Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and seventy-two broken flag (on)

The palace giant stopped talking and wailed instead.

Whether it was the scratching of the black cat, the attack of the Yama tree, or even the ice cones, fireballs, and lightning falling from the ink night talisman, nothing could do anything to it.

But after being wrapped by this soft and thin talisman, it began to let out an unstoppable scream.

At the same time, a huge clicking sound accompanied it.

If someone has clairvoyant eyes at this time, they can see that the body of the palace giant is collapsing and cracking, and the structure that makes up the body of the palace giant is being squeezed to pieces.

From the outside, it can actually be seen that something is wrong with the palace giant, its body has been squeezed and deformed by this pure white talisman.

Mo Ye's face was reddish, and his hands were a little pale due to the force. As the palace giant's body deformed more and more seriously, the hands were even trembling.

But everyone knew that it was Mo Ye who was controlling his talisman.

In Ye Zhongming's previous life, the rumor that everyone believed in most was that the nine-star evolutionary had the ability to overwhelm the world.

Although the facts are a bit exaggerated, after all, nine-star evolutionists are not gods, and they are not really omnipotent, but the momentum of the battle, or the effect of attack and defense, it is really easy to mistakenly think that life of this level is abnormal.

Just like the current Mo Ye and this piece of her ultimate ability 'Death Talisman', if used on a mountain peak, it can indeed be easily destroyed.

The screams of the palace giants could be heard throughout the holy city. At this moment, it is impossible to control the vibration of the ground. The holy city is no longer under the state of earthquake, which is tantamount to liberating the Hades tree.

For battles, every evolved life has its own judgment. Yan Wangshu just looked at the two battlefields in the sky before making a decision.

She didn't help Mo Ye or Ye Zhongming. The former is in sight of victory and does not need her help, while the situation of the latter is unclear, and it is hard to say whether it is good or bad to intervene hastily.

So she killed those holy city people who dared to attack Yunding again, as well as the ghost heads in the sky.

A ninth-level life is a top-level life after all. Yama jumps on the ground and jumps into the air, and can accurately hit the flying ghost heads with a casual punch. After a howl, it dissipated into a black mist, some dissipated, and the others rose into the banner of the dead.

Compared with the fists and feet of Yan Wangshu, the energy lines connected to the ten fingers issued by Yupo are more efficient.

The energy lines are like water plants floating in the water, rippling in a large area, and as long as the ghost heads inside are touched, they will be split into two.

In front of the energy lines, they are as fragile as tofu.

Even if these ghost heads can't be really destroyed, their vitality will be seriously injured. Soon, there will be no ghost heads in this area, and Yu Po controls these energy lines and sweeps in other directions.

With Yanggos, Dihuang Wan, Jiubao, Undead Ichthyosaur, Red Hair, and various core members making moves, as the ground ceased to be turbulent, and with Yan Wangshu and Yupo controlling the field, Yunding completely stood firm. Attacking the ghost head, while protecting the gene team.

As for the residents of the Holy City who attacked them, most of them were stopped by the War Beast Battalion, the mutated rat army that reappeared on the ground, and the elite zombies controlled by Brain Boy, and the rest had little impact.

"You guys won't..." The palace giant suddenly yelled half a sentence, before he finished speaking, his whole body shattered, and countless bricks scattered in all directions. The nine-star giant, who was still invincible just now, was crushed by Mo Ye's ability up.

Under the pure white talisman, there came the wailing of many human beings before they died. When Aba activated his skills, many people were in the palace. As the majestic palace became a giant, they also became giants. A part of the giant's body, when the attack was launched just now, these people who were sitting in the dream when killing Su Haile were all absorbed by the energy in the body and became extremely weak.

In the palace giants are crushed, they have no ability to leave and defend,

They became victims one after another and embarked on the road to hell.

A round black rock ball hit the ground from the air, and the force caused it to crack open, revealing the figure of Abba inside.

At this moment, he was extremely embarrassed. Although he didn't die, his body was already twisted. He didn't know how many bones were broken. There were countless wounds all over his body, and blood was oozing out.

If he wasn't a nine-star evolutionary, he would have died from such an injury.

He looked weakly at Mo Ye, who was falling slowly, with a complicated expression.

As a nine-star, he had absolute confidence in defeating his opponent. In Abba's view, being able to receive the gift of all races is naturally superior. An ordinary nine-star will not lose his opponent.

But the fact is that the Yama tree is not weaker than him, and this woman has completely defeated him, still at its strongest state.


Aba wanted to call his companions in the banner of dead souls in the air, but he couldn't make a sound. He opened his mouth, and blood came out of it.

Unless a high-level healer releases a powerful single-target healing skill on him, no other method can stop the loss of life.

I don't know if I discovered the situation of Aba on the ground, and the banner of the dead has changed.

Those ghost heads who ate some 'food' on the ground flew back one after another and threw them into the big flag, which made the flag body, which had become a little thin due to Ye Zhongming's attack, become solid again.

The rest of the ghost heads attacked life even more crazily. Their targets no longer only hit the top of the cloud, and even the residents of the Holy City who were still in the city became the targets of hunting.

This change was so sudden that many people in the holy city were unprepared and fell for it one after another. These little ghosts were full at once, and then flew into the sky and returned to their bodies.

The entire banner of the dead souls swelled up a bit in an instant.

This scene also made the residents of the holy city who were biting their teeth and eyes red and thinking of revenge just now completely flustered. They ran towards the nearest city gate while there were no ghost heads.

Everyone in Yunding looked up at the banner of the souls of the dead, wondering what happened to the boss in it. The ghost heads emitted by this weird banner obviously cannot be killed completely. The only way to defeat them is to put the banner The main body is destroyed.

The King's Banner of the Prison House was supplemented with nutrition, and became even more arrogant. After a moment of brewing in the banner, more ghost heads flew out, and flew towards all the lives on the ground like a large army. It is connected with the ground into countless lines.

"I'm still in your body, you still dare to take care of others." Ye Zhongming's voice slowly emerged from the banner, "Your heart is quite big."

Along with the words, a fierce light suddenly appeared from the banner, and at the same time, there was a phantom of the beautiful and calm face of the saint!

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