Roulette World

1842 There is a kind of intelligence called Husky (Part 2)

Husky turned a blind eye to the eyes of his companions who looked at the lunatic first and then at the fool, and even ignored the surprised and suspicious eyes of the woman.

There is no way, he also knows that his current situation is like a mental illness, but he really has no choice.

The pain in his heart, who knows?

As I said just now, there are twelve people from the Xiejia Star. Others don't know, but he knows very well that it is a standard elite squad equipped with eight people in charge of direct combat, one person in charge of tracking, two people in charge of investigation, and the last person in charge of support.

As for why he followed the Changxu Shui people, Husky is also very clear, because eating the natural holy talisman on people of this race will greatly increase the strength of the Xiejia Star people.

As for the Changxu Shui Clan, if they kill the Xiejia star people and use some parts of their body's Xiejia as medicine, they can make several kinds of medicine against the sky.

Each other is a natural enemy.

It's just that the people of the Changxu Shui Clan are not good at fighting. To survive for so many years, they basically have to live under the protection of a powerful race. But this kind of practice of relying on others to hand over the family fortune to others, once encountering unruly situations, one can imagine what will happen.

The Xiejia Star people are different. They are all natural fighters. Their individual combat effectiveness is among the best among all races in the universe, and they have good reproductive ability. Under the ebb and flow, the development of these two natural enemy races is very different. Strong, became one of the great clans, one was getting weaker and almost extinct.

Husky knew that he was able to come here, probably it was a seed cultivated by the Changxu Ghost Clan who did not know how much painstaking effort it was, shouldering... ZTE is impossible, probably to ensure that the race will not be extinct.

He really doesn't mind helping a group of people like this, but he can't afford to mess with a whole squad of Evil Armor Stars.

If it was another area, he would call the team members to run away together at worst. If they didn't follow them, those evil armor star people would not be interested in them.

But now? He could see that what this woman said about potions and the like was procrastinating in order to be tied to them. In fact, whether it was three bottles, four bottles, or even ten bottles, he would not care, because her The purpose is to let Husky and others act as scapegoats, let them fight the evil armor star to the death, and she will look for opportunities to escape in the process.

Husky reacted quickly enough, but it was only after He made the request that he realized that he had been calculated, but it was too late, and the evil armor star people had already revealed their hideous faces at the junction of fire and darkness in the distance .

If you don't run now, are you really following the wishes of this stinky woman and fighting desperately with these powerful guys?

Escaping is the only way.

But here is the sea of ​​ten thousand islands, and the evil armor star people have almost the same combat power on land and water, but once they enter the sea, their combat power will drop sharply.

Running is necessary, but how to run is a problem.

Husky also had an idea and shouted out what he had just said.

He felt that Ye Zhongming must be nearby, because for a famous person, killing a few more novices would not be a psychological burden at all, and after they were killed, the points would be higher than killing a ninth-level mutant life or parasite. Many, if he was Ye Zhongming, he would not let his team go.

Killing them all means nearly 300 points!

Since the guy is basically around, call him out!

Husky has another reason for doing this. He naturally pays more attention to the powerful existence that almost killed him before. When he was at the base, he saw Ye Zhongming talking to this woman with his own eyes. As for what he said He didn't know what, but he could figure out with his toes what the purpose of Ye Zhongming's conversation with her was for several minutes after all the medicines had been bought.

The 80% possibility is to let this woman join his team, and the 20% possibility is to discuss the future drug deal.

No matter which one it is, it shows that this woman is very important to Ye Zhongming.

But will Ye Zhongming definitely make a move? This Husky is not sure, after all, in the face of life, any potion or woman is nothing, he can't just run.

Husky led the people to run for more than ten seconds. With the speed of a nine-star evolutionary, he quickly saw the edge of the island, and in front of him was the now dark sea.

"Brothers, let's fight, and you, hey, you have to make a move, otherwise we will hand you over, or kill you directly."

After Husky finished speaking, he turned around directly, and faced the chasing Evil Armor Stars, he put on a fighting stance.

The others follow passively.

Husky is really smart, he can always find the hope of living out of desperation.

For example, after being placed together, Ye Zhongming was called out to make Ye Zhongming appear. For example, turning around to fight now is also to make Ye Zhongming appear.

That's right, the Xiejia star will only make a move if Ye Zhongming is able to make a move!

As for how many people will die, Husky doesn't care, as long as he is alive. Once Ye Zhongming makes a move, the target will definitely be the Xiejia Star who wants to kill him instead of himself and others. When the Xiejia Star is solved... Well, I will surrender myself, and serve as a cow or a horse for others, just to survive.

Every top evolutionary has its own excellent side to support them to this point, some are fearless, some are vicious, some are forbearing and perseverance, some are talented...

Husky, on the other hand, belongs to the kind of smart people who are accurate in judging the situation and analyzing the situation to the bone.

No matter at any time, he knows how to choose what is best for him.

For example, now, he knows what his only hope of living is, so for this hope, he is really desperate.

His hands lighted up, and the light from above shot into the ground. At the same time, small cyclones emerged from the armor on his body. As his weapon slashed towards the evil armor star in the front, the cyclones instantly condensed into a big one. The cyclone slashed away with the light of the sword.

Others also took action one after another. In this situation, if you don't try your best, you will die, including He is the same. In her opinion, this is already the best situation. She faces twelve people alone, and manages to face nine people. Twelve people.

In the sand on the beach in the distance, three heads were exposed. Even if they got close, they would think it was the strangely shaped reef next to them, and they were the three of Ye Zhongming.

"We're fighting!" Shi Kangbu squinted his eyes and licked his lips. He had already tasted the joy of killing others. Among the two people killed by the Husky team before, he killed one of them.


The meaning of mustard is obvious, what should I do?


Ye Zhongming replied in a low voice, his eyes unexpectedly did not stay on He's body, but locked on Hesky's.

This person is a bit interesting.

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