Roulette World

1931st money is also a kind of knowledge (3)

Throwing away the gorgeous beads, Ye Zhongming took the metal in his hand, injected energy into it slightly, and removed the stain on it.

A few minutes later, a metal material exactly the same as the bronze commander's long mask appeared in front of him.

The metals of the two pieces of equipment are separated, but what should I do next? Just got this metal?

Fusion? Or enchant?

To be honest, Ye Zhongming didn't dare to try. Once it fails, it is not just a matter of clues, but a matter of damage, and the secret of the double layer of the mask will no longer be found.

It's just...huh?

Ye Zhongming thought about it for more than ten minutes, and just when he was about to give up, his gaze was fixed on the small opening of the white substance, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

He decided to give it a try.

The energy in the hand was fully stimulated at a certain moment, and the metal of the 'four-bead bracelet' used as the base melted little by little, and as time passed, it became completely liquid after about half an hour.

Then, Ye Zhongming picked up the inner layer of the bronze mask and put it next to the liquid.

An extremely thin metal wire emerged from the mass of liquid, and slowly moved towards the opening of the white substance on the inner layer of the mask.

It's too thin, so fine that Ye Zhongming has to concentrate on controlling it, otherwise if there is a mistake, the result will be unpredictable.

Ye Zhongming heaved a sigh of relief when the metal thin wire successfully penetrated into the entrance, but he quickly focused again. He knew that this was just the beginning, because the white substance connected those chips and almost covered the entire mask. It must be worn in the correct order little by little, and no mistakes can be made.

As time passed, Ye Zhongming's forehead was covered with sweat.

This job is too detailed, and it not only tests mental and physical strength, but also concentration and skills.

If it weren't for Ye Zhongming's vast manufacturing experience, he really couldn't do these things well, but even so, he still felt that his mental energy was being consumed rapidly.

From the outside, Ye Zhongming is sitting on the ground at this moment, with his hands half-raised in front of his body, as if he has not moved, only the metal in his hand is slowly decreasing, and the thin wires connecting the metal are gradually falling into the white substance. Blend in, and fill up the white matter that is beginning to become full little by little.

I don't know how long it took, when the metal matrix of the four-bead bracelet completely melted into the white substance channel in the mask, the last point just landed on the opening.

This can almost confirm the correctness of Ye Zhongming's approach. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that this piece of metal was just filled with these white substances after melting?

When all this was done, those chips lit up suddenly, and the whole inner mask seemed to come alive.

Ye Zhongming wiped the sweat off his face, took the mask and looked back and forth first, then put the mask on his face tentatively.

It was nothing at first, but when Ye Zhongming didn't feel any discomfort, when he opened his eyes, the golden color in front changed.

To be precise, it was the eyes of the mask, where two small light curtains appeared.

"Here I am, the one hundred and first user of this mask."

A consciousness just entered Ye Zhongming's mind without warning.

The king of Yunding was not afraid, he knew that this should be some kind of skill, he could sense that he should have found a certain secret.

One hundred and first user? Isn't that the traitor?

He actually made the inner layer of this mask? It has been many, many cosmic years from now.

"I don't know who you are, a great artisan who accidentally discovered this secret, or someone who studied the mask of the Star-Eyed Race, but no matter who you are, please learn these things I left behind. If I have no children, let my life continue in this way."

Is this the heritage of the traitor who almost took the Star-Eyed Clan under his control?

Ye Zhongming tried it, and he found that he couldn't control the light curtain, nor could he control the mask.

"Before learning, I want to explain that please cherish this opportunity, because there is only one time, unless, you can make 'Askid Metal', which has disappeared for countless years, reappear."

It turns out that the metal used to make the inner layer of the mask is called Askide metal, which should be extremely precious.

"Okay, I'm going to start."

The whole store was very quiet, except for Ye Zhongming, no one heard it.


Zizikaba was also a little anxious.

It's been a long time since this newcomer of the star-eyed tribe entered for the first time, it's been more than a whole day, what is he picking?

The other races have waited for so long and become more and more restless. Several big clans have come to express their dissatisfaction. I hope Zizikaba can go in and remind the people inside.

Looking at the time, Zizikaba decided that if the people inside still didn't come out in half an hour, then he would go in and call for them.

However, the door of the store opened at this time, and Ye Zhongming walked out slowly from inside.

"This is the list of items I need to buy." Ye Zhongming walked up to Zizikaba and handed him the piece of paper.

"I accidentally broke a few prizes inside when I was checking them out. I wrote down the names at the end, so I took them out."

With that said, Ye Zhongming showed some things in his hand to Zizikaba, they were all small things like bracelets and rings, Zizikaba stopped paying attention after seeing them. After all, this is already Ye Zhongming's stuff, and it's his business if he breaks it.

Ye Zhongming was also afraid that just breaking the four-bead bracelet would cause suspicion, so he intentionally damaged a few gadgets.

Zizikaba took the list, and looked at the novice No. 1 in front of him with a little surprise.

Why does this guy seem to have just had a fight with someone? Also, the power fluctuations on his body are not very stable, fluctuating from high to low. When it is low, it may only look like a thousand Fu Leila, but when it is high...why does it feel like it is more than three thousand? even higher?

Seeing Ye Zhongming come out, everyone was shocked, and finally it was their turn to choose the reward.

I said hello to the people I knew, and the people of the Star-Eyed Clan left immediately after they got together. As for the rewards, someone would send them to the Star-Eyes Clan.

As for why they didn't stay here, it was because Cheng Liujin was afraid of long nights and dreams, and also afraid that someone would find him again and talk about things that were not easy to refuse.

The aircraft of the Star-Eye Clan soared into the sky from Novice Planet, and was the first to leave here.

After entering the universe, Ye Zhongming found a room and fell asleep, until he was awakened by the knock on the door.

Putting the food and water aside, he asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Is your injury healed? Why do you look so tired."

Ye Zhongming took a sip of water, looked at He while eating, and asked, "Do you know Bing Sheng Ning?"

A look of shock and even a little fear appeared on He's face.

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