Roulette World

1885th 7 transfer drugs

After the ball shot and killed a Gu Ruixing clan with the cooperation of two novices, the meaning it brought to this battle was extremely important.

Earlier, this Gu Ruixing tribe warrior killed a novice and had the absolute upper hand. As long as he cleared up the remaining two novice, the battle would basically be over.

The remaining twelve people, excluding Ye Zhongming who can't do anything and the combination of a lot of support, only ten people can fight, and they can't stop the three powerful Gu Ruixing clan fighters at all.

But now a warrior of the Gu Ruixing clan died, and for the novice side, the price was one death and two serious injuries. It cannot be said that the novice won completely, but at least it means that the people on this side have completed their previous missions, which is still an excess - hold on an enemy.

It didn't take long from Gu Ruixing's tribe killing the novice to Qiuqiu appearing to intervene in the battle, and finally ending the battle. So much so that when this side ended, people from the other two sides were a little stunned.

The three novices on the other side are in a panic, being completely suppressed by Gu Ruixing's warriors. Harassment, dodging and other entanglement tactics are not effective at all. They keep moving closer to the frontal battlefield, forcing them to stand in front. Not giving an inch if possible.

But the difference in strength is an unavoidable problem. If it wasn't for the fact that one of them had a companion who was very good at defense, and they got closer and entered the range of the combined water chain, one of them fell into that If the defensive power of the companions is further improved, it is estimated that they will have already suffered casualties.

As for the frontal battlefield, seven people deal with one, and everyone basically exchanges injuries for injuries. The joint support gave these novices confidence, and the equipment purchased from Ye Zhongming during the last rest period also played a role, allowing them to dare to fight for injuries A wound should also be left on the body of the Gu Ruixing clan. Over time, everyone has a lot of wounds on their bodies, and the total number is dozens of wounds. He was wounded left and right, but after all, it was concentrated on one person, which made him feel worse and worse.

In combat, the slightest injury can become an Achilles' heel over time.

Also, I don't know why, the novice No. 1 sitting there with his eyes closed and meditating gave him tremendous pressure. He didn't know when this novice would wake up, and when he woke up, what would it bring to the battle situation.

Gulu Gulu.

A small bottle was thrown in front of the two novices who had just killed Gu Ruixing clan fighters and were seriously injured.

"Two capsules per person, one to be taken orally, and one to be crushed into powder and evenly sprinkled on the wound."

The sound of cooperation drifted over.

The eyes of the two seriously injured novices lit up.

They may not know much about Ye Zhongming, but they really know too much about the Changxu Shui people, and they know that they must have excellent medicine.

The medicine that was thrown at them knowing their injuries would definitely be able to treat them.

After all, although their injuries are serious, they will not affect their lives. Logically speaking, they can be ignored for the time being, as long as they take some wound medicine to control their injuries.

Since he gave them medicine in this situation, it was a medicine that could restore them, at least half of their combat effectiveness.

They immediately used up the medicine according to He's instructions, and to their surprise, a hot current began to spread in their limbs and bones. What happened next made them subvert their perception of drugs.

Where their body structure was missing, a cloud of blood mist appeared and kept moving, and where they moved, what was missing would reappear...

This miraculous scene completely stunned the two novices.

The rebirth of broken limbs can now be done by all races in the universe, and there is more than one method, but as far as they know, there is no method that can be used in such a short time. The usual treatment liquid therapy takes about seven to ten cosmic days. Complete recovery of severed limbs requires more than ten days of functional exercise before recovery can be considered. If internal organs are involved, it will be even more troublesome.

It takes five or six cosmic days just to prepare a special treatment solution.

But now, according to this speed, it can be completed in five minutes!

Is this the holy medicine?

"Give me back the bottle."

He said something angrily, and the two novices immediately threw the bottle back.

There seemed to be several pieces of medicine inside, and they knew that every piece would be sold at a sky-high price if taken outside. It would be a lie to say that they are not motivated and do not want to take it for themselves, but they still have reason. For this person, they have already risen to a very high position in their hearts. If they decide to offend anyone, they can't offend this person. Being in a relationship or even being a teammate is simply a guarantee of life!

You don't need to look at it to know what they are thinking. This kind of 'Wan Fu Dan' is a medicine of rank seven, and it can be regarded as the bottom of her box.

Although there are ten holy talismans together, the best medicine that can be refined is theoretically ten revolutions, but the success rate is too low, so low that she has no confidence in herself.

Up to now, rank six is ​​the highest level at which her refining success rate can guarantee that she will not lose money, and if she goes up, because of the precious materials, the success rate is not enough to guarantee her worth the cost.

So this kind of Wanfu Dan is one of the few high-level medicines she has. If the situation is not urgent now, the remaining two battles seem to be in good condition but are actually in great danger. She won't take it out.

Taking a step back, even if they won, what if someone else came? What about three other fighters who are as powerful as the Gu Ruixing clan?

On the premise that Ye Zhongming has not recovered, the more people in the team can fight, the greater the chance of survival in the remaining period of time.

This is not only for Ye Zhongming, but also for himself.

Perhaps it was aware of the unfavorable situation. After seeing the two seriously injured novices recovering quickly, the Gu Ruixing clan fighters began to work hard. If they didn't fight, they would have no chance.

The Gu Ruixing warrior who was dealing with the three novices over there roared, his whole body was covered by bark-like objects gushing out of his body, turning him into a treant except for a pair of eyes. In this state, his movement The speed is a little slower than before, but the attack speed has been greatly improved.

The defensive novice with the protection of the water chain underestimated this change. He thought that after the weapon in his hand was cut off, the opponent would be able to dodge as before, but found that the opponent did not move, but punched come over.

The weapon slashed at the neck of this Gu Ruixing man, but it didn't go in a millimeter, just left a mark, but that punch directly shattered the water chain formed by the combination and split, and the novice fighter was blown away. Flying out, a huge blood hole appeared in the middle of the punch.

This power is so powerful that it makes one's scalp tingle.

The remaining two novices also panicked, instinctively retreating and dodging, Gu Ruixing's clansman smiled, passed through their blocking line, stepped into the main battlefield, and formed a front and rear pincer attack on the seven novices attacking their companions, the situation was even more critical What's more, what he is facing right now is a combination that cannot move his body...

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