Roulette World

1703rd special round 6

Since the test of Shanwang Pan's space, many teams have been silent many times, but none of them lasted for such a long time.

Finally a team was eliminated.

This means that the end of death that everyone is aware of has officially begun.

Six years have passed since the end of the world, and everyone has faced death countless times. It stands to reason that there should be no more fear or discomfort.

But when they reached a certain level, death became strange to them again.

So, the fear that had disappeared, or numb, returned.

Especially when they saw the bright star where Great America was located on the light curtain crashing into destruction, this emotion reached its peak.

It turns out that death is just around the corner...and it's just around the corner again.

At this moment, not to mention the weakest women's battalion and Gyanendra, even the ogre chain that has been playing soy sauce suddenly became tense.

There is only one thought in my mind.

What would happen if you encountered a thunderstorm when it was your turn?

Gyanendra played the flying crystal expressionlessly. For him now, the cards in his hand are basically exhausted, he doesn't have much money in hand, and his strength is greatly damaged. Whether he can finish this journey is a problem.

Fortunately, he was lucky this round, and landed on a planet that originally belonged to Great America. Although he didn't have any money left to buy Bright Star, at least he didn't have to fight or pay.

The current Gyanendra has no chance to stand up. Even if he is so lucky to buy a star every step of the way, he is destined not to get the first place, so for him, nothing is more important than stability.

Ye Zhongming then played the flying crystal and landed on the bright star of the mechanical ghost. He was not polite, and picked the guardian beast by himself, without the help of others. Of course, Yangos on the left and Dihuang Wan on the right, he doesn't need others.

The bad luck card still exists. Even if Genting wins the challenge, they still need to pay tolls, which makes Ye Zhongming and others quite helpless.

Then there is the women's battalion. How do you say their luck is really not very good, and they have reached the bright star of mechanical ghosts. They can only fight without money. Under double difficulty, even if the guardian beast level is not high, it will make them experience a hard battle again.

The last women's battalion won, but their numbers dwindled again. Now they look much worse than Gyanendra.

Everyone can see that this is a faltering team. Perhaps in the next round, they will follow in the footsteps of Great America and be completely eliminated.

As for Ella, or the level and strength of the black leader Jaina, I think there will be no equipment for death.

The last one in this round is the mechanical ghost.

As if affected by this round of overall calm, this neurotic guy was also surprisingly quiet. He honestly hit the Soaring Crystal once and landed on a bright star in Great America. A bright star has been added to .

But he couldn't escape the bad luck card. When he bought the guardian beast and took the bright star as his own, he got a reminder that because of the bad luck card, the purchase just now was invalid.

In other words, the money is gone, and the bright star is gone. The mechanical ghost was so angry that it broke out on the spot and let out a signature scream.

After five rounds, both the Gyanendra Ogre Chain and the Women's Battalion have lost their qualifications, leaving only Mechanical Ghost and Yunding Villa to win.

The gap between the two sides is still not widened, and Genting leads by three stars.

Sixth round.

The ogre chain has entered the 'dead zone', but with the elimination of Great America, there are many bright stars here who have no owners, and it doesn't matter if they fall on it. Others, just pay, they really don't lack this money.

After observing the star road ahead, Gyanendra used a random card this round.

On the road ahead, there are more bright stars of Yunding and mechanical ghosts. Gyanendra is not sure that he will land on the bright stars of other forces. With his current state, it would be okay if he landed on the bright stars of mechanical ghosts. can pass

But if it landed on the fifth-level guardian beast Liangxing in Yunding Villa, Gyanendra would peel off her skin if she didn't die.

Fortunately, he still has the random card, the kind of card that can control the landing point of the flying crystal.

He landed on the only bright star vacated by Great America at this distance.

After that, Gyanendra was obviously relieved, because the sky thunder did not come.

When Ye Zhongming hit the flying crystal, the mechanical ghost started booing and even cursing without grace, hoping that the sky thunder would come. Lei, just let him challenge the guardian beasts on the two adjacent stars together, that is, one-on-three.

But with Genting's strength, they were really not afraid. They played together and almost pushed past.

The evolutionists who were still in the roulette space were a little speechless after watching this battle.

Maybe the mechanical ghosts in their heyday could compete with such a team, but now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the team of the mechanical ghosts has suffered a lot, and the number of those mechanical warriors has disappeared by at least ten or twenty.

It doesn't seem like a lot, but the total number is not that much.

It's the women's camp again...

Their luck is still bad. This round, they fell on the bright star on the top of the cloud.

beat? Facing Yunding, they did not have the strength to continue fighting, nor did they have the confidence to continue fighting.

Then just pay.

But do they have money? No!

At the end of the road, even leaders like Ella and Jaina, who ensured the bottom line of a team's combat effectiveness, began to take off their beloved equipment.

Their "not strong" is compared with the few teams here now. On the outside, the women's battalion is strong. Ella and Jaina are also the most elite evolutionists. Naturally, their equipment is not too bad, at least What Ye Zhongming saw, the two of them had more than three pieces of gold-level equipment, and one of them, although it didn't have any light, but judging from the power shown in the previous battle, it should be a purple equipment.

Many soldiers in the women's battalion were reluctant to have their leaders hand over these equipments, because without them, they really became fish belly to be slaughtered.

"Babes, at least we didn't die this round, did we?"

Jaina smiled and comforted her subordinates, but the smile was a bit bitter no matter how you looked at it.

After the women's battalion, the last one to appear in this round was the mechanical ghost. Everyone was nervously preparing, and the mechanical ghost who was still in the mechanical battle partner kept scolding.

Because in this round, the thunder of destruction will definitely come, and the mechanical ghost with bad luck is very likely to become the target of attack.

He has already experienced what Tianlei is like, so it's no wonder he doesn't scold his mother.

It's just that before he went to hit the flying crystal, this guy suddenly stopped swearing.

"This is the sixth round, it seems...can you buy a new card?"

A few seconds after he finished speaking, a reminder came from the space.

"Mechanical ghosts buy luck cards!"

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