Roulette World

1841 There is a kind of intelligence called Husky (Part 1)

The bonfire reflected the faces of several people a little red, and the fluttering of the flames also made the light and shadow move. Looking at it in such a night, it is inevitable to feel a little gloomy.

Roasting on the fire were a few not too big fish. For normal people, these things are enough for several meals, but for evolutionaries, they can only pad their stomachs.

Husky's complexion hasn't been better these days, even if he rested for twelve hours in the middle.

Since he failed to kill Ye Zhongming last time, his prestige in the team has been greatly affected, and he even killed a companion by mistake because of the black fog.

However, his strength and eloquence allowed him to be rewarded - he formed another team of ten people.

There are more teams than last time.

Don't look at the failure last time, but Husky thinks it was because he underestimated Ye Zhongming's strength. This time, he completely avoided the top 3,000 red-named rookies, and planned to find some "soft persimmons" pinch pinch.

It's just that he himself didn't expect that his luck was so bad... Humans and gods are all angry.

The place he brought the team to is the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands.

After coming here, I found out that Ye Zhongming was also here when I refreshed the position of the red name for the first time. He had chosen the target in advance, and the place he chose was the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands!

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Although they are in the same area, each area is very large. He should pay more attention to himself, and if he doesn't take the initiative to go to Ye Zhongming's side, he probably won't meet that scary guy.

It's not that Husky is timid, but that he is really scared.

It's not that he didn't have the idea of ​​killing Ye Zhongming before, but after using the intermission to investigate, he was persuaded.

It's really cowardly, not temporarily cowardly.

Because when he investigated Ye Zhongming, he didn't find anything of great value, but found that another team chasing him came from Treasure Island. In three days, not only did he not kill Ye Zhongming, but he was counter-killed several.

Husky knew where Treasure Island was, and he couldn't afford to mess with the people they came out of. And Ye Zhongming could provoke him, and by the same token, he couldn't provoke Ye Zhongming.

He carefully observed Ye Zhongming's activity track before, and found that he was always active on the south side of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands, so he came to the north side. He planned to hunt first, after all, this was his main job, and then waited until the hunt The red name is close to this side before shooting.

But there are very few mutated lifeforms and parasites here. They have been busy for more than a day, and everyone's points are not many, and the red name disappeared a few hours ago.

That means he's already gone.

Things are not going well, the morale of the Husky team has dropped seriously, and they already feel that they have to leave this area.

But who would have imagined that the house leak happened to rain overnight, and the more afraid something was, the more something would come. Before nightfall, the Husky team suddenly met Ye Zhongming, who should have been in the south an hour ago.

The Star-Eyed Clan were originally assassins and raiders. They were discovered earlier, and a temporary attack came. The team of ten people was killed, two people were injured, and four people were injured. People got away.

The current situation of the team can be imagined, daring to light a fire to grill fish, it is not without the indulgent mentality of smashing the cans.

Anyway, if he was targeted by three masters who appeared suddenly from the Star-Eyed Clan, he would be killed sooner or later. It would be better to just be so bright, so that the surroundings can be brighter and the line of sight is better.

"someone is coming."

One of the remaining eight members of the team suddenly said something softly, but did not move his body, and kept stabbing the fire with his hands at a frequency of fast and slow. Do whatever you want.

This is the quality of the top powerhouse.

Even if they already believed in their hearts that they were not the opponents of Ye Zhongming and the others, it was based on the fact that they were slightly inferior in strength and were attacked by surprise. Now that they have been discovered in advance, if they dare to come,

Eight are confident of keeping two of the three of them.

However, what surprised them was that the person who was discovered came over directly, without any concealment.

At this time, it would be too much to pretend. They all stood up and looked in the direction of the person coming.

That was a big beauty that they had to admit even if they were used to seeing beautiful women from their respective races and planets.

After all, the human form is the mainstream appearance of the entire universe, and the aesthetics are similar in some respects.

"Hello, I'm He from the Changxu Shui Clan. Nice to meet you."

He came in front of these eight people, keeping a relatively safe distance.

Heskey and the others were stunned when they heard this.

Changxu Shui people? It seems that there are very few personnel, close to genocide, and it seems that they can only survive by relying on some big clans, because they are not very good at fighting, on the contrary, they are good support candidates.

They were also appointed? Which race is so thoughtful?

"Talk about things."

Although Husky's prestige has been greatly reduced, he is still the captain after all, and he took the initiative to ask.

Visiting alone in the middle of the night, if you say nothing is wrong, ghosts will not believe it.

He didn't hide anything, and said directly: "I am now being chased and killed by the Evil Armor Star, the old enemy of our Changxu Shui Clan. I can't resist it myself. I hope to get your help. In return, when this small cycle is over, we will give back to you." Each of you provides three bottles of high-grade wound medicine, the kind that treats both internal and external."

The eight people just moved their expressions, but did not immediately agree.

High-level potions that can treat both internal and external injuries are naturally expensive, and they all know it well. Three bottles, to be honest, was enough to tempt them.

But the more such a good reward, the more it means that troubles cannot be small, and if you agree rashly, you may be in a dangerous situation.

But just missed it? It seems a pity.

Heskey and the others looked at each other, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be another way to help this beautiful woman named He without hesitation.

"No, I don't want to join any team. I just want to hunt and gather herbs by myself. I don't care about rankings, I only care about experience."

He seemed to know what they were going to say, so he refused in advance.

"Even if we choose to let you go because of this?"


The eight people saw the insistence in the woman's heart, and someone asked about the number of Xiejia Stars, and when they learned about it, they flinched.

There are a lot of people, and they are not necessarily their opponents. Even if they can fight well, they don't know how many people will die. This business is losing money.

But what they didn't expect was that Husky actually agreed!

"Four bottles per person!"


Husky laughed, told the woman to keep up with the team, and then turned around and ran with the people, yelling while running.

"Ye Zhongming, come quickly, the woman you fancy is here!"

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