Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and four times the sky thunder

After five rounds, you can buy luck cards. This is the last of the ten cards in the roulette space, and it is also the most anticipated and confusing.

The little king card and the big king card didn't announce the specific effect, but it made you guess nothing, so everyone stopped guessing. Anyway, after buying and using enough cards, you can get these two cards. What's the point? Just see the effect for yourself. Before the final test of the ten rounds began, the answer was actually revealed.

What you get and how to use it, you should think about it yourself as you move forward.

In fact, except for the teams that can't afford or don't need to buy the Xiaowang card and the Dawang card, the rest have been used in the previous rounds.

The effect... Everyone has seen it. Some people are eliminated, some people lose their qualifications. Basically, the situation of the battle is very clear.

The Luck Card is not, it is very mysterious and can only be purchased after five rounds, the name should be related to luck, but I don't know the specifics.

To put it bluntly, this is a kind of 'gambling' card.

The bet is luck, or perhaps fate.

At least the roulette space doesn't say whether the result is good or bad.

Everyone was in shock waiting for the next step from the space. They had different opinions on the behavior of the mechanical ghost, but they all tended to speed up and overtake.

But only the mechanical ghost himself understands that this is a last resort.

If he could continue to swear as loudly as before, then he would definitely yell out his throat and pour the most vicious words on the roulette space.

Why? Because the Luck Card is too damn expensive, so expensive that he felt as if all his internal organs had been ripped out by someone.

All of a sudden, he lost fifteen mechanical combat partners, and they were all very powerful ones. He still has a few combat partners in his hands, but their strength has been reduced by more than half compared to when they were at their peak. .

He was no longer sure of winning when he met the guardian beast whose cloud top had risen to level five.

He flipped over this luck card tremblingly, because it might represent the final outcome of his battle for the mountain king.

After seeing the above content, the mechanical ghost remained silent for a long time, and then began to laugh wildly.

This card, although ridiculously expensive, is worth it.

"The attribute of the mechanical ghost luck card is - state transfer. During this round, he can transfer any existing and upcoming state to any team participating in the test. This card cannot be exempted."

Hearing the reminder from Roulette Space, the other teams were stunned for a moment, and then showed different expressions.

The women's camp is numb.

What they need to consider now is how to get out alive. As for who wins the final victory, it has nothing to do with them.

Gyanendra is a kind of hope. After hearing the prompt, he suddenly felt that he still had a chance, but he smiled wryly immediately, and he knew that he was thinking too much.

Because with his current remaining strength and the number of bright stars, unless the Mechanical Ghost and Yunding Villa are all eliminated, one of the teams will stay anyway, and it will not be his turn.

The one who really feels the heartbeat is actually the ogre chain.

As soon as this status transition card that cannot be exempted is issued, everyone knows what Yunding will face next. It will be the most terrifying moment in the test of the mountain king, and it is really uncertain whether it can survive.

And if Yunding accidentally stumbles and is eliminated, then...can I also fight for it?

Wu Xiu's heart beat wildly twice, she put her hands together and crossed them, and pressed them hard. Hearing the creaking sound of the joints, she fell into a state of excitement.

As the parties concerned, the people from Genting and Ye Zhongming, on the contrary, looked resolute after being helpless.

I have encountered too many bad things and too many challenges, and I have developed the character of Yunding people who will not give in when they are under pressure.

Even what they are most willing to do is to go upstream, and then beat all the dangers and enemies that seem to be able to swallow them to pieces.

Some people say they are perverts, but so what, the person who said this is not contempt and disgust, but envy.

They also hope to become such a person, but they are not qualified.

After the luck card attributes were announced, Genting knew what to face.

The mechanical ghost will definitely throw the bad state that still exists now, and combine it with the destructive sky thunder that is bound to happen, that is the sky thunder with double power! This is the scariest thing. As for the others, it doesn't make much sense to put it on Yunding.

But this extremely powerful sky thunder is really terrifying.

This is not doubling the bombardment time, nor is it doubling the number of times, but doubling the power!

In other words, if this thing is divided into two parts, or if the duration is doubled, everyone believes that Yunding will be able to pass through, not to mention anything else, just say that the two ninth-level existences will be able to resist .

But this is an increase in power, and it is an almost instant attack like Tianlei. If it can't withstand it in a short time, it will really be doomed.

As for the power of Tianlei, everyone has seen it before, and the guardian beasts left by Yunding who have been upgraded to level five and have strengths similar to level nine will also be seriously injured.

That is still an ordinary sky thunder, but the current sky thunder is the sky thunder under the overclocking card. If it is fact, it is not doubled, but tripled!

I can't handle the ninth grade.

Could it be that this powerful team from the east is about to be wiped out under the thunder?

"Overclocking destroys the sky thunder, doubles the difficulty, countdown to landing, 5, 4,..."

The roulette is still user-friendly, and it also gives a little hint.

Above the light curtain, everyone was staring nervously. They wanted to see how Yunding responded, it was destroyed.

A mask was first raised above the entire team, judging from the shape, it was a huge palace.

Those who know Yunding know that this is Dai Zhi's core equipment, Zhuang Xiang Bagua Palace, which is in charge of defense by the Red Makeup Guards, which has extremely strong defensive capabilities.

Then, Xia Bai stood on top of the Illusory Shadow Palace, standing with his head held high.

Obviously, she will be the arrow of the red makeup guards for a while, and use the attack with the increase of collective strength to collide with the destroying sky thunder.

On the ground, except for the red makeup guards, other people and war beasts raised their weapons or bodies together. If the two lines of defense in front could not resist the sky thunder, then they would have to fight on their own.

"need my help?"

Holding the black cat in her arms, Yupo turned to Ye Zhongming and asked.

She promised to help Ye Zhongming unconditionally once, and in her opinion, Yunding must need her, a level 9 being, to take action in the current situation.

As long as Ye Zhongming said, she would do it, even if facing the thunder with three times the power, Yupo would not have any confidence.

Strangely, Ye Zhongming shook his head.

"This time, there is no need."

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