Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven only said half

Ye Zhongming chewed the jerky, quietly waiting for his body to fully recover.

Killing the ninth-level life before seemed to be under his control, but it was actually a very risky thing. If something did not meet his expectations, the battle would fall into a stalemate.

Of course, after the victory, the rewards obtained are also very good.

Ye Zhongming doesn't really care about material matters. He is not a kid who has never seen the market. On the contrary, he should be one of the people on earth who has a relatively clear understanding of the universe.

Not to mention that he pays great attention to getting this information from other friendly forces, but he himself is also a person who has experienced the test of the ladder, and he is also the Talos red dwarf, one of the agents of the race known for its creation in the universe.

Even if Ye Zhongming didn't have something that surpassed the level of the earth, he had seen it.

For example, that magic scorpion crystal armor.

After seeing the equipment of the red dwarves of Talos, and seeing this mimicry weapon that might be made by the Star-Eye Clan, Ye Zhongming was far less excited than he appeared on the surface.

He knew that this thing was just ordinary.

But Ye Zhongming still made the Star-eyed people feel that they needed and were very happy, in order to integrate faster.

Being valuable and knowing how to measure, these two points are enough to make them treat Ye Zhongming with caution.


The man in color, the man in the mask, and Aslan returned to the headquarters, and they had a plan to improve their abilities. They had to come back in person, even though the plan had already been recorded through the transmission system.

In a conference room, there were nearly twenty people sitting, half of them wearing masks.

Cheng Liuji sat at the bottom, and with his status as Commander-in-Chief of Gold, the vacant seat at the top was obviously waiting for a big shot from the Star-Eyed Clan.

The man of color, as the manager of the garbage training camp, also sat next to the conference table, and the masked man and Aslan who were in charge of supervision could only sit in the second row.

Aslan's status is extraordinary, but it is related to blood, and does not represent his status here.

Soon, the door was dark, and an old man walked in.

If Xiaohu was here, he would definitely say, wow, what a grandpa with a bone and fairy style.

This star-eyed person looks very, very similar to the people on Earth, except that there are four pupils in his eyes, which is a bit weird.

The old man walked in, followed by another person. This person was tall and strong, and the most obvious place was a ring of bone around his neck, protecting this fatal vital point. The same feature also appeared on the back of his hand, which looked as if it was covered with a layer of bone armor.

Two people came in, and the others stood up and greeted each other. The old man naturally sat in the first place, while the burly man sat opposite to Cheng Liuji. Obviously, his status was similar to Huang Jinling's appearance.

In the Star-Eye Clan, warriors with bronze, silver, and gold masks are the mainstay. As the leader of the highest-level gold mask, Cheng Liuji can imagine his status in the clan. He has similar status and is definitely the leader of the clan.

The old man's eyes scanned the meeting room first, and only when he saw Aslan, he smiled, and then immediately returned to his serious expression.

"Paobai didn't come?"

This question was asked by Cheng Liuji, Paobai is Commander Baiyin, although they are not in a superior-subordinate relationship, they both belong to the combat system.

"Still killing the list."

Cheng Liuji shrugged, feeling a little helpless.

"Little lunatic." The old man smiled, "Tell him to be careful, don't hang up."

Cheng Liuji also smiled, looked at the old man and said, "Your old man should tell him in person, and I'll tell him? I can imagine how he will answer with my ass."

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this, even the burly bony man with a cold face showed a little smile.

Paobai is a well-known fighting lunatic in the entire Star-Eyed Clan. He devotes all his body and mind to fighting, which is also his greatest hobby.

Among the myriad races in the universe, or in the dark strip city,

The most famous figures of the Xingyue Clan are not the two patriarchs, Lord Xing and Lord Yan, but this Baiyinling robed Bai.

His achievements surpassed the elites of many big families and occupied many rankings.

As for what Cheng Liuji said that made everyone laugh, it was because of his 'competitive' relationship with Paobai.

Cheng Liuji sat in the position of Commander-in-Chief of Gold, naturally relying on his strength. He is one of the most powerful members of the Star-Eyed Clan in the last hundred years of the universe. His strength ranks among the top five in the entire clan. Except for the two adults, none of the powerful existences of the Star-Eyed Clan dare to say that they can definitely defeat him.

But this robe is different, the whole person is like a lunatic, besides going outside to fight, his favorite thing to do is to challenge Cheng Liuji all day long. At the beginning, Cheng Liuji agreed to the challenge out of love for the genius of his own family. Naturally, he did not want to defeat this young man, but used this method to train him, teach him, and let him quickly accumulate experience.

Paobai did not disappoint Cheng Liu either, he made rapid progress and soon took the position of Commander-in-Chief Baiyin.

It's just that even though this kid became one of the Big Three in the Xingyue Clan's battle sequence, he still didn't change his goal of defeating Cheng Liuji, and still challenged him as before. Although he still lost every time, the process of losing was not so ugly. The fighting time is getting longer and longer, and the danger is increasing.

So no matter from which aspect, Cheng Liuji felt that it was not suitable for this kind of discussion, so he began to refuse. It's just that Pao Bai's perseverance makes people 'moved'. As long as Cheng Liuji doesn't go on missions, he may be attacked during his meal time, office time, training time, and even sleep time.

In the end, Master Yan stepped forward to stop Paobai's childlike behavior. The two of Yan Ming don't need to fight anymore, unless one day, Cheng Liuji agrees on his own initiative, or Paobai is really confident that he can replace Cheng Liuji Become the commander of the gold, then the clan will arrange a public competition.

Paobai is just paranoid about fighting, which doesn't mean he is an ungrateful guy. Although many people now think that his strength has reached the same level as Cheng Liu's, and may even slightly exceed it, but he has never issued a formal statement. The competition request to replace the commander of the gold, sat firmly in the position of the commander of the silver, as if he didn't want to move.

But as long as there is a chance, he still wants to fight Cheng Liuji, which makes Lingchang Jin dumbfounded, quite helpless, and gradually becomes an anecdote for the whole family.

After laughing, the meeting got to the point with the old man's words.

"I listened to the conversation, and I also watched the improvement of skills. Although I haven't tried it yet, I'm basically sure that the method is useful."

Everyone looked solemn and secretly happy.

This is a happy event in the family.

"What benefit did you give that kid?"

The old man suddenly asked the man of color.

Cheng Liuji could sit and answer questions facing the old man, but the man of color was obviously not qualified for this, so he stood up immediately, and told the rules of the training camp in this regard, and the mimetic weapon given to Ye Zhongming.

The old man was silent for a while, then smiled, and put a stylus that could emit a small light curtain on the table.

"You guys have all been fooled by that kid. If my deduction is correct, then he only said half of the improvement of this ability."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked at the old man in surprise.

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