Roulette World

1840th Changxu Shuizu

In the aircraft of the Star-Eye Race, Aslan looked at the rapidly beating values ​​on the race scoreboard, and raised his fist and shook it high.

She couldn't be unhappy, no matter from which aspect.

The first point is the confluence of Shi Kangbu and Ye Zhongming Jiekui, that is to say, apart from Burano, the fighters trained by the Star Eye Clan finally stand together.

For other races, this is nothing. If anyone dares to fight alone, he may kill you internally. But the star-eyed tribe can't do it, and it doesn't have much binding force on Weipei fighters.

Before the death of Burano, Aslan was still secretly sad, because no matter what, Shi Kangbu and Burano were not obedient, and their points in this novice battlefield will be counted to the Star-Eye Clan On the body, as long as it is alive.

But death meant the end, and the overall ranking of the Star-Eyed Clan dropped a lot at that moment.

The second point is that when Burano died, Shi Kangbo, who was with him, would die sooner or later if he acted alone. Now that he and Ye Zhongming Jiekui are together, it is not just a matter of being able to live for a while , but the strength of the Star-Eyed Clan is combined, and it may exert greater strength.

In fact, it seemed to prove this point. After the first day of the second small cycle, Ye Zhongming's ranking reached a record 612th, with 333 points. Jiekui also managed to enter the top 1,000, with 230 points, while Shi Kangbu's score was relatively small, only in the early 100s, and the ranking was not very good.

But the total score of the star-eyed tribe is close to 700, and the ranking is also in the top 400.

You know, the highest ranking of the star-eyed family in the last small week was only more than 700.

"Following this trend, it is very likely that we will be able to enter the top 300 after this cycle is over!"

This ranking does not allow the Star-Eyed Clan to complete the 'salvation' without being eliminated, but the hope of entering the top 50 has greatly increased! Later, but after the three of Ye Zhongming became stronger, this was hardly a luxury, but a very realistic expectation.

"Yes, especially their previous hunt, which was under surveillance. It was so exciting. I'm sure that even the silver mask has this level of strength."

"I have a feeling that there is another robe white in our clan!"

"No, I think he will be more powerful than Chief Pao Bering, because he is very calm, and his calmness is surprising. No matter what life he is facing, whether it is stronger than him or weaker than him, it is the same. So. And Pao Bering... With all due respect, I didn't mean to belittle or look down on him. On the contrary, he is my idol, but my idol is too impulsive and desperate. I am worried that I don't know when I will wake up , you will hear some bad news, and this guy Ye Zhongming can always give people a sense of security."

"Yes, that's right, that's right, that's the feeling, he's too steady! He's obviously doing things like walking on the tip of a knife, but it gives people the feeling that he's not stable enough."

"Look, his points have moved again, and he should have hunted a very powerful life again, and his points have increased by twelve points!"

The people behind talked a lot, and they all fell into a state of excitement. In their eyes, they were all hope for the future.

However, after the initial excitement, Aslan in front soon fell into calm and silence.

"What's the matter with you?" An older star-eyed man noticed something was wrong with Aslan and asked. He is the master of this aircraft, and also the deputy commander of the Star-Eye Clan's flight equipment unit, belonging to the Golden Mask.

Here, at present, only he is qualified to have an equal dialogue with Aslan.

"Have you found these people?"

Aslan adjusted the previous monitoring screen, allowing Hawkins and others to officially appear in the eyes of everyone in the aircraft for the first time.

"In the Wusha Rainforest, they were there. Ye Zhongming went to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands, and they also went. Now, the second cycle begins, and they are still in the same area as Ye Zhongming Jie Kui Shi Kangbu."

"You said, is there such a coincidence?"

"You mean,

Are they the people from Treasure Island who attacked Ye Zhongming? "

Before, because Ye Zhongming's combat power suddenly dropped, he was considered to have been attacked. After killing Kumar and others, Aslan made a special investigation and found that it was done by people from Treasure Island. Afterwards, Ye Zhongming's combat power points increased And recovering, they thought the matter was over, but Aslan discovered the abnormality.

Everyone went from excited to worried again.

"Perhaps it's just a coincidence? You see, although they are in the same area, they have no intention of tracking Ye Zhongming."

Indeed, after discovering them, they checked the previous monitoring continuously and found that starting from the second cycle, they did not intend to follow or attack Ye Zhongming and the others, but were hunting in another sea area.

"I hope."

Aslan said something in a low voice, and there was another reason for his silence in his heart that he did not express.

Many people think that Ye Zhongming's future achievements will not be inferior to that of Chief Pao Bering, and she also thinks so. But one thing she is worried about is that Pao Bai is a complete member of the Star Eye Clan, but Ye Zhongming is not. He is an agent soldier of the Star Eye Clan. Once he has achieved dazzling achievements, will his thoughts be Change? Can the Star Eye Clan keep him?

Before coming here, what her parents said to her is still in my ears. Can this person help the Star-eyed tribe out of the predicament? After that, will it become the hope of rejuvenation in the clan...or is it an unstable factor?


He slowly chewed the pill in his mouth, allowing the medicine to be absorbed by the body faster. The right hand is covering the position of the left chest, where a rune has been broken and replaced by a deep wound.

Those damned Evil Armor Stars actually chased them here!

Involuntarily, infinite doubts arose in He's heart.

This time on the novice battlefield, it seems that there are too many Weipei fighters.

However, she doesn't want to think about these for the time being. What she has to do is to survive this small cycle.

The most proud of the clan's ability to transform water flow can not be used because a rune is damaged, she can only use her body to escape, and she can't rest if she keeps running away, those evil armor stars will follow her with secret techniques. Now, it is less than a thousand meters away from her. In fact, this distance is no different from being close at hand.

Just when he gritted his teeth and planned to sprint to get rid of the pursuers, he suddenly found a light coming from a small island not far away.

As a Changxu aquarium, she usually hates flames, but now, for the first time, she finds the flames cute.

The sound came from behind, the enemy had spotted her, so he stopped hiding and swam towards the island at high speed.

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