Roulette World

1755th night blood (8)

The city lord's mansion, or the palace, has no laughter at the moment, and the atmosphere was relaxed just now. At this time, on the roof, Ahmed's expression is very bad. He has just received a message for help from the west city.

Indeed, the attack of this group of Orientals came very suddenly, and he and his subordinates suddenly realized that the soldiers were approaching the city.

But this is not the reason for the city gate to be in danger in a short period of time!

He spent a lot of manpower and material resources on the city defense, wishing that every brick and stone was stained with the blood and magic crystals of the evolutionaries. Ahmed never felt that the city could be breached.

Even under the circumstances of being raided.

But he also knew that the commander of Xicheng would not joke about this.

The city defense army has more than 20,000 people in the west city, and there are thousands of people in the reserve team. In addition to the 10,000 royal guards who rushed over before, there are more than 30,000 and almost 40,000 people. They didn't even hold on for an hour, and they were about to be broken. up?


The Wanfu defender suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the side. He had tried his best to defend, but his mental and physical strength were limited after all. Such intensive artillery fire and attacks.

Ahmed's eyes flashed with anger, and he motioned for someone to stay and recover.

Without this stronghold of city defense, the defense of West City must be even more difficult.

"Order the fourth and fifth brigades of the second royal guard to go to support, and also draw 3,000 people from the city defense forces in the other three directions that have not moved, and go there as reinforcements."

Su Haile heard it from the side, and immediately said: "Your Majesty... Is this inappropriate? Even if the west city is in danger, it is enough to let the royal guards go to support it. Why do you need to recruit people from other directions? Once it happens there too There will be problems in the war. These Orientals are very cunning."

Feint attack, this is a situation that often occurs in urban offensive and defensive battles. Su Haile is also afraid that despite the joy of fighting in Xicheng, what if it is a fake, and the real attack target is the city gate in several other directions, what should I do? ?

The Holy City has nothing to lose.

Besides, the news from the West City is urgent, but before Wanfu defender vomited blood, he described the situation there to everyone. According to Su Haile's analysis, the situation is not good, and he can persist for more than half an hour.

Perhaps, some people can be reinforced, and we can talk about the situation later.

There is also a worry in Su Haile's heart, that is, people outside the city have invested so much power in the west city. Yes, the west city is in danger all of a sudden, so why don't they concentrate all their power in the west city, so that maybe they can now Is the gate open?

For this question, the only answer he could think of was a feint attack. Xicheng is a feint attack. At least, there is another aspect, which is the same as Xicheng!

"Wake up the plum blossom slave army, let them move to the west city, and stand by behind the city gate."

Ignoring his subordinate's suggestion, Ahmed continued to give orders, and the people below were stunned when they heard the content.

Many people tried to dissuade them, but Ahmed stopped them.

"Order all the people in the city to light torches and lighting equipment, I want to make the holy city brighter than daytime!"

No one spoke, they knew that His Majesty had made up his mind at this moment.

Seeing the sound of his subordinates going out to deliver orders, Ahmed sneered on the corner of his mouth.

West City is the key attack direction? It's okay, it's fine. Is Xicheng the target of a feint attack? It doesn't matter, it is also possible.

But, I will put the counterattack point there!

If that is really where you plan to break the city, then these people are enough to resist you! If not...then, there will be the starting point of the holy city's counterattack!


The defenders on the east wall were a little strange. The battle on the west side was in full swing, but there was no movement on their side.

Finally found some abnormalities, but only one person came over,

Walk towards the city wall.

The flares in the sky are still floating there, and I don't know what they are made of, but they can last for so long.

Under their reflection, a person walked towards the city wall.

During the critical period, the commander of Dongcheng didn't dare to be careless, and signaled his subordinates to get ready. Once this person entered the range of the city defense weapons, he would attack immediately.

This person is naturally Ye Zhongming.

Almost at the same time, in the south city, in the north city, the team in Yunding also moved, but it was different from here in the east city.


There was a loud noise from the east wall, and a black shadow flew out from the top of the city, hitting Ye Zhongming who was coming towards him.

This is a catapult, not the kind of cold weapon, but a product of roulette technology with a sight. Although it is not easy to manufacture, the structure is relatively simple after all. After more than six years and almost seven years of the end of the world , has already been imitated and manufactured by evolutionists, and it can be regarded as a tool that has produced results besides magic crystal weapons.

However, no matter how powerful and accurate this thing is, it needs to be projected after all. To Ye Zhongming, the speed of this level is probably as slow as a snail.

He dodged very lightly, but even if it wasn't much, they couldn't hit him.

This seemed to be a signal. As Ye Zhongming approached, the weapons on the city wall and the long-range skills of some evolutionaries covered Ye Zhongming one after another.

It doesn't matter if the distance is far, just cover the attack, and there will always be a hit.

All the people on the east wall think so.

This attack lasted for a full two minutes.

It seems that the time is not long, but the energy and attacks pouring down are the same!

There are tens of thousands of defenders and defense equipment above, they want a good start! Even if it only kills one person.

At this time, someone went up to the city wall and conveyed the order of King Ahmed, asking them to send 3,000 people to the west city for support.

The commander nodded, thought for a while, and called a brigade captain who usually felt bad, and told him to go to support.

The captain was reluctant, and was stared at by the commander, so he had no choice but to agree, but before he left, he heard someone beside him exclaim.

The commander and the captain looked under the city wall, and saw that the person escaped so many attacks unscathed, and appeared not too far from the city gate. Some high-level evolutionists or those with good eyesight Almost all people can see clearly the appearance of this oriental man.

I saw that the oriental man inserted two things into the ground, which should be two magic wands or something. One of them was activated quickly and released a huge energy phantom shield, while the other, the wand was from bottom to top. Start to light up.

One, two, three, until all light up.

Then, a huge beam of light emanated from above, swept across the distance from the city wall in an instant, and hit the city gate that was also protected by a protective shield.

Watching this scene, the captain forgot to keep his mouth shut, and spoke to the equally startled commander beside him after a while.

"Boss, are you still going to support?"

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