Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-six mimetic weapons

I don't know if the man of color is wearing some kind of equipment, but when he approached Ye Zhongming, there was a synchronous sound transmission on the light curtain.

The question he asked Ye Zhongming was exactly the question in the minds of those who followed the battle in front of the light curtain.

Many people have a concept in their minds, that is... how powerful this garbage is, it killed Qingtian, or how he did it.

Not everyone has the sharp vision of the man of color. After all, in addition to his own strength, he is also responsible for the special training missions of each cosmic year, which also makes his vision sharper than others in this regard.

So when he said it, everyone understood.

It turned out that Qingtian was easily hit because the purpose of those traps was not to injure it but to restrict it, creating such a moment of shooting, and using this moment to break the eye, it was not directly to do anything to it, but to Create a visual blind spot.

With the blind spot, the second black shadow can stab the short sword into the vital part of the head, and then let Ye Zhongming, who is following up, use another blind spot caused by his own piercing eyes to get close to Qingtian, and then finish the opponent with a punch .

It's powerful, but it's not enough for him to win. When Sombra attacks, Qingtian's stiffness is also very important, which seriously reduces its defense and concentration, which will make Sombra So easy to succeed.

In fact, Cheng Liuji still wants the color man to ask, how did the two poisonous shadows make such a solid black shadow, and what are the tricks?

Ye Zhongming patted the dirty things on his body and stood up from the ground. His embarrassment was not faked. Under the protection of only the black soil armor and the equivalent of green leather armor, he took a heavy punch from a level 9 life. It was not a joke. Just kidding, if Qingtian's attack hadn't been sent out hastily, the King of Cloud Top could lie down for two days.

"Well, when creating black shadows, just put in a little spiritual power seed."

Ye Zhongming took it for granted.

In his mind, this shouldn't be a novelty. In Ye Zhongming's view, since you can get poisonous smoke into the shadows, shouldn't it be easier to get some spiritual power seeds! After all, the essence of creating black shadows is actually the combination of one's own energy and spiritual power.

But these words silenced the masked man in color, Aslan, and the people in front of the light curtain.

It was... so embarrassing.

They invented the Double Poison Shadow, and they also taught Ye Zhongming. He has only learned it for ten days, but now, a rhetorical question means that he has done something that you can't do!

But, it is true that no one can make Sombra have such a function, is it because of everyone's thinking inertia? Or, does this trash have some kind of special skill?

In any place, there is such a thing as face. Cheng Liuji decided to let his clansmen who can use the double poison shadow skill study it with all their strength. If they can make a breakthrough and figure out what this garbage can do, then it will be great. Go ask, if you can't do it... then let's talk.

"Let's go, go do your own thing." Cheng Liuji suddenly said to the people watching the battle, and took the lead to turn off the light curtain.

On the other side, the man of color didn't have so many twists and turns, and asked directly: "How do you put in the spiritual power seed?"

Ye Zhongming first glanced at Aslan in surprise, and then realized something.

These people don't seem to be able to use this ability like themselves.

Before, the King of Cloud Top just thought that Aslan hadn't reached that level, so what she taught him was not perfect.

Now it seems that it is not Eslan's problem, but that the entire Star-Eye Clan's ability to use [] against the Double Poison Shadow has limitations!

Ye Zhongming's glance made Aslan's face flushed, and the female bird man secretly hated, this trash, is he saying that he is not good enough? !

Who is Ye Zhongming? After seeing through this question, he immediately talked about him, but he didn't answer directly.

Indeed, the Star-Eyed Clan took him to the sky, before Ye Zhongming counted his rebirth, a total of nearly seventeen years of doubts were about to be revealed. But speaking of it, if any race in the universe brought Ye Zhongming up, it would have the same effect. The Star-eyed tribe has no kindness towards Ye Zhongming.

In this case, there is no such thing as free. Wondering how you did it? Yes, you have to get some benefits in exchange.

Ye Zhongming didn't intend to open his mouth like a lion. Now that he is in someone else's territory, it is correct to accept it as soon as it is good, but it is not acceptable to let himself hand it over for nothing.

The color man also understands.

He suddenly took out something from behind.

It was a round metal cylinder with a length of about 20 centimeters and a diameter of seven or eight centimeters, with simple patterns and unknown symbols engraved on it.

"This is a mimetic weapon. Press and hold different symbols, and it will become a different form of weapon. The power is not bad, much better than your self-made short sword. You can see if you are satisfied."

Ye Zhongming's eyes lit up. Now he really lacks a handy weapon. As long as this thing is stronger than a dagger, it will be at the blue level, which can greatly improve his strength.

He took it, followed the instructions of the man of color, and pressed a symbol, and the mimetic weapon immediately flashed, and blue light shot out from both ends of it, instantly changing from a cylinder to a two-meter The sticks are long left and right, and the stick body made of energy is radiant and very beautiful. Ye Zhongming danced twice, and the weight was just right for him.

Then he experimented with several other symbols. This piece of equipment can change into the forms of knives, swords, spears, whips, and daggers. Including sticks, there are six types in total.

What surprised Ye Zhongming the most was that no matter what form this piece of equipment takes, it is equivalent to gold-level equipment!

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff!


The man of color smiled.

Mimic weapons are not really good things, and in the relatively 'poor' star-eyed tribe, they are not precious.

But for the junk that has nothing right now, this stuff is in dire need, and that's the best.

Ye Zhongming thought about it and agreed.

The man of color pressed a place on his shoulder and connected to the headquarters. He didn't intend to possess this ability by himself.

Taking other people's things, of course you have to pay. Ye Zhongming began to talk about how he created the black shadow. Most of it was the same as what Aslan taught him, and there was no change. It was just the part of filling the poisonous gas. The king underwent his own improvement.

"That's it, put in the spiritual power seeds, and after they explode, there will be a mental power impact. This is actually the same as the poisonous smoke, and the essence is the same."

Ye Zhongming explained the technique, but I don't know how the people in the headquarters reacted, but the three men of color digested it in silence, and they all understood, but because of their understanding, this made the man of color suspicious.

According to this rubbish, isn't the condition too harsh to create such a shadow? !

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