Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and seven response (below)

Ye Zhongming threw something out of the space before Zhuang Xiang Bagua Palace shattered.

Those are densely packed puppets.

Then, Ye Zhongming activated the bloodline, and the Sand Lightning Thunder Monster appeared, and then met the sky thunder.

This is not over yet, two weapons appeared in the hands of the King of Cloud Top, he held them himself, jumped onto the back of Yangos, and the dragon rose into the air in an instant.

Just vibrating the wings is enough.

"Xiao Yezi, if Grandpa Long dies, you have to get me a dragon mound, which must be filled with gold coins, and you have to be buried with one hundred and eighty beautiful beasts, otherwise I will not let you go even if I am an undead dragon."

The mental communication that had been useless for a long time entered Ye Zhongming's head at this moment.

The King of Cloud Top threw something on the ground, nodded towards it again, and then patted the dragon's head with a smile.

At this moment, the picture on the light curtain has a strong sense of hierarchy.

On the top is the Zhuang Xiang Bagua Palace, which has collapsed but not completely disappeared after being attacked by the sky thunder. Below is a dense layer of puppets, and below that is a strangely shaped monster with lightning on the horn of its head.

And below the monster is the king of cloud top and the eighth level fire dragon.

If there are only these, this picture can at best be regarded as a collection of many means to resist the thunder, but under Yangos, there is a huge tree growing rapidly and quickly approaching the feet of the dragon department.

The Yunding team was hidden by this big tree, and they couldn't be seen from the light curtain.

The weaker thunder fell on those puppets, and the seemingly defensive puppets were as fragile as glass hit by a stone, and they all shattered with a bang.

The thunder and lightning sand monster rushed out and faced the sky thunder without fear. Although it is a mixture of thunder and sand, the sky thunder can be regarded as the energy of its own department, but its body's endurance is obviously not comparable to that of the sky thunder, and it only lasts In a second, he was directly blasted to the ground by the sky thunder, his body was torn apart and scattered under the unknown plants below.

At this time, the power of the sky thunder has actually been reduced a lot. When Ye Zhongming went up to meet it, he was not sure at all.

But he still went all out, poured all the energy into the two weapons, and threw them towards Tianlei.

Seeing this scene, many people from other teams felt that Qianlu, the leader of Yunding Villa, was out of his wits. He thought of such a way. It was simply stupid. Attack weapons are not defensive weapons, and no matter how high the level is, they can't stop it. Thunder!

However, this kind of child's play really works.

When the sky thunder bombarded the two weapons, there was a feeling of being stopped. Not only did the brightness drastically decrease by one degree, but even some places on the edge had a scattering effect and were bounced to other places.

This... is so strange!

Those puppets were made by Ye Zhongming using the three monster templates he had obtained in the space before, the stone cavalry, the flame giant and the ooze monster, all of which he made with a refining furnace and a tattoo machine.

This naturally takes a lot of time, but Liang Xing's adventure before gave Ye Zhongming enough opportunities and materials to manufacture all these things.

Now in his hands, the templates of these three monsters have all turned into formed puppets.

The characteristics of these things determine that after they are consumed, they will become three powerful existences.

Facing the thunder that was three times as powerful, Ye Zhongming didn't intend to let his subordinates take risks. After Xia Bai and Xiao Min Daizhi teamed up to weaken the power, he took care of the rest.

These puppets are used here at risk.

Naturally, there is a risk of being completely destroyed, but there is also an opportunity to recombine into a more powerful existence, which is better than using those Arhat battle partners that are bound to be damaged.

In addition, there are two weapons, one is the twin wind and thunder, and the other is the unknown metal hammer.

Ye Zhongming is not afraid of destroying these two weapons, after all, they are the essence of the secret realm, and the secret realm,

It used to be a powerful planet, as an essence, it should not be afraid of thunder.

What's more, there is energy injected by Ye Zhongming inside.

Facts have proved that Tianlei really has nothing to do with them, it just knocks them into the air, but consumes a lot of energy itself.

Next, it was the big tree that quickly overtook Ye Zhongming and Yangos after they fell to resist the thunder.

This is a Roselle tree activated by Ye Zhongming with fertile soil.

The seeds of the Yama tree, to some extent, give birth to a body without thought. Of course, it does not have the strength of the Yama tree after its level has been upgraded. After all, it has surpassed the category of native species.

It cannot be denied that Roselle's torso is extremely strong.

Because the time is too short, even if it uses a lot of fertile soil and gardener's skills, it can't make it grow so big in such a short time. Ye Zhongming is still on it, using a skill.

The third ability of auspiciousness is to breed all things.

This ability will allow life to gain span growth in an instant, and the degree of growth is related to the energy Yu Ruyi has given.

Liang Xing's adventure process is also the process of Yu Ruyi's recharging, and Ye Zhongming is using this ability at this time.

That's why the Roselle fir grew into a towering tree in just a few seconds.

The sky thunder and the giant tree collided.

That kind of scene was very shocking, the tree of supremacy fell suddenly, and the sky thunder was greatly weakened.

Yes, after this kind of Roselle fir is chopped into pieces, the sky thunder still has not been offset, it still exists. ,

But during the stalemate, the entire Yunding won ten seconds.

The three types of battle partners whose number had decreased sharply were thrown into the sky by Ye Zhongming again. They were not destroyed, but inherited that characteristic, and reorganized into higher-level, stronger and stronger existences with a sharp decrease in number.

They greeted the thunder.

The result is still all shattered, scattered from the sky, and the sky thunder still exists, but anyone can see that it is about to dissipate.

Ye Zhongming greeted it by himself, he raised his arm, there was a beautiful shield.

The body of the King of Cloud Top was blasted down by the sky thunder, and it was rammed straight into the ground, and a large hole was formed around him. Many soldiers and war beasts in Cloud Top were blown up and down.

But they didn't die, and the sky thunder... dissipated.

The terrifying three times the sky thunder was successfully resisted by Yunding!

Standing up from the big pit, he touched the purple shield with a trace of cracks hanging on his arm. Ye Zhongming knew that the challenge of Shanwang Pan had completely lost suspense here.

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