Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred fifty-three night blood (6)

One piece of intelligence in the holy city was wrong.

That is the detection of the number of people in Genting.

Indeed, there are only more than 110,000 Evolutionists in Yunding who came here to participate in the siege, which is the main force of Yunding.

But don't forget that Yunding is the force with the most teleportation equipment in the country, and the Mingbone Demon Table and other equipment ensure that they can transport a large number of troops to their designated places in a very short period of time.

Before the war, Ye Zhongming was really afraid that if everyone came together, the people in the Holy City would be frightened.

So he put a huge army of genetic soldiers in the oasis, and let them appear when needed.

In this way, the holy city may be caught off guard.

After deciding to use this place as the focus of the attack, Ye Zhongming made the main force of the genetic army appear here.

In the several portals, like the spells of the gods, lives are continuously spit out one after another, and thousands of genetic warriors appear every minute.

It's just that the west side of the holy city can't take care of these things, they are being bombarded violently.

The fine floating ball reappeared after disappearing for a while, and flame missiles flew out of it. The war forts are also concentrated here, and the rockets on their backs are pouring towards the city head like they don't want money. And those shrapnel rockets are even more annoying. Compared with the first two types, even though they are of average power, they are numerous and shoot frequently. Their tail flames almost turn the sky above the city wall into red.

On the current city wall, there are still zombies raging on it, and there is no amount of strength to intercept these firearms. They can only rely on the defender to support them from a distance, but they are obviously unable to do what they want. If it wasn't for the remaining 5,000 guards and other reserves to catch up, perhaps just these rockets would be enough to turn the city wall into a sea of ​​flames.

Even so, Xicheng no longer intercepted it like an anti-missile system just now, but turned into a form of mostly passive defense.

For example, they were using skills to destroy these missiles and rockets before. For evolutionists, this is not too difficult. As long as they have long-range and precise skills, long-range weapons are also fine.

But now, those who are good at intercepting are either entangled by zombies, or have been injured or even killed. These new reserve teams rely more on defensive equipment or defensive skills to resist.

The good thing is that with their evolutionary level and equipment, it is still difficult to intercept these firearms. The bad thing is that the firearms cannot attack too many in a short period of time, otherwise the defense will be broken.

But no matter what, the west city wall at this time is in chaos.

It was at this time that the genetic warrior entered the battlefield in an unexpected way.

Their first wave of attack was not a tidal charge, but a silent infiltration.

Thousands of black shadows rushed out of the formation at the top of the cloud like arrows leaving the string, so fast that under the reflection of the flares above their heads, the evolutionists below six stars could only see faint shadows.

Also, the occasional glow.

Evolvers are no strangers to this kind of light, it is the cold light reflected on weapons.

Some defenders of the holy city noticed, and they shouted, but they didn't pay enough attention. The main reason is that although there are many shadows, there are too few of them who want to attack the city. They are not enough to see, and they don't bring any siege equipment. Secondly, the situation on the city wall is turning around now. Although those firearm attacks are so frequent that they are disgusting and have caused them a lot of damage, but as the remaining guards and reserves come up, the situation stabilizes, and the siege equipment The control has also begun to recover, and everyone is already fighting back. This kind of people is not enough to hold their teeth in front of siege equipment.

Under the leadership of the Xicheng City Guards, there were not many zombies left, and many people resumed intercepting firearms. The gunpowder smoke filled the air, making the sight of the city not very good.

"The catapult, the soul-shooting vehicle, what about their people, hurry up, return to your position!"

The leader shouted hoarsely,

Now he finally found out that these subordinates whom he was usually proud of were really unqualified, and they were too flustered when encountering things.

"Opudu..." The commander planned to call his deputy to take charge of another section of the city wall, which might be better, but just after he yelled three words, his face suddenly changed, and he opened his throat, his voice becoming sharp.

"Put down the thorn vine! Put down the thorn vine!"

While shouting, he rushed to the edge of the city wall, and kicked a bundle of things piled up there off the city wall.

Many people were taken aback for a moment, but just like the commander, they began to kick out the things under the walls.

"Those shadows! By God, what are they!?"

A holy city evolutionist who had just slaughtered a zombie and obtained a sixth-level magic crystal accidentally glanced at the city, and found that the black shadows that rushed over just now were not blocked by the tall and majestic city wall as expected, but Like walking on flat ground, his body stood upright on the city wall, and he galloped towards the top of the city quickly.

The speed of running on the city wall is indeed not as fast as on the ground, but it is amazing enough. At this speed, they will rush to the city wall in at most five seconds!

"Sith! Activate, activate!"

The commander didn't know what he crushed, some liquid flowed out of his hand, and evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The thing that was kicked off the city wall unfolded due to gravity. It was a long and large net made of black rattan about five meters wide, densely covered with spikes. After being spread out, it could reach half the height of the city wall. The black shadows under the cane were obviously affected, some were directly smashed down and fell to the bottom of the city, some jumped away, but when they stepped on the cane, their bodies obviously stopped there.

At this time, the people in the holy city really saw the appearance of these shadows clearly.

Those are some skinny humanoid monsters with pure black skin! Their bodies are like dry and cracked ground, hard and terrifying, with sucker-like round holes on their hands and feet, and long silver daggers that are several times the size of their hands. Both hands and feet can be used to climb in different ways.

There is no other equipment on the whole body, only a small wooden box is carried on the back, and I don't know what is inside.

Under the influence of these vines, at least one tenth of the thousands of black shadow gene fighters fell or were pierced through their bodies, losing the chance to climb the city wall.

Many holy city evolutionists lay on the wall and attacked downwards. They didn't know what these monsters were, but they were definitely not good things.

It takes a few seconds to reach the top of the city, this time is very short, but for the evolutionary, this is enough to do many things.

The attack swept across the city wall like a storm, and the bricks and stones that made up the city wall of the Holy City, once stepped on by the genetic warrior, immediately became hot, and some black shadows staggered because of this, and even a few limbs that touched were directly ignited and turned into flames. Became Pyro and fell down.

The number of these genetic fighters has dropped sharply. Every second, hundreds or even hundreds are killed and shot down. When finally a black shadow hits the city wall, there are only a few left, and thirty will never be missed!

The commander of the west city breathed a sigh of relief. The thorny vines and Sith's scorching blessings on the city wall finally blocked this attack. There are only a few of these shadows left, and there is no trouble.

But just when he felt relieved, the black shadow rushing up suddenly exploded! To be exact, the boxes behind them suddenly exploded!

Under the city wall, a sneer appeared on the corner of Guangyao's mouth. He knew that the first wave of attack by the genetic army was successful.

This means that this city wall is doomed to fall!

He waved his hand, and the 'candy siege cannon' that had slowly moved to the front of the formation raised its muzzle like the entrance of the abyss, and after a moment of silence, it blasted out a huge metal shell.

The shells passed over the heads of the tens of thousands of genetic soldiers who had already charged, and flew towards the city gate on the west side which was being protected by a layer of energy shield!

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