Roulette World

1701 The first team to be eliminated (Part 1)

The mechanical ghost really wants to kill Gyanendra a thousand times now.

I know my own affairs, and the mechanical ghost knows that I am strong, and at the same time, I know my shortcomings.

He is neurotic, but really not neurotic.

The strength of mechanical battle partners is that they are not real life forms. While possessing non-life features such as not being afraid of death, being able to upgrade, repair and modify, and many other characteristics, they also have some characteristics of life forms.

For example, their powerful and practical skills, their precise handling and so on.

The combination of these characteristics makes these mechanical combat partners extremely powerful. Even if there is no obvious level, they are still enough to fight against the highest level evolutionists and the top teams formed by them.

Just like the previous battle with Genting.

To be honest, mechanical ghosts are really not afraid of anyone in face-to-face reckless fights, and he still likes this straightforward style.

However, just like what Ye Zhongming, Gyanendra and others have said with emotion, the key challenge of Shanwang Pan is not direct confrontation, but a fight for luck and financial resources.

Well, mechanical ghosts are not afraid of these.

Don't look at him laughing wildly at times, cursing at times, and moody, but the mechanical ghost knows very well that these are small situations, and he is confident to compete with Yunding to the final round.

It's just that this thunderbolt really shattered the mechanical ghost's confidence.

The mechanical battle partner is powerful, but it also has shortcomings. This shortcoming is the fear of lightning-type attacks.

It's not the kind of defenseless that can collapse at the touch of a touch, but compared to other attacks, it has the lowest defense against lightning.

According to the previous reminder of the space, if there are no guardian beasts and teams on the bright star, it can directly destroy the bright star.

Naturally, this kind of power does not mean that the Destroyer Thunder is really that powerful. It is just a relative 'parameter'. To put it bluntly, this test of roulette is a game. In the game, some things do not need to be absolutely rigorous.

Even so, falling on the top of a person's head is extremely terrifying.

Just now, the mechanical ghost walked from Bright Star No. 10 to Bright Star No. 13. This star belongs to Great America. Before he could choose whether to buy it or pay the toll, the thunder came down.

And with bad luck.

The twelfth star belongs to Yunding, and the fourteenth star belongs to the mechanical ghost himself.

The sky thunder landed on these two stars first. In people's sight, it was not a sky thunder at all, but two thick beams of light that meandered as if they could penetrate the sky and the earth.

"Bright Star No. 12 was attacked by the Destroyer Thunder, and the Guardian Beast was seriously injured."

"The bright star No. 14 was attacked by the destroying sky thunder, the guardian beast died, and the bright star was destroyed."

These two bright stars are in a certain state, the difficulty is doubled, and so on, but that is for the team that came to the top, and it obviously has no effect on these thunders.

The explosion of bright stars was perfectly presented on the light curtain, making people's scalps tingle.

If anyone can't bear it, then it will end like this, it will really be wiped out.

The results of the two bright stars that were attacked were different. Number 12 stayed and number 14 exploded. Everyone can understand after being shocked.

All the guardian beasts on the bright stars in Yunding have been upgraded to the highest level, and their strength is naturally strong. It is understandable that they are safe and sound under the attack of Destroyer Tianlei. As for Liangxing No. 14, the mechanical ghost knew about his own affairs. The guardian beast he left on top was not strong enough and hadn't been upgraded. Naturally, he couldn't resist, and died together with Liangxing.

But now he is not in the mood to think about these things, the destructive thunder above his head is about to fall.

Space didn't say how to resist it, leaving little time for mechanical ghosts to think about it.

He instinctively dispersed the team, and then controlled a huge mechanical combat puppet to take the initiative to meet the thunder that was about to fall.

His mind was very simple, if he was to be struck by the lightning, he could do it alone.

This mechanical battle puppet is huge, it is the most bulky guy in the entire team, and its defense is good enough. The mechanical ghost still has a certain degree of confidence in it.

Its ability is also biased towards defense, as can be seen from the large shields on the two arms of the humanoid battle partner.

The sky thunder accurately landed on this big man.

The rays of light splashed everywhere, dazzling the eyes.

The mechanical ghost let out a scream.

The light dissipated slightly, and everyone saw another shadow rushing into the air, and behind it, there was another one.

The sky thunder struck the first one, and there was a very strange pause. The time was actually not very long, maybe only a moment, but this time was enough for the mechanical ghost to respond, and it was enough for everyone to see something clearly.

The mechanical battle partner was blown into pieces by the sky thunder, and then the much weaker sky thunder continued to fall. He met the second mechanical combat partner who used this gap to leap into the sky.

The second collision happened, still like the first time, the light would pause for a moment, and then the third collision came as expected.

The screams of the mechanical ghost rang out one after another, and the light on the light curtain became brighter and darker several times.

When everything calmed down, the Destroyer Thunder disappeared without a trace, and after a brief panoramic 'shot' before the light curtain closed, the living evolutionaries found that the number of mechanical ghosts' combat partners had dropped by at least one-fifth one.

Horror is the only word that everyone can imagine.

A thunderbolt directly hit the powerful mechanical ghost team.

And this kind of sky thunder, there will be one every next round.

Indeed, the sky thunder is random and may hit any position on this star road, but what if it hits you if you are unlucky? Can it consume the sky thunder in this way like the mechanical ghost?

Thinking about the scene I saw just now, everyone felt a bit bitter in their mouths, and they hated Gyanendra even more.

This product is too bad!

Isn't it killing people to come up with such a thing?

Life will continue, Liangxing will continue to walk, and the end of the mechanical ghost represents the beginning of a new round.

Wu Xiu felt that she hadn't been so nervous for a long time. She originally wanted to make soy sauce, but who knew that she would have to endure such an unreasonable disaster.

Playing the crystal cautiously, they landed on a bright star, Great America, they passed by with money, did not choose to fight, and no thunder fell.

This is the result of the communication between Wu Xiu and Ye Zhongming just now. In the current situation, apart from reaching the bright star of the mechanical ghost, Genting no longer needs the ogre chain to fight head-on with other teams.

As for tolls... Except for Ye Zhongming, the ogre chain is the richest here.

When it was Big America's turn, Spade's face was very dark, and their hearts to compete for the top spot were already very weak. They realized a problem, it seemed that getting out alive was no longer very sure.

The emergence of this mentality is due to thunder, bad luck, and the guardian beasts of every bright star on the top of the cloud are the highest level.

Now Great America is rich, but is it useful? Paying tolls when passing by will not increase the number of bright stars. If the number of bright stars does not increase, why compete with Yunding Villa and mechanical ghosts? Then continue to fight? Don't be ridiculous, even if Spade wants to do this, his subordinates will not agree.

The disadvantages of the alliance-like Great America's control power are undoubtedly manifested at this time.

They hit the flying crystal as far as possible.

However, when the crystal fell, the spatial reminder sounded, and after hearing the content, Spades wanted to die.

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