Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and seventy-three broken flag (below)

Whether it is a nine-star evolutionary or a ninth-level mutant life, they are not omnipotent.

This is true of Ye Zhongming, and the same is true of the Prison King's Banner that made him helpless.

Ye Zhongming really had no good way to take this flag, mainly because he didn't have much time, and he wanted to destroy the flag itself as soon as possible, so that his men on the ground would no longer be harmed.

He took the risk and used the ability of the nine-star evolutionary to directly enter the interior of the banner of the dead soul, just to improve his efficiency.

It's just that after entering, even if the King of Cloud Top has turned into an attack machine, using the sharpness of the wind and thunder twins and the dead Shayue Blade and his own ability, he constantly uses energy to cut these dead souls, trying to smash the banner with his own power. But what he found was that he might be able to do it, but it would take time.

And what he lacks the most is time.

After all, the Prison Mansion King Banner can continuously replenish energy, as long as there is life below.

At this time, Ye Zhongming felt the saint who disappeared in the banner.

Naturally, at this time, the saint has lost her life and body, and only her soul is left. She stayed here because of the special nature of the Wang Banner of the Prison Mansion. Perhaps it was because of too much resentment. She sensed Ye Zhongming's entry, and suddenly appeared .

This prison king's banner was restored and formed by absorbing the lives of countless people in the Temple of Dawn. At the last moment, the temple that was originally divided re-identified the saint as their leader. When dying, This state is continuous.

Before, the remnant soul of the saint did not play any role. Whether it was Said, who also joined the banner, or Ye Zhongming, who was reminded, they thought that after the saint became ruthless, she failed to achieve her goal.

At the beginning, why didn't Said drive countless revenant attacks all at once? That's part of the reason.

Ye Zhongming turned into a high-speed cutting machine and rushed into the banner, revealing the remnant soul of the saint.

The king of Yunding didn't know what the purpose of this remnant soul was, but since he had appeared, the final moment had arrived.

After the words were finished, Ye Zhongming's whole body became brighter, and with him as the center, the lingering knife light suddenly increased.

Said felt the deepest. Ye Zhongming's attack before made him extremely uncomfortable. Anyone who touched the opponent's soul would be scattered and it would be difficult to form again.

Now, seeing Ye Zhongming making a big move, the speed of strangling the surrounding dead souls has accelerated. He also started to recall the little ghost heads released just now, he doesn't need them to be full, as long as they eat the energy of life.

Because there are so many ghost heads, the banner of the dead souls has been connected to the ground before, and now they are starting to 'return to their nests', and the scene is even more spectacular. The sky of the holy city is filled with black lacquer.

The speed and power of the little ghosts are not as good as those of the previous big ghosts, but there are too many of them, and the defense of Yunding's establishment is good, and the ghosts don't have many opportunities to take advantage of. But those people in the holy city suffered. They didn't have a unified leader, and everyone had different thoughts. They fled in all directions in the holy city, and their resistance was weak.

The ghost head consciously takes them as the main target, usually a little ghost head directly crashes into their body, then flies out quickly, has a full meal during the period, and then flies back to the prison king's banner to replenish the energy of the main body, so that it can fight against Ye Zhongming, and then the little devil's head will fly down again, and the cycle will follow.

The replenishment speed can barely keep up with the consumption speed of Ye Zhongming's attack.

Said was relieved a lot, but the phantom of the saint hanging above the banner was still there, so he didn't know how to deal with it.

"It's almost killed." Ye Zhongming's faint voice came, and the shadows of swords, lights and swords that had swelled to a certain extent suddenly exploded at this moment, turning into countless lights and cutting towards the surroundings.

Said had been prepared for a long time. When Ye Zhongming activated, all the ghost heads were suddenly taken back by him, and they all returned to the banner to resist the attack of the King of Cloud Top.

Ye Zhongming, the nine-star boss, hit with all his strength,

It rushed towards the surroundings like the waves of a raging sea, and all the ghost heads and souls touched by his sword light would be smashed to pieces, the speed was so fast that they could not condense, only [567中文] could appear A state of fog.

The energy consumes the mist, causing it to continuously decrease, and they that wrap the banner disappear visibly with the naked eye. But the speed is getting slower and slower, after all, the knife light is limited.

"Hey Hey."

Said persisted very hard, but he knew that the dawn was in front of him, and it was impossible for Ye Zhongming's attack to hurt him this time.

Next, Ye Zhongming may still have the ability to fight again, but the interval between them is enough for him to absorb several rounds of vitality. When all ghosts come out, this difficult guy will no longer be his opponent.

In the case of the same level, once the two sides are in a stalemate, the competition is consumption and recovery. Obviously, his recovery ability is stronger than Ye Zhongming.

Just when he felt that the winning ticket was within his grasp, the floating saintess phantom looked down, and then turned to Ye Zhongming who was also looking at her. Everyone felt that the saintess nodded.

Then, the banner that had been rolling with dead souls froze all of a sudden, and most of the black mist and ghost heads became dumbfounded and unable to move.

And Ye Zhongming didn't let go of this opportunity, and all the remaining knife lights suddenly cut in one direction, where the main body of the flag was exposed.


The screams resounded throughout the holy city, the prison palace king's flag fluttered up and down in the air, and most of the black mist dissipated.

Ye Zhongming's wind and thunder Shuangsheng and the dead man Sha Yueren had already raised their hands, and as the flag moved up and down, they kept cutting towards it, and Said's screams also followed, until at a certain moment, a figure came from the prison king's banner He broke away and hit the ground like Abba.

Ye Zhongming landed on the back of the rushing Yangos, and looked at the face of the saint whose face had faded to the point where he could hardly see clearly. For a moment, he seemed to see the smile of the saint.

"Don't worry, I will kill everyone here for you."

Ye Zhongming nodded slightly.

He is indeed grateful to the saint, without the help of her remnant soul, it would be impossible to break through this strange and powerful banner of dead souls so quickly, and Yunding must suffer even more losses.

The king of Yunding glanced at the holy city. Except for the surrounding walls, the buildings inside basically collapsed. Only an empty shell remained in this city.

He whispered, and the Yunding team below sped up and ran towards the city gate, and all the lives in front were crushed.

The Yunding defenders on the top of the city also went down one after another and gathered outside the city. In the direction where no brothers came, the city gate was filled with various things and blocked.

The sword disappeared and was replaced by a dark iron bow with no strings and no arrows.

Ye Zhongming raised Yanggos to a certain level. He threw off the iron bow, and some fist-sized fireballs flew out of it, facing the... signal flares that had dimmed in the sun and continued to descend slowly!

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