Roulette World

1884th: Qiuqiu is angry (Part 2)

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The ball crazily hit this warrior of the Gurui Star Clan, although every time it hit the tip of the 'twig cone', piercing it badly, Yuanyuan's body dented, recovered, dented, and recovered again.

The two novices who were recovering their bodies were already stunned.

How painful this must be!

Although they haven't experienced it personally, they can almost imagine how painful it would be if the tip of the branch cone pierced the body.

Don't forget, there are also two white whip-shaped structures that vomit blood from them to help. Every time the two sides collide, they will take the opportunity to draw on this spherical life that helped them.

Its body has become more and more red. If you don't pay attention, you may think it is bleeding.

After hitting eleven times in a row, Qiuqiu finally stopped, because it found that doing so didn't seem to be very useful.

If the members of the Gu Ruixing clan knew what Qiuqiu was thinking at the moment, they would probably be pissed off.

Indeed, every attack of Qiuqiu was blocked by him with the tip of the branch. It seemed that the sphere was overwhelmed by its own life, and rushed upwards foolishly, making itself covered in cuts and bruises.

But only the warriors of the Gu Ruixing Clan knew how uncomfortable he was from being shaken, and how could this thing be so powerful? !

These branches are part of his body, it can even be said that his limbs are no exaggeration, who can feel better after being hit one after another?

Let alone being entangled now, even if he wasn't entangled by those white threads, he probably wouldn't be able to maintain this state.

It's just that he always felt that something seemed wrong.

The ball hit so many times, every time it was blocked, and it was stabbed and drawn again, it was very angry.

Ever since I followed Ye Zhongming, I have never met an existence that cannot be knocked down!

It used the filaments wrapped around the body of the Guruixing Clan to maintain it in the air, and sprayed out many such filaments again from under its body.

The filaments are sprayed together, and there are parts on both sides.

The filaments stuck to the ground, to nearby trees, to boulders, to many, many things.

The warrior of the Gu Ruixing clan didn't know what Qiuqiu was going to do, but he knew it was definitely not a good thing. He wanted to struggle away, and at the same time, the whip protruding from the wound stretched wildly again, wanting to attack Qiuqiu.

Also, his feet began to turn into plants, as if they had turned into roots and penetrated into the soil, turning himself into a plant.

Immediately, thick and churning roots rushed towards Qiuqiu, leaving traces on the ground.

He also hated, if it wasn't for Qiuqiu to restrain his branches, he would have countless ways to deal with this guy.

But before his attack landed on Qiuqiu, Qiuqiu moved first.

Its whimpers were almost continuous, and its body became blood red, and the filaments on its sides and underside were tense, and the tension became tighter and tighter.

It... seems to be exerting force?

Through the gaps in the branches, the members of Gu Ruixing's clan saw this scene. He felt very bad, and tried his best to turn pale.

The two rookies next to him also understood at this time. Although they don't know what Qiuqiu is doing, they should be preparing for something. If they are attacked at this time, it is estimated that all previous efforts will be wasted.

After all, they are also top-level evolutionaries, and they have recovered a lot after a while. The ninja was in pain and discomfort. One rushed to the two white whip-like structures, and the other rushed to the surging root system from the ground.

They launched an attack, but in the end they almost blocked it with their bodies.

After only persisting for a few seconds, they were sent flying. This time, it was much more serious than the last time. One person lost half of his arm, and one person lost a piece of his hip bone.

Although the two novices did not die, they basically lost most of their fighting power.

In front of a mature Gu Ruixing clan who is still known for their individual combat power, the two novices are not enough, especially when the Gu Ruixing clan is already at full strength.

But their efforts were not in vain.

At least they slowed down the attack and bought time for Qiuqiu.

After they landed, they were seriously injured, but both of them couldn't care less, and looked towards Qiuqiu together. They knew that if this living body that appeared couldn't do anything, then today's battle would be doomed to failure.

Qiuqiu was quiet, and there was no murmuring in its mouth, but the filaments protruding from its body were moving.

The filaments under the body and on both sides were tense, then slightly bent, and Qiuqiu's body was stretched a little.

Next, whether it was the two seriously injured rookies or the fighters of the Gu Ruixing clan, they all felt a terrifying scene.

The ball exerts force, using the other three filaments as the fulcrum, and throws its opponent up at once!

The filaments that entangled the Gu Ruixing clan did not harden, but were extremely elastic. They grabbed the branches, and then threw the people on the other side of the branches up.

How much strength it takes!

The two newbies were beyond shocked.

If the Gu Ruixing clan was thrown up before, they were surprised but accepted it. After all, that person was standing on the ground at that time, then it is completely different now. It turned the lower limbs into roots and penetrated into the soil!

Everyone knows how hard it is to pull out a big tree, not to mention the state of the holy tree in the body, fused with a top expert.

But this kind of fighter has been 'uprooted' by Qiuqiu at this moment and thrown into the air.

Whether it's the white whip-like structure or the root system, at this moment, they can only dance helplessly in the air, trying to maintain balance but can't get it.

After the fighters of the Gu Ruixing clan drew an arc in the air, before reaching the highest point, they were suddenly pulled towards the ground by the filament.

With a bang, the Gu Ruixing clan warrior who had just cut an opponent in half handsomely smashed a big hole in the ground.

Along with the gravel and soil, there was also some warm liquid.

But before the warrior could stand up, his body lost control again, and he was thrown into the sky for the second time. His roots and whip-like structure wanted to grab the ground, but only brought up a few clods.

Boom boom boom!

The fighters of the Gu Ruixing tribe were thrown to the sky and smashed to the ground. Many deep pits were formed in the surrounding area, and even the two injured rookies had to keep away from each other by rolling and crawling. Save yourself from being smashed to death.

They feel that the spherical comrade-in-arms is very angry now, and doesn't care about their lives at all.

I don't know how many times it was smashed, the fighters of the Gu Ruixing clan obviously didn't struggle much anymore, Qiuqiu threw it directly in front of the two seriously injured novices, the filaments were also taken back, and let go of the target bondage.

Then it rolled a couple of times and murmured a few words towards the two newcomers.

It wasn't until later, after all the novice battlefields were over, that the two rookies understood what Qiuqiu meant.

"Shoot, kill him, Ben Meng is going to die of exhaustion!"

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