Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and eleven great harvest (below)

"Skill: Tracking."

A simple name with a simple introduction.

"Every 100 hours, the skill learner can have the ability to search and lock the target for three seconds, and the ability range is five kilometers."

When Ye Zhongming saw this introduction, he couldn't hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.

This ability seems to be nothing, isn't it similar to radar? Modern technology can completely replace it.

But in fact, if it is understood in this way, it is too biased.

Tracking skills seem simple, but they are actually very effective. Take a look at its introduction and search for the target! How to search for a target? To put it simply, it is similar to using a search engine to find something, as long as you are within five kilometers, you can find what you want to find!

From all kinds of materials, to all kinds of mutated life, and then to specific enemies, as long as you think about it, as long as you are within the range, you can find it!

This is just like the eyes of the sky.

Note that as long as it is within the range, it will definitely be found! That is to say, no matter hiding in any bunker, or using any hidden skills and equipment, it will be discovered.

In addition, you can also lock the target. This means Ye Zhongming can attack at any time! Especially when using gun skills, the King of Cloud Top will definitely have a natural and absolute advantage.

Xia Bai, Xiao Min, Dai Zhi and others who were watching from the side also shook their heads with emotion, this ability is really against the sky.

Ye Zhongming learned directly and mastered it thoroughly. After mastering it, he found that the tracking skills were still somewhat limited.

Many equipment and skills are now introduced, but there are still some details that can only be understood in detail after having or learning them. Basic attributes such as cooling time, attack power toughness data, etc., are all within this range.

The same is true for the ability of tracking. After Ye Zhongming learned it, he first realized that when he used the skill, he would consume a lot of mental power. If there is no 100-hour cooling time.

The second is to consume some 'eyesight'. In other words, every time it is used, it will cause certain damage to the user's vision. The more time it takes to search for the target, the greater the damage will be. Three seconds is the maximum damage value.

But the same, this kind of damage is not permanent, it can be recovered. Ye Zhongming used this ability to look for the last female battalion leader Aila who left. Sure enough, his field of vision changed immediately, as if far away. The place turned into a pattern of criss-cross lines, and a figure appeared at the end of the line pattern.

Ye Zhongming was a little impulsive and wanted to shoot this woman. There was no hatred, it was just an itchy hand. Let's see how far this ability can go. You must know that even though Ayla was found, the straight-line distance between each other is within five kilometers, but in fact there is a small ice and snow hill between each other. Under normal circumstances, even if Ye Zhongming used a sniper firearm , and can't even aim.

But now that the target is locked, he can really attack directly.

At this time, Ayla turned around suddenly and looked at the empty ice field behind her. This sudden large-scale movement made Jaina on the side very puzzled, and followed her on guard, thinking that Ayla had discovered some danger.

But after watching for a long time, she saw nothing but the wind and snow.

"Honey, what's the matter with you?" Jaina asked. She really didn't see any danger, and neither did anyone else in the women's battalion.

Ella shook her head puzzled, and said nothing.

But she was very puzzled in her heart, she was sure, just now there was a feeling of numbness and pain in the back, it was a sense of danger that had been enlarged by an unknown number of times, she was sure.

But it was precisely because this sense of danger was so clear and huge that Ella thought it was an illusion.

It is estimated that one will feel such a strong sense of crisis when being closely watched by a ninth-level mutated life form.

shake your head,

Ella felt that she was too tired.

Ye Zhongming, who spared Ella, rubbed his eyes. The process just lasted only two seconds, and the damage to the eyes was considered moderate. He felt it carefully and roughly judged that with his recovery speed, he could recover without taking any healing potions and If you don't use recovery skills, you need... two minutes of recovery time.

This time is almost negligible.

Having fully mastered this skill, Ye Zhongming looked at the crystal with satisfaction.


And it's of high bloodline!

This is exactly the same as Ye Zhongming's previous guess, he just didn't expect that this bloodline would be the highest level all of a sudden.

"The bloodline of the high-level mountain king."

"Conditions for taking it. Male, strength-type evolutionary, heavy weapon skills, heavy weapons above gold, and extraordinary physique."

Just like the tracking skill, the introduction of this bloodline crystal is as simple, but the things are also top-notch.

Judging from the name and the requirements, this should be an explosive bloodline. In fact, the senior king of the mountain is a continuous bloodline.

This is terrible.

A super soldier with the blessing of blood is the meaning that this blood can interpret!

A strong bloodline naturally needs a strong bearer.

Is it hard to find a man who holds a heavy weapon, has specialties in physical strength, and has skills related to heavy weapons?

It may be difficult, but other things are easy to say. It is a bit difficult to have an extraordinary physique. But for Ye Zhongming, this is not a big problem. The big deal is to spend money and buy permanent stamina potions across the country.

Now Genting has this channel and strength.

At the same time, looking at this bloodline crystal, Ye Zhongming knew that the current core members all have bloodlines, and bloodlines cannot be accumulated, and he has to choose a person without bloodlines to use.

In this case, then...he remembered the Po Haizhen he had just obtained, that guy should also be a heavy weapon, right? If so, then I should be able to cultivate a powerful heavy warrior!

With a plan that made him quite excited, Ye Zhongming opened the certificate except the final reward.

"Father of Puppets."

Looking at the name, Ye Zhongming didn't know what it was about. Looking at the description, he realized that his heart was not beating smoothly.

"No matter how unique the battle partner is, they will recognize you as their father, and you can bestow upon them the glory, strength, and even life of being their father. Even in the process, you need to pay some price."

Obviously, this is another thing that you can only know the specific situation by using the certificate.

However, a simple sentence like a magic stick clearly told Ye Zhongming what kind of person he would become and what changes he would bring to his partner!

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