Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and twelve major events in the country (on)

Wu Xiu and Ruan Xiao stood on a hillside, watching the Yunding team gradually disappearing from sight, filled with emotion in their hearts.

Without this trip to Shanwangpan, they might never know how powerful Yunding is.

Because only the enemy can have a deep experience, and they are not Yunding's enemies.

"At first, I thought I would pay enough attention to them, but only after seeing them with my own eyes, I realized that these people... are too scary."

Wu Xiu's status, in the Ogre Chain, basically belongs to less than one person and above ten thousand people, and the Ogre Chain is one of the most powerful organizations in the last days, which shows the vision and level of this woman.

Now even a person like her, who doesn't know how many times she has said such words, can imagine how this trip with Yunding Mountain Villa has shocked her.

Ruan Xiao nodded, and sighed helplessly: "Now Ye Zhongming has won the mountain crown, as well as excellent rewards, and even has two ninth-level lives to join him. From now on, he will be number one on the national rankings , will never be replaced again."

Wu Xiu couldn't agree more.

She couldn't believe it when she thought about it now. In the test space of the Mountain King Pan, where many forces such as Gyanendra Great America were planted, Ye Zhongming, who was in the strongest state, was not forced out. She really didn't know how to describe this situation.

It can only be said that Ye Zhongming is too strong and Yunding is too strong.

The two teams returned to the national area together, rested in Black Dragon City, and then left at the same time, apart from the cold area.

Although the Ogre Chain didn't get the mountain crown this time, it has gained a lot. Not to mention the final reward, it is the third place after Yunding and Mechanical Ghost. All three things are very good. A piece of purple equipment , a career scroll, and a quick mid-level bloodline crystal.

Even if the ogre chain is second only to Yunding, Wu Xiu and Ruan Xiao are very satisfied with these rewards.

What's more, they protected themselves wisely on the star road, not only got the compensation promised by Yunding Villa, but also got a lot of good things from Liangxing.

There are sacrifices, but more gains.

It's not in vain.

"What's the news?"

Ruan Xiao is Wu Xiu's subordinate, and this time he came out to help.

The Ogre chain can spread its commercial network throughout the country, even in some foreign regions. The news network is naturally very powerful. In this regard, they and Wuhuanqian are the top in the country, and Yunding Villa is even worse. one chip.

"During this period of time, there are thousands of messages. After screening, we need to know and make a decision. There are five of them."

Ruan Xiao didn't even have a piece of paper in his hand, and he memorized the news gathered by his subordinates after reading it.

"The first one is our internal one. One regional manager and three regional managers died. We will elect a new one when we return to the headquarters. What the boss means is, let us think about the right candidate along the way. When the time comes Let's discuss."

Wu Xiu narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice, "Who died? How did he die?"

Regional manager, that is Ruan Xiao's level of existence, the absolute giant in the ogre chain, death is a big deal.

"The new manager in the central area died because he challenged the ninth-level life without authorization and failed. Two of the three area managers also died in this battle."


Wu Xiu's face overflowed with anger.

The manager of the Central District, who was closer to her, was her direct descendant. She died like this, and she died in violation of the company's regulations. She could not escape responsibility.

And with such a big incident, the next manager of the Central District is basically no longer hers, which is equivalent to greatly weakening her power within the ogre chain.

Don't look at Ruan Xiao walking with her this time, but it's not his people, that's the confidant of the boss of the ogre chain.

"The second news is that during this period of time, the news we can confirm is that a total of five nine-level life forms were killed, two of which were killed by Yunding, one on the side of the resistance area, one by Wuhuanqian, and one by us."

After Ruan Xiao finished speaking, he frowned,

"However, the news also said that some of the nine-level life areas that we monitor have become silent. So far, the specific situation cannot be determined."

The so-called silent state means that these ninth-level beings have lost their traces of activity within their sphere of influence.

This can roughly determine that the ninth-level life may have migrated away, or been killed.

If they were killed, they would not know the organization of the attack.

"How many regions are silent?"

"... seven."

Wu Xiu and Ruan Xiao looked at each other, and they both saw the deep doubt and shock in each other's eyes.

In the seven regions, it is absolutely impossible to say that all the ninth-level beings migrated from their own territories within the same period of time. Some of them must have died.

But how did he die? Was it killed by other nine levels, or was it killed by a human evolutionary? If it's the latter, then it's a bit unusual.

Because this shows that some people have the strength of the top few in the country, but they are so hidden that no one will notice.

Wu Xiu, Ruan Xiao and both of them smelled something unusual.

"Go ahead."

Ruan Xiao nodded, "The third one is our old opponent, Wuhuanqian. It is very rare to launch three battles during this period of time. In the southwest, a large area was laid down, and in the northwest, a large area was also laid down. In another area, the North also made a move, but failed.”

Wu Xiu laughed when she heard this: "They finally couldn't bear the ambition in their hearts. They were involved by us in the national area and suppressed by Yunding. Now they can't wait to go abroad and start to transform from businessmen to large-scale legions. gone."

After more than six years in the last days, the largest commercial organizations in the two countries have huge differences in their future development directions.

The ogre chain is still following the path of "armed merchants", while Wuhuanqian will downplay the word merchant.

"The fourth one is about Yunding Mountain Villa. The boss got the exact news. Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan even made a breakthrough in the laboratory recently, and powerful new things have been produced. He thinks that after we find out the specific situation, Go to Yunding personally to discuss cooperation is a comprehensive cooperation, and the intention of cooperation is here."

Ruan Xiao handed Wu Xiu a piece of paper with about a hundred characters written on it. Wu Xiu knew it, and it was written by the boss.

"Let's talk about the fifth one."

While watching, let Ruan Xiao continue to talk, wondering what the new product of Yunding is.

"On the other side of the resistance area, I turned the nine-level roulette once."

Wu Xiu raised her head suddenly, and said in disbelief, "What did you say?"

Ruan Xiao nodded, "That's right, they got a weapon from above, a super-scientific weapon."

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