Roulette World

1930th money is also a kind of knowledge (2)

People outside know that Ye Zhongming will go in for a long time. After all, all the products inside are there, and it takes a long time just to look around, let alone pick out something worth hundreds of thousands of points.

But, contrary to everyone's expectations, it took a long time... a little irritating!

The reward for choosing one million points should also be finished, right? Asleep in it?

Someone looked at the still door of the store, thinking maliciously in their hearts.

But Zizikaba and the people in charge of the novice battlefield guarded, no one dared to break in, but many people were putting pressure on them, hoping that they could go in and urge them.

However, Zizika gave a cold answer: "There is no set time for choosing products."

"Could it be that he stays inside for a cosmic year, and we have to wait outside for a cosmic year?"

A person shouted very dissatisfied.

Zizikaba glanced at him: "You can also go back to the clan and wait."

This person turned around and left out of anger, not that he really left, but went to the side, it was really impossible to reason with Zizikaba.

A little bit of time passed, and there was still no movement inside.

It's not that Ye Zhongming did this on purpose, but because of a coincidence, he encountered a little accident.

Originally entering the store, he first walked around to familiarize himself with the products, and then followed the requirements given by Cheng Liujin, and began to choose the things needed for the less than half of the points.

When he had almost finished selecting the rewards that did not belong to Ye Zhongming, the King of Genting discovered something.

It was a seemingly inconspicuous 'four-bead bracelet' inlaid with four gemstones. Ye Zhongming didn't know what kind of gem that was, but he felt that it was no big deal.

Ye Zhongming had already written his name on the paper, and Ye Zhongming touched this prize with only more than 3,000 points purely by accident, but when his hand touched it, he felt a strange feeling.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, this shouldn't be a dangerous feeling, but he didn't know what this feeling was for a while.

Walking to the side and sitting down, Ye Zhongming took the four-bead bracelet in his hand, rubbed it carefully and observed it, trying to figure out where the strange feeling came from.

But after looking at it for a long time, he didn't find any problems with this very exquisite bracelet.

It felt right, but he couldn't find the reason, which made Ye Zhongming a little anxious. He subconsciously wanted to take off the long bronze mask that he had been wearing since he came in.

This feeling... Ye Zhongming's eyes instantly enlarged.


Yes, when he held the mask with his hand, the feeling on his thumb was the same as when he was holding a four-bead bracelet!

How is this going?

Ye Zhongming quickly took off the mask, holding the mask in one hand and the bracelet in the other, comparing each other.

After more than ten minutes, Ye Zhongming finally determined what was going on.

Both things made a 'little joke' with Ye Zhongming.

The first thing to determine is that the strange feeling is that the materials of the two pieces of equipment feel the same.

The reason why I say it is a small joke is because the gemstones of the two and four-bead bracelets are inlaid on the metal material. Originally, Ye Zhongming would never think that this metal is the same as the material used to make the bronze mask, because the colors are not the same at all. Later, after careful observation and pondering, he discovered that the metal material on the four-bead bracelet was dyed, and various patterns were carved on it, which made Ye Zhongming's metal have this background color when he started. .

And another little joke is that the metal inside and outside of the bronze mask is actually different!

With the naked eye, the difference is almost indistinguishable, but for other people, even if they grasp the origin of the weird feeling, they can see why.

But Ye Zhongming was different, he was a top craftsman, given him a little time, and with a definite goal, he discovered the secret of this mask.

The outer layer is different from the inner layer? Ye Zhongming studied it very carefully. He found that it didn't seem to be like this when the bronze mask was made. The metal on the inner layer seemed to be printed on by someone later!

The touch of the inner and outer materials is actually very similar.

The combined craftsmanship is also almost seamless, if Ye Zhongming is not a professional, he would definitely not be able to discover it.

Originally, it shouldn't be a big deal for two pieces of equipment to be made of the same material. Many items are made of the same material. But the strange thing is that before the final decisive battle in the novice battlefield, when he was chatting with Paobai, the commander of Baiyin once told Ye Zhongming that apart from a few things in the hands of the patriarch, the most valuable things of the Star-eyed tribe are probably only left. The next three commander masks.

The three masks are all made of very, very precious materials, which almost emptied the family for many years, so this is not only a status symbol, but also a powerful piece of equipment.

Paobai also said that the materials of the three masks are so pure that it is impossible to integrate them with other materials.

In this case, why is there another substance attached to the inner layer of the bronze mask?

Once curiosity arose, Ye Zhongming could never forget it. He completely forgot the time, and studied the bronze mask over and over again.

Finally, at a certain moment, when Ye Zhongming pressed the edge of the mask with six fingers at different angles, he felt a very slight vibration.

After that, the inner layer of the bronze mask was stripped off!

Ye Zhongming didn't feel like destroying cultural relics or inheritance at all, but was all excited.

He knew that he might have discovered a great secret.

Ye Zhongming didn't notice anything special on the side of the stripped mask that was in contact with the face, but on the other side, that is, the side between the inner and outer layers, there were dozens of very small metal chips on it. All are connected with some white substance that almost sticks to the metal surface.

what is this! ?

Ye Zhongming touched it very carefully, and found that the metal chip is a metal chip, that white substance, but with obvious activity!

This is not that they have life, but that they seem to come from some kind of life, which is an organ or structure.

Since this is the case, what is the use of this thing?

Ye Zhongming thought about it for a long time but still couldn't figure it out, and even put the four-bead bracelet together, but still couldn't figure it out.

Are two things really just made of the same material?

But soon, Ye Zhongming found the starting point of the white connecting substance next to a metal chip on the inner layer of the mask, which was cleverly arranged in the eye socket.

Moreover, the white substance there is not flat like other parts, but has a small mouth!

Ye Zhongming's heart moved, and he had an idea.

Looking outside, it was still extremely quiet, so he decided to test his idea here!

As soon as the hand holding the four-bead bracelet was strong, this piece of equipment with thousands of points was crushed by him!

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