a saturated attack, and the intensity will decrease after that.

Similarly, the damage caused by the first attack is also the highest, and the effect is the best.

But now it seemed that close combat with these mutated beings was unavoidable.

Without knowing what abilities they have, and on the premise that they are still dealing with flying life, the possibility of increased melee casualties is very high.

Seeing that the first wave of offensive did not achieve the desired effect, the eighth-level beings including Ye Zhongming, Yangos, Dihuangwan, Jiubao, and Xia Bai began to intervene in the battle.

Their shots immediately took the initiative on the battlefield. Although there are a lot of these lives, the highest evolutionary level is only level 7. Under the group attack of Yangos' Dragon Breath Dihuang Wan and other skills, they were killed in pieces .

In the end, only a few hundred of them rushed to the vicinity of the Yunding team.

Ten minutes later, the battle was over, Genting's casualties remained in single digits, and there were no deaths.

"This can be regarded as a special product."

While cleaning the battlefield, the Genting soldiers digging magic crystals were joking. These more than 10,000 are all six-level magic crystals on average, which is not a small fortune. Add in the nice material of their hard shell and the value is even higher.

However, because of the previous attacks by the top experts in Genting, not many of these hard shells are well preserved.

After solving these guys guarding the resource point, Ye Zhongming and others came to the bottom of the Jinyu oak tree. They all knew that it was impossible to come here again in the future, so they simply came to a dry marsh to fish and burn the forest and hunt. The leaves were cut off, and the branches were cut off directly.

After doing this, Ye Zhongming checked the time, more than an hour had passed.

Since he left the building and couldn't see the changes in his power on the star map, Ye Zhongming could only suppress other thoughts and continue to move towards the surrounding resource points.

It has to be said that Ye Zhongming felt that the roulette wheel had a lot of room for the harvest of the first resource point, and the harvest here could basically buy a low-level guardian beast.

So how much can you get by hitting so many resource points? !

It's just that such an idea is just an idea. If you want to occupy all the resource points here, it will take time for others to buy all the bright stars. Whether you can get out alive by then is a problem.

Ye Zhongming led his men, centering on that building, and attacked five surrounding resource points in a row. Counting the distance, it took about ten hours.

On average, one resource point every two hours is logically fast, but on the navigation map, these resource points are the closest to the green origin, with an interval of only one centimeter, and the furthest resource point is more than a hundred centimeters away. .

There are five resource points, the harvest is big and small, and the harvest of one of them is better than that of Jinyu Oak,

But the other three are not as good.

Even the fifth resource point, after sacrificing a war beast, only got some ordinary materials.

Ye Zhongming realized that this kind of exploration is random.

So he made a quick decision and decided to go back to the previous building and move on.

In the building, you can naturally see the star map. Most of the forces have not changed, but there are also those who continue to move forward. For example, Gyanendra's team has now occupied the three bright stars in the middle area.

How to choose depends on their own trade-offs. In this case, it is not surprising what kind of decision each force makes.

The soaring crystal was shot out, and this time it was still Xia Bai who fought.

Ye Zhongming asked for a little more difficulty because he had gained something in the bright star before. Xia Bai brought two big earthworms, and after paying some equivalents generously, entered the challenge link. However, as the star area deepened , the difficulty of the challenge is increasing. If the standard of the previous bright star challenge is followed, the equivalent of Xia Bai's payment can reduce the difficulty by 60%.

But in this bright star, it has only been reduced by 51%.

Fortunately, Xia Bai himself was strong enough, and Jiubao's white eighth-level mutated earthworm was also powerful enough. Although it took some effort, he still passed the test smoothly.

This bright star is no different from the previous bright star except that the environment is a brand new scene that amazes everyone. The same central building, the same crystal disk, and the same star map.

Of course, there are also navigation maps that need to be purchased again.

Ye Zhongming chose the guardian beast, chose to upgrade, and then led the people from Yunding to clean up the surrounding resource points.

This time, Ye Zhongming entered the next bright star after capturing seven resource points. Then there were purchases and challenges, and four more resource points were occupied.

For each bright star, the number of resource points Ye Zhongming chooses to capture is different. In doing so, besides the reason of the road, the most important point is that Ye Zhongming is measuring the value obtained.

The deeper you go, the more you need to spend to buy bright stars. After all, each challenge costs more than the last one, so as to smooth out the danger brought by the increase in difficulty.

In addition to the cost of purchasing the guardian beast, the total price of the two has a clear standard in Ye Zhongming's heart.

And the number of resource points he captured was based on this standard.

He is feeding war with war!

He used what he gained on this bright star to pay for the next bright star!

By adopting this method, he basically gave up earning more wealth on Liangxing. What he wants is only Liangxing, just... Shanwang Pan!

At this point, Ye Zhongming withstood the temptation of seemingly endless wealth on every bright star, and he just wanted to get this master equipment.

Yunding also obeyed the order, which allowed Ye Zhongming's will to be thoroughly implemented.

In contrast to other forces, this is not the case.

After Yunding occupied the eighth bright star in the middle area, when looking at the star map again, several teams have completely distanced themselves!

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