Roulette World

1832 How did he do it

"First update"

Husky felt that it was the most cost-effective way to kill two novices to get their points while keeping himself under control.

That said, everyone should have two kills.

The first one, he plans to use it in the first small cycle, and the second... Then he will have to wait until the last cycle, when he kills people, he will get quite a lot of points.

I just don’t know when he was studying abroad in the country, apart from grasping with both hands and being tough with both hands, did he hear another saying that the ideal is full and the reality is skinny.

He led the seven-member team to usher in the No. 1 in the country who could only hang his arms as he expected.

Husky's eyes were almost red, and the way he looked at Ye Zhongming was like looking at a pile of points.

Just the next second, he was a little surprised.

Husky was very sure that this person saw the seven murderous people waiting for him, but he still ran towards them. How to say the speed, it was actually very fast, but it was far from the limit of this evolutionary level.

At a certain moment, Ye Zhongming turned a corner and punched Hesky and the others. The punch hit the ground, splashing countless dirt, dead branches and leaves, covering the sky and the sun. Caught off guard, Husky and others could only slow down their speed and dare not rush forward.

Obviously, the target of the first person in the opposite country was the ground instead of them. It was obviously intentional. No one dared to venture in before guessing his purpose.

At the same time, they heard the footsteps of some other people, who came quickly and arrived not far away in an instant, and Husky, who knew Chinese, heard a sentence.

"If you don't come again, I will be killed."

Husky was taken aback, what do you mean? Is there a helper behind him?

And the Hawkins couple who were chasing after them were also stunned, what do you mean? Does he have a helper in front of him?

Next, the two parties discovered together at the same moment that Ye Zhongming stopped.

Husky: Ambush?

Hawkins: Really help?

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Zhongming's mouth, and then he raised his good arm upwards. For some reason, his blushing face seemed to be released at this moment.

With a bang, a huge shadow appeared above Ye Zhongming's head, startling both Hawkins and Husky, and quickly stopped their forward momentum.

It was a huge black shadow that was very similar to Ye Zhongming. It was so huge that it was as high as a dozen floors, but it was a little strange that the shadow didn't have arms.

Before they could react, the black shadow suddenly exploded.

The dense black mist that could hardly be melted instantly filled a large forest, enveloping the two groups of people in it.

The speed of the black mist was so fast that everyone moved only a step before being immediately enveloped in it. Everyone subconsciously held their breath and moved closer together.

Clear footsteps sounded, and everyone felt that they were coming towards themselves.

After that, there was a light flashing in the darkness, and everyone still felt that it was coming towards them.

These beings that were already almost gathered together instinctively dispersed a lot.


There was a shout, and the sound of weapons colliding. Everyone tensed up. And this tension reached its climax when one of them screamed.

The wind is jittery, which is a perfect way to describe the current situation.

Husky suddenly turned his head, and the special weapon in his hands buzzed, and cut towards the side, where the wind blew, and the weapon returned in vain.

He ran a few steps following the sound, and when he felt that he could almost hit, he shot again, but it still missed.

Acrika called to the front, but she didn't get a response, so she no longer had any scruples, and whizzed down the long-handled knife in her hand.

First, there was the shocking feeling of the weapons colliding, and then the familiar feeling of cutting into the living body.

After that, there was a second scream.

These seem to be like a signal, battles are starting everywhere, in the black mist that is as black as ink,

Only the light of skills and weapons flickers occasionally.

About two minutes later, Ames, who had almost recovered under the protection of Hawkins, suddenly re-lighted the lingering light, and the wings on the equipment were fully opened, allowing the light to reach the largest range.

The surrounding black mist was dispelled a bit, and with Ames as the center, a visible area about half of the basketball court was formed.

"What the hell is this?!"

Hawkins was shocked and said, he is very clear about his wife's ability, which can completely dispel almost all the fog, but now it just pushes the black fog not far away, what's going on?

"Illusion! It's Ye Zhongming."

Ames looked around with piercing eyes.

Just now, she fell into a hallucination, as if Adam came back to life. The mother and child were happily playing in an amusement park. Even if she realized something immediately, she didn't want to wake up. Minutes of dead time.

The bright light here attracted the surrounding life, and Acika was the first to lean over. After entering, Hawkins saw the blood stained on her long knife, and there was a bone dagger sticking out of her shoulder!

The second one approached was Hesky. When he saw the Hawkins couple, he was obviously startled. He didn't say hello or launch an attack. He just stood vigilantly on the edge of the black mist and bright light.

"Let's hunt down Ye Zhongming."

Ames looked at Husky for a while, then suddenly spoke in English.

Husky opened his eyes wide, then grinned, and suddenly shouted into the black mist.

What he yelled was - stop, we've been fooled.

Hawkins and Ames saw it, and at the same time called Wa Dai's name, telling him to come and join him.

After another two minutes, everyone gathered here. There should have been eleven people from both sides, but only eight came.

Both Hawkins Ames and Acrika Wadai are here, besides Acrika, Wadai is also injured, he only has one eye left!

"It's Ye Zhongming, who wanted to kill me, but failed."

Wa Dai explained something and smiled, as if it was not him who became disabled from now on.

Husky's side was very miserable, and there were four people left, and the other three didn't know whether they died or didn't come.

The black mist gradually dissipated over time, and disappeared completely amid the calls of Husky and others calling for their companions.

On the ground, three corpses appeared.

One was cut in half, one had its throat and most of its head cut off, and the other had a deep depression in its chest and all its internal organs were shattered.

Acrika glanced at the body that had been cut in half, and shrugged.

Husky looked embarrassed at his companion who slit his throat.

Ames squatted in front of the corpse with a sunken chest, and reached out to touch the wound.

When he raised his head again, he was already dazed. \u003cb[520\u003e"How did he do it?"

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