Roulette World

1754th night blood (7)

This time the cannon was loud enough that everyone could hear it, even in the midst of a fierce battle.

So anyone who could keep an eye on the cannonball looked over.

The sound cannot represent power, but this time, it is to give everyone a feeling - this thing is very strong.

The 'Candy Siege Cannon' exploded directly after the launch, and the attack just now exceeded the tolerance of its own material.

This huge siege cannon was manufactured by many people in Yunding, from Ye Zhongming to Candy to Le Dayuan. After it was formed, it exerted its full power, and finally completed its mission at this moment.

Huge metal bullets roared, hitting the west city gate that was already protected by a transparent energy shield at some point.

Many people are watching, waiting for the results they want or don't want.

There was a bang, as if two large pieces of metal collided together.

Many people felt the pain in their eardrums and instinctively covered their ears.

The entire West City, no, even the walls of the entire Holy City shook.

The defender who happened to be standing near the city gate was even a little staggered.

This situation happened almost simultaneously with the screams on the city wall.

These screams came from the things shot out of the black box after the black shadow genetic fighters exploded just now.

It was an unknown number of three-leaf round darts that shone with green light.

What is contained in the box is actually a launching device, as long as it is activated, it will eject as many as thousands of pieces of this special three-leaf round dart that is as thin as a cicada's wing contained in the machine.

The celestial maiden launched like scattered flowers.

This kind of device uses magic crystal energy, so that it can maintain the power of the three-leaf round dart, coupled with their own green level, the attack power of these hidden weapons is not weaker than a full blow of a six-star evolutionary.

This piece of equipment was designed completely as a researcher's inadvertent creation in his spare time, or even his practice. It is also obvious, for example, that its attack is completely overridden, so who will activate it becomes a problem. For example, the requirements for this piece of equipment are too high, not to mention the magic crystal system, which requires a minimum level of seven magic crystals, and the level of the hidden weapon used must also correspond, otherwise it will not only cause damage without firing, even if it is successfully fired , and cannot achieve the desired effect.

Simply put, this thing is a weapon that does not distinguish between friend and foe.

The emergence of genetic warriors can be regarded as solving this problem to a certain extent.

For this siege battle, the two laboratories of Gene Life and Magic Crystal Weapons have launched an unprecedented all-round cooperation, and this kind of weapon that is actually not cost-effective has also been manufactured.

Fortunately, with Ye Zhongming as a top craftsman, these three-leaf round darts don't need too complicated attributes, as long as they are strong and sharp enough, for the King of Cloud Top, they can be made easily.

Dozens of genetic warriors, dozens of these machines, activated under the control of the commander of the genetic warriors, released more than 200,000 hidden weapons,

The inventor gave this weapon a somewhat nondescript name, Pear Blossom with Rain.

Probably he has also read some martial arts novels in peacetime, and he knows the famous hidden weapon of the mechanism.

Why did Guangyao feel stable when he saw only a few dozen genetic soldiers rushing to the city wall? Because of the characteristic of pear blossoms carrying rain, those three-leaf round darts are enough to turn the city into hell.

Indeed, when the genetic warriors rushed up, the divisions were not uniform, and many positions overlapped. Because of the range problem, there were many places that would not be affected.

But enough, it was enough to cause more than half of the west city wall to be attacked. The life and death of the evolutionary Yunding Villa didn't care too much. What they cared about was how much those city defense weapons were damaged.

Don't think that the three-leaf round dart is only harmful to the evolutionary. Those city defense equipment without armor and defense skills are even more vulnerable to them.

death and destruction,

happen at the same time.

The energy shield on the city gate was shattered, and the metal ball was also bounced off, falling into the genetic troops rushing from behind, killing many of them.

A lot of people fell on the city wall, and a lot of defensive equipment was damaged. There were hidden weapons with green lights inserted in many places, some intact and some damaged.

In sharp contrast to them, is the bright red blood.

"Give me... hold on!"

The first two words are still very low, but the last two words are already hoarse.

The commander of the Xicheng city defense army has entered a state of madness at this moment.

He realized that the city that he thought was impenetrable might be about to be breached!

Whether it is the firearm attack that has not stopped until now, or the suicide hidden weapon that rushed up the city wall just now, or even the huge metal ball that can break through the defense of the city gate, as well as the flying zombies and the siege that is obviously not an evolutionary below. The army has already surpassed his understanding of the battle in the last days.

Yes, this is no longer a battle between evolutionists and mutated beings, but an all-out... war between the same kind.

And he, and everyone in the holy city, were not ready.

"Go to His Majesty for help! Just say...the Holy City is in danger."

Following his words, someone in the city responded and quickly descended the city wall. Outside the city, the leading genetic siege troops had already reached the city wall. They leaned against the city wall and used their bodies as siege ladders for other companions to climb.

There are also some burly creatures, although their speed is slower, but when they get close to the city wall, they will grab the genetic soldiers who are specially surrounded and throw them directly towards the city.

There are also quite a few genetic warriors. Their transformation is very strange. They have no mobility of their own. They are moved by other genetic warriors on simple carts. The body also has huge, cylindrical arms wrapped in thick horny to beat the city gate.

With each blow, the city gate and the surrounding ground could vibrate slightly.

These types of genetic warriors can't include all, and there are some types with long-range abilities. After they get under the city wall, their attacks can spread to the top of the city.

Some of them have excellent jumping ability, they can jump up by stepping on their companions, and they can even grab those dangling cone thorn vines, that thing is really strange, after touching it, the genetic warrior can be immobilized, but others This type of existence will grab the dead body of the companion next time, and then climb over the city wall.

What makes the guards of the holy city uncomfortable is that there are still a lot of jumping gene life forms.

At this time, the attack range of firearms has changed from the city wall to the inner side of the city wall. Facing the fact that their own attacking troops have already attacked the top of the city, they began to block the reinforcements who were climbing the wall. At the same time, they were also looking to provide defense for the city wall. A person or energy center of competence.

If the walls would not set life on fire upon touching them, and the bricks and gates would no longer have the protection of blessings, the siege would be much easier.

Guangyao has been observing the situation, seeing equipment operators being killed suddenly at the top of the city, knowing that it is Li Qiang and his men who are sniping somewhere, and the threat of city defense weapons has become smaller and smaller.

He whispered a few words to Liang Chuyin at the side, and then waved his hands.

The evolutionary team of the entire Yunding started to move at this time.


Ye Zhongming listened to the continuous voice coming from the military medal, and let go of his hands that had been clasped in front of his chest.

He knew that it was time to do something, not to break through the city defenses, but to create conditions for the west side.

After notifying the persons in charge of the other two directions, he walked out of the tent and out of the camp, and walked slowly towards the city gate on this side by himself.

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