Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and six response (middle)

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ye Zhongming, as the boss of Yunding Villa, still did not move.

Doubts arose, and everyone stared at the light curtain.

"What are those?"

Some people have asked such questions.

At this time, Zhuang Xiang Bagua Palace was already in danger, but the brightness of Tianlei was only slightly weakened.

The step that Yupo took back before was taken back by herself.

Ye Zhongming's indifference did not give her a sense of peace of mind, this is the difference between her and other members of Genting.

After all, she is just a mutated life, but she has evolved to level nine, and is now a top life at the highest stage of emotion and self-confidence.

She is not willing to hand over her life to Yunding and Ye Zhongming, even though she is inextricably linked with this place.

As a last resort, she was going to make a move, regardless of whether Ye Zhongming made the request or not.

The weapons of many members of the Boys' Army have already appeared light, which is a sign of energy ready to go.

But just at this moment, the translucent mask of Zhuang Xiang's Bagua Palace, which was almost broken, has a stable trend, and the brightness of the destroying sky thunder that makes people feel chills is becoming visible to the naked eye. Weaken!

How is this going?

Not only did other people who saw through the light curtain not understand, but even Yupo didn't understand, so she looked at Ye Zhongming, and then looked to the other side.

On the light curtain, many people paid attention to the questions of other people just now.

At the edge of the Genting lineup, at some point, some strange beings were kneeling on the ground, supporting the ground with their hands, in a gesture of 'apology'.

It's just that they are very strange, forming a circle at the same distance, enclosing everyone in Yunding. On the ground below them, a line of energy is shining, and the source of this line is Xiao Min who just put his hand on the mask of Zhuang Xiang Bagua Palace.

"Is she absorbing the energy of the sky thunder?" Ruan Xiao's eyes widened, and he asked Wu Xiu beside him in disbelief.

The giant of the ogre chain put his hands down, and put them down together, as well as the thoughts that had arisen before.

"Although I don't know how she did it, but... I'm afraid it is."

Impossible, just as Ruan Xiao wanted to say these three words, he held them back.

What he thinks is impossible, but someone has actually done it, then it is possible.

Ye Zhongming's expression didn't change much, but an insignificant sense of relief flashed in his eyes.

At the moment when the description of the luck card used by the mechanical ghost was released, Xiao Min shared his thoughts with Ye Zhongming, and quickly got the consent of the King of Cloud Top, thus the current scene happened.

It's very risky, but I have to say, it's also worth it. Those existences who surrounded the city and knelt on the periphery are rapidly becoming stronger.

They are the genetic warriors left to Ye Zhongming when Alamos left. After installing the white hole crystal, there are no special genetic warriors with a series of problems such as fusion and evolution.

The White Hole Crystal allows them to be created beings without the negative state of rejection. They do not need to soak in those nutrient solutions, and it also solves the situation that once they are produced, their strength will be solidified. It can be said that, Liu Zhenghong's unresolved problem was solved by something like the White Hole Crystal.

Of course, it does not mean that they have no shortcomings. The initial level is low, the main body is not as perfect as the one produced by Genting Lab, and the ability is relatively simple, etc. These are all unsatisfactory places.

As long as it can evolve like other mutated life forms, or even evolve faster and stronger, it pays attention to making up for these shortcomings.

The energy needed for the evolution of these genetic warriors fused with white hole crystals is life energy. It stands to reason that it is impossible to absorb the power to destroy the sky thunder. With their current strength, they cannot resist. Even ordinary sky thunder is enough Hack them ten thousand times.

Xiao Min was the one who played a key role.

When she was in the space test before,

I got a reward, it was an unknown piece of candy, I didn't use it because I wasn't sure what it would be like, and kept it with Xiao Min all the time.

After all, it cannot be traded or gifted and can only be used by herself.

Xiao Min secretly ate this candy when he met the terrifying guardian beast killed by Yupo.

When encountering difficulties, the first consideration of the soldiers of the Red Makeup Guard is to survive on their own, not relying on others, let alone relying on Ye Zhongming.

Xiao Min is no exception, as long as she can think of a way, she will be used, including taking this unknown candy this time.

As for the consequences after taking it, that's not what Xiao Min considered.

The result is that this candy is called constitution fructose, which is something that gives the user a special constitution.

Naturally, this kind of physique is different from Ye Zhongming's top-level physique such as Xiuli Tiantian. This kind of physique has five levels of fructose, and this one is only the second-to-last level. The physique that Xiao Min possesses is called "Linglong Physique". To put it bluntly, it can transform various energies, and in the process of transformation, a certain proportion of energy can be left in the body.

Any energy can be converted, that is to say, any energy can be absorbed and converted into any required energy type, and the energy left in the body can also be controlled and strengthened to formulate aspects.

This is a very powerful feature.

Of course, the effect of strengthening will definitely not be the kind of one that increases the level all at once, it can only come a little bit, but it is also very good.

Originally, this kind of physique could not improve the strength immediately, but it happened that it was Tianlei.

Xiao Min's idea was approved by Ye Zhongming, so with this scene, she transformed the energy of the sky thunder into life energy, and charged these genes with life energy.

Under these life energies, the life strength of the gene is rapidly improving, and Xiao Min is also making steady progress.

Everyone feels incredible about Genting's response.

The Destroying Sky Thunder is so strong, that it can be absorbed and turned into its own use?

This is too BUG, ​​right?

However, this situation did not last for too long. In less than ten seconds, Xiao Min's body, whose hands were attached to the energy shield, flew out as if suddenly hit hard by something. Absorption ends with it.

In a chain reaction, the Zhuang Xiang Bagua Palace, which had no excretory channels, shattered in an instant, and then, the destructive sky thunder, which was no longer obstructed, blasted towards the heads of all the soldiers in Yunding Villa.

Without collective attack skills, without protective shields, and without ingenious energy absorption and transformation, then what should be used to resist the still powerful destructive thunder?

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