Roulette World

1833rd stage victory

"Second Update"

To be able to do this, Ye Zhongming would also like to thank the Nether Star Domain people.

When this energy body life was killed, a little accident happened.

Ye Zhongming's body was connected with the opponent through contact.

Ye Zhongming began to crazily absorb the energy of the people in the Nether Star Region.

From the air to the landing, the process took only a few seconds, but the energy body was almost half sucked away, and within half a minute after that, it was completely sucked by Ye was gone.

Originally, Ye Zhongming could actually control the absorption speed after landing, but the situation at that time was that the pursuers might come at any time, so he simply gritted his teeth and did not control the energy absorption.

He chose Congxin.

Since the body thinks this kind of energy is useful and needs it, let it inhale it. As for what effect it will have after inhaling it in the body, or whether it can be digested or not, Ye Zhongming didn't consider it.

Later, he already clearly felt that his body was filled with this kind of energy, as if it would explode in the next moment, Ye Zhongming gritted his teeth and persisted until the end.

In retrospect, he knew that this approach was too risky. Once there was any problem with the body due to these energies, even if it didn't explode, it just made him unable to move or even slowed down, he would be caught up by the enemy immediately.

Fortunately, his control over his body was not affected, and he quickly left the scene after killing the people from the Nether Star Region.

But things didn't go so well after that.

Before dying, the person from the Nether Star Territory shouted, ‘You are the Bru Soul Shepherd, it’s impossible, you are already perishing. '

Although this sentence did not give a complete and clear answer, it also allowed Ye Zhongming to get a lot of information from it.

For example, the word "Bru" probably refers to the secret realm of Bru. According to the records of all races in the universe, it should refer to extinct planets and races.

And the reason why he can easily absorb the energy in this Nether Star Domain person's body is very likely because he has practiced the Great Thousand Soul Refining Technique, and he has reached the top level now.

This ability comes from the posthumous people, but their situation in the Blue Secret Realm was too bad before. They were all killed in the mountainside. Survival was a problem, and it was impossible to keep historical materials. They put more energy into In the inheritance of various abilities, not in the history of those that cannot be regarded as combat power.

At least Ye Zhongming had never heard the posthumous person say that they were called Bru Soul Shepherds.

Of course, it is also possible that people who know have not told him.

No matter what, Ye Zhongming absorbed all the energy in the Nether Star Domain person's body, and directly sucked that guy to death. The energy was violent and restless in his body, and it might explode at any time.

With no other choice, Ye Zhongming could only perform the Daqian Soul Refining Technique.

The effect is there, and it is very good. Through the guidance of Daqian Soul Refining Technique, a large amount of energy has been absorbed, not only can be transformed into spiritual power, but also benefited a lot in terms of body, even the damage caused by the tile belt on the left arm Those deteriorating injuries also healed a lot. As for the two deep wounds and bone fractures that were cut out, they healed in a short time, and they will heal in another day.

Mental power is Ye Zhongming's strong point. After he evolved to Nine Stars, he got a qualitative improvement again. He himself can't say exactly how much spiritual power he has. But after absorbing the energy of the Netherworld people, he still felt great progress in this area.

Although the physical improvement is not as strong as the mental strength, it is still enough to be called a surprise for Ye Zhongming, who has a large base. The beautiful celestial body and the many enhancements before and this time make the king of cloud top himself into a human form Gold equipment is still the kind that has attack and defense.

Even Ye Zhongming himself felt that if he strengthened it a bit, it would be equivalent to bringing his own purple outfit, otherwise he would not be able to run away in the face of the persistent pursuit of four masters of the same level with only one arm .

The instantaneous increase in strength was one of the reasons why Ye Zhongming launched the attack.

Another reason is that after absorbing most of this energy, there is still a small part that cannot be absorbed.

It may not be accurate to say this, this part can actually be absorbed, but due to the limit of the body's tolerance, they cannot be fused temporarily. In other cases, these energies can enter the body step by step, and there is no problem in being absorbed.

The excess energy made Ye Zhongming very uncomfortable. Even if he didn't do anything to his body, it would still be a kind of torture to hold it in like that.

He needs a way to get out.

The method Ye Zhongming knew was nothing more than using some skills, but he didn't want to waste the energy for nothing, so the second reason for launching this attack came about.

To be honest, Ye Zhongming was also very surprised. He originally wanted to use the excess energy to summon as many double poisonous shadows as he could, and then explode together to form a black mist area. One, and then took advantage of the chaos to leave.

The timing and location of Ye Zhongming's launch are very good, because the position of the person named Hong will be updated every hour. This hour's update has just passed, and Ye Zhongming is leaving at this time. It took more than half an hour to escape, and if you want to know where he is, you have to wait for the next hour's update.

And this place has already reached the edge of the misty rainforest, and on the other side is the sea of ​​ten thousand islands, which is the home field of Ye Zhongming, who owns the crown of the sea. After entering, they don't want to chase anymore. More than half an hour is enough for Ye Zhongming to cross the distance between the two places.

Surprisingly, when Ye Zhongming activated, a huge black shadow appeared above his head. Because it was too big, he didn't control it well, so he didn't show his arms, and then exploded because he put a Because of too much spiritual power, it also has hallucinations on these people, and people with deep obsessions have a greater influence, such as Ames. There are fewer people with light obsessions, such as others.

Naturally, Ye Zhongming would not let go of such an opportunity. He set his target on the four members of the Hawkins couple's team. Only by killing them can the king of Genting live an easier life.

However, whether it was the sneak attack on the little girl Naka or the tile belt, they all ended in failure and could only hurt them. As for the person who was killed in the other team, he completely blocked Ye Zhongming's escape route On the ground, the guy who was still in the hallucination was punched and killed without much resistance.

Half an hour later, when Ye Zhongming was about to refresh his red name position, Ye Zhongming rushed to the edge of the rainforest. The ground in front of him was no longer moss and shrubs, but snow-white fine sand. Blue sea water, he roared, his body instantly crossed the distance, and jumped into the cool sea water.

The pursuit of him by the two teams, at least at this stage, ended in failure!

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