Roulette World

1702 The first team to be eliminated (below)

Strictly speaking, Great America's hit on the Soaring Crystal this time surpassed Bright Star No. 20, broke away from the shackles of the nebula, and broke away from the death zone.

They can move forward quickly while Yunding is still in the area, far away from Yunding. Anyway, now they basically want to give up the competition for the crown of the mountain, and just go through ten rounds safely.

However, bad luck can really bring bad luck.

Because the tolls were paid in the previous round, Great America took three steps this round and landed on star 22. This place belongs to mechanical ghosts, which is a blessing in misfortune. Chains ah, the bright stars of these forces are a bit more difficult to deal with, but they are better than the perverted cloud top bright stars.

However, when the team came here, the reminder of the space sounded.

When the card is not used, the prompt of the space is a reminder.

"The bad luck card takes effect. Within three rounds of Great America, demons will appear in each round and participate in the attack on the team."

"This round of destructive thunder appeared, and the landing point is the twenty-first star."

Great America is on the 22nd star, because of the overclocking card, they will definitely be attacked.

"Star No. 21 belongs to Yunding Mountain Villa. It was attacked by the Destroyer Thunder, and the guardian beast was seriously injured."

"The twentieth star belongs to the ogre chain, find and destroy the sky thunder attack, the guardian beast dies, and the bright star is destroyed."

Same as the previous round of mechanical ghosts, first the bright stars without the team were attacked, and then it was the turn of the bright stars with the team.

The spade monster screamed and ordered everyone to take out defensive equipment to resist the thunder that was about to fall from the sky.

However, in the face of such a powerful attack, at least more than 60% of his subordinates chose to flee in all directions.

This is an instinctive self-preservation.

Great America is not a mechanical ghost, that team is too special, there is only one living person, and he can control all powerful battle partners.

When the sky thunder fell, he was able to make each of his combat partners rush forward to self-destruct to counteract the terrifying power of the sky.

But Great America can't do it. This is an alliance-like team, and they are combined with each other because of their interests. When there is a bad omen, what everyone thinks is not how to solve it, but how to save themselves.

In the face of the destructive thunder, it is estimated that only the top evolutionists have the means and ability to resist it. Others, even if they try their best, are doing nothing.

So, when the thunder falls from the sky, what can you do if you are not afraid? Waiting for people to treat themselves as cannon fodder to consume the power of the sky thunder? Sacrifice for the final survival of others?

Don't be kidding, they all die together, and they don't want to do this job.

Of course, they don't know who the ** is.

Hei Mischievous's face was green, seeing only sporadic people offering defensive equipment, how could this be able to resist the thunder.

He could only shout at the top of his voice, saying that if he couldn't resist, then everyone would die!

Shouting like this is effective, at least those high-level evolutionists know that they can't run, if they are good, and no one stops the thunder, they will really die.

So the moment the thunder fell, many powerful skills or defensive equipment faced the sky.

As a test, destroying the sky thunder is not the kind of attack that people cannot resist, otherwise, the roulette space this time will lose its meaning. No one will ever be able to obtain the Shanwang Panhui.

However, the power is huge, and it needs to pay a huge price.

Among the current teams, the most powerful ones are naturally Yunding Villa and Mechanical Ghost. Apart from them, there should be Ogre Chain and Great America. The two teams have their own characteristics, and they are both top-level teams.

But if the ogre chain is facing this kind of thunder, it is essentially a mechanical genius of one person. Among the many forces present, except Yunding, they will probably make the best response. For the control of this kind of subordinates Ye Zhongming also had to admire the speed.

But Great America, whose strength is no worse than theirs,

It's going to be much worse. Again, this is a natural disadvantage of alliance-type forces.

However, with hard power, even if you have to pay a heavy price, you can still be thunderous.

Sometimes things are like this, things that can be done obviously, but all previous efforts are wasted because of inconsistency. When the dissonance is from top to bottom, then things are as bad as they can get.

Those who escaped in Great America are not only ordinary evolutionaries, but also their leader, Governor Spade!

Yes, in the face of Tianlei, after giving the order that everyone will die if they don't resist, he originally made a pair of spades to fight to the death and ran away by himself.

He is the soul of the entire team, and the strongest person in the entire team. Only if he also makes a full defense can he resist the destruction of the thunder.

But he ran away.

Unlike other people who wanted to run out of the range of Tianlei and let others 'top the thunder', Spade took out something, which was a flute or flute-like musical instrument. At first, people around thought that It was a piece of defensive equipment, but when the Governor of Spades was activated, it turned into another Spade, standing there blankly.

When the sky thunder falls, the skills of those evolutionists are extremely fragile under its power. Even if it can reduce its brightness a little, there is a limit. However, those high-level evolutionists have good defensive equipment, which makes the sky thunder appear before the mechanical ghosts. That pause that occurs.

At that moment, many people had hope in their hearts, thinking that they would survive this test just like the mechanical ghosts.

But... After Tianlei paused, he bombarded the Great American team without hesitation, and bombarded the bright star.

On the light curtain, people from other teams saw the scene of the destruction of bright stars that they had seen several times before, and many people couldn't believe it.

Great America, the faction that was ranked third just now, is it over like this?

"Look, there!"

A sharp-eyed person pointed to the upper left corner of the chaotic light curtain with an excited expression.

Everyone looked over, and sure enough, there was a figure in the smog that filled the sky.

This figure was shaken by the smoke. In fact, everyone couldn't see the specific appearance clearly, but everyone could still tell at a glance that it was a spade. Except for him, it was impossible for that figure to be a victim.

Just, why didn't he die? Bright Star has been destroyed.

"The bright star on the 22nd was destroyed, Great America lost the qualification to challenge, and one person survived, because the team was eliminated, he was removed from the space."

"All the bright stars in Great America become unowned. Teams passing by there can choose whether to buy a guardian beast. The first team to buy a guardian beast has the ownership of the bright star."

"The number of remaining teams, 5."

After five rounds, the first eliminated team appeared.

Outside the space, on the cold and windy mountain peak, a figure appeared out of nowhere and fell to the ground. The shape of the hill made a big hole in the hard ground.

Spades stood up and smiled. Although he spent a precious surrogate item, he managed to escape from the space of the roulette wheel. Everything was exactly as he expected. Once he was eliminated, he would be removed from the space.

When there was no hope in Great America, he made up his mind to escape. Although he had no subordinates, as long as he was still alive, he could find them at any time. Although he did not have a precious knife, the money he earned in space Those are enough to buy several similar equipment, and those high tolls paid by Yunding and others don’t need to be shared with his subordinates, it belongs to him alone!

Spade opened his own space to prepare, intending to see what he had gained, but then came his extremely unwilling and annoyed roar.

"Where's my money, where's my money?"

This roar only lasted a few seconds before it stopped abruptly, because Spade saw a demon floating not far above him, looking at him coldly...a demon.

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