Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and thirteen national events (in)

The more advanced the wheel, the better the item level on it. At low levels, there are many other very common or even useless things on the roulette wheel.

But when it comes to advanced roulette, especially level seven and above, even if the evolutionary cannot transfer the evolution potion, other rewards are also very good.

For example, on the eighth-level roulette, golden equipment has appeared, and there are some good occupation and skill scrolls and so on.

But on the nine-level roulette, everything is exquisite.

The golden battleship that fell from the sky on the first day of the end of the world was an individual reward item on the nine-level roulette.

The evolutionaries on the earth are now able to hunt and kill the ninth-level life, but because it takes a long time to prepare, and then it takes a long time to recover, so the progress has not been fast. Up to now, only Yunding can guarantee to kill more than twice a year. family.

It’s just that Yunding is under the leadership of Ye Zhongming. As for the recent king of Yunding who was clearly in the Sanwangpan space, Yunding actually completed two hunts. This matter itself is very unusual, and there is no answer for the time being.

But even so, there is no news that Yunding has turned the nine-level roulette, and has the resistance zone, which has been very quiet recently, come first?

Also got a powerful weapon?

As the giant of the ogre chain, Wu Xiu is well aware of the impact this incident will bring.

Simply put, the balance may be tipped.

A weapon that surpasses the earth's technology is not something rewarded by the cosmic races in the sky through agents, but a treasure produced on the highest level of roulette, and its power is self-evident.

Once this weapon becomes combat-effective, the speed of the resistance zone will be accelerated on the way to hunt the ninth-level, and the speed of obtaining the ninth-level magic crystal will be accelerated. In other words, the time before the first nine-star evolutionary is produced , becomes very short.

If this continues, the strength of the country will be out of balance in a short period of time.

Genting's Yiqi Juechen is now accepted by everyone, and perhaps because of Ye Zhongming's character, and some reasons that everyone doesn't understand, Genting has not shown a strong aggressiveness. Warm and friendly in nature, but never hostile, nor trying to devour you or rob you for nothing.

Why both Wuhuanqian and Ogre Chain like to do business with Yunding, because Ye Zhongming is a top craftsman and always has good things on hand, because Yunding has occupied the secret realm and has precious materials and items. Because Yunding has two of the most top-notch laboratories in the last days, the results are emerging one after another.

But there is another important point, Yunding Mountain Villa and Ye Zhongming, they may show their talents at a certain time, but most of the time, their attitude towards other teams' power sites, etc., is not greedy and encroaching, but rather A common development.

Yunding's current sphere of influence is very large. At the beginning, they also showed the attitude of not obeying or dying, but after that, they calmed down, doing business and cooperating with people around them, saying hello, hello, hello everyone, The appearance of making money together, even when the secret realm is still there, allows other forces to enter the adventure.

Out of those high-end treasures, whether it is magic crystal weapons or genetic soldiers, as well as advanced equipment from Ye Zhongming, as long as you have enough valuable things, they can all be exchanged.

But the resistance zone is different.

They used to be extremely powerful, and several divisions occupied the entire country. The ogre chain couldn't avoid them when doing business. Not only did they need to pay taxes to them, but some trade convoys disappeared from time to time.

Wu Xiu and a group of ogre chain executives knew who did it.

Maybe it wasn't instigated by the high-level leaders of the resistance zone, but some people below did it themselves because of greed and lack of control, but afterwards, it is impossible for the leaders of the resistance zone not to know.

No later...they acquiesced.

What happened later was that they offended Yunding Mountain Villa, and they were beaten embarrassingly in a series of competitions.

As a result, the entire country has lost control, whether it is the ogre chain or the five-ring money,

It was at that stage that they really developed and became superpowers.

Now that the resistance zone is showing another trend, Wu Xiu and the ogre chain behind her naturally don't want to see it.

If they had to choose, they would rather see Yunding Villa and Ye Zhongming become invincible existences rather than areas of resistance.

"Do you know what it is? How long have you had it?" Wu Xiu asked.

Ruan Xiao's face was serious, "I sacrificed one of our dark chess pieces, and only got it. It should be a weapon that can be installed on a war fortress. It is powerful. In the first test, it instantly killed an eighth-level life and three people around it. Judging from the first seven lives, it is estimated that as long as it is hit, it will also pose a fatal threat to the nine lives. As for how long it has been obtained, this is very certain, it has been more than a month."

Level 8 beings don't have any ability to resist, so even if level 9 beings can't kill with one hit, they will definitely cause serious damage. Even if this weapon is used as an auxiliary, it will make the process of hunting level nine easier.

"Let's go back to the headquarters through the channel sent by Genting!"

Wu Xiu closed her eyes and thought for a few seconds before making a decision immediately.

"But that teleportation is ridiculously expensive. It's a sky-high price for so many of us. Also, once this teleportation channel is used, the approximate location of our headquarters will be exposed to Yunding."

Ruan Xiao turned pale with shock and hurriedly stopped.

Wu Xiu shook her head slightly.

"At this time, I can't care about this kind of thing anymore. I have a bad feeling."

Wu Xiu didn't say what he felt, and Ruan Xiao opened his mouth, but didn't ask.


"Sister Lei, why don't we..." Although Xiaohu's eyes have been replaced by Lucy's grandmother's tears, he is still used to covering them with a black eyepatch. He said that it looks more fierce this way, and he is so angry that the candy is not missing pinch him.

At this moment, while he was saying this, he was gesturing with his hands on his neck.

Xia Lei gritted her teeth, hesitated for a moment, and shook her head dejectedly.

"Let's not talk about whether we can kill her, even if we can, how much is our loss? I don't want Zhong Ming to see you who have accompanied him all the way from the end of the world dead when he comes back. Also, now It hasn't reached this point yet, although this guy...but he also helped us kill two rank nines, let's see the situation."

Next to Xiaohu, Mo Ye, Guangyao, Tonghu and others were all there. Except for those who were out on missions, the core members were basically concentrated here. A room full of eight-star evolutionists.

"The resistance area is about to move, and the guys we should have cleaned up are getting more and more arrogant. The Dawn Temple and the West Asians have joined forces to occupy our transmission channel. If we continue like this, there will be... ...I'm afraid that people's hearts will fluctuate, and it will be difficult to lead the team."

Liang Chuyin's personality made her an inevitable main fighter at any time. If she hadn't matured a lot now, she would have pulled Xiaohu's copper pot and others to do it herself.

Xia Lei had a headache, and pressed her fingers on the center of her forehead. She knew that she had to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise the situation would get worse and worse.

At this time, some noisy voices came, and the expressions of all the core members in the room changed.

That guy is making trouble again?

But in the next second, the noise outside the second turned into louder and louder cheers.

The core members were taken aback for a moment, then they all realized something and rushed out of the room in a rush!

It should be...their king is back!

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