Roulette World

1946th Angry Zhonghong Harsh

Seeing this scene, Shi Yong's tense face finally relaxed. He knew that this battle was won.

While the soldiers of the Bronze Battalion seized their mistakes and launched an attack, the attacks of the soldiers of the Assault Battalion were all withdrawn.

Many people were dumbfounded by this.

It is simple to say that the attack is retracted, but to do this, it needs to control the body and energy to achieve a subtle state.

Such a realm, let alone the Bronze Battalion, not many people in the Silver Team have reached it.

That requires not only rich experience and hard training, but also a certain amount of talent.

Even to some extent, it can be said to be exclusive to masters.

The fighters of these assault battalions are indeed not bad, but not everyone has the realm of knowledge and insight, right?

How is this going?

The people from the assault battalion made a mistake, and the timing of the shot was too early, but a counterattack turned into the opponent's timing being too early, and it became the opponent's mistake.

Fighting is a matter of an instant, and the soldiers of the Bronze Battalion will naturally be punished if they make a mistake. Among them, only a few can recover their skills, and they are not very quick. After all, they were holding back their energy just now. One-hit kills are basically all-out.

The attack fell on these people, and they were injured one after another, and the situation immediately became serious.

The Assault Battalion took the initiative, but they did not relax at all. They took advantage of the panic of their opponents and immediately changed their formation. The people who were close to them quickly moved closer. While giving up some opponents, they formed a partial formation of more fights and less, two or three people to fight against each other. An injured person basically eliminated the opponent in a few seconds.

The battle has progressed to the present, and the victory and defeat are basically divided. The number of people is nineteen vs. seven, and among them, the "nineteen" is intact, while five of the "seven" are injured.

There were no accidents in the ensuing battle. Even though the individual combat power of the assault battalion was weaker, the number of people had a big advantage after all, and the momentum was like a rainbow while the opponent was sluggish. At the end, the difference in numbers was fixed at 15 to 0 .

A duel that few people expected and most of them did not expect was over. The entire training field was very quiet. Compared with the quiet side of the Bronze Battalion, the side of the Assault Battalion had a sense of excitement and excitement that could be felt without looking. Excited.

At the beginning of the formation of the assault battalion, almost no one was optimistic about it. Only 60 people signed up for a team of 10,000 people. From the approval rate of a few tenths of a percent, we knew the degree of dislike.

In the past few days, when the assault battalion walked in the camp, they were often observed with strange eyes, and they were even stimulated by the words of some extreme fighters.

But they endured it, and they knew that there was no other way but to prove their choice with their grades.

Naturally, this victory can't explain anything now, but at least it can strengthen their confidence and let them continue to work hard.

Ye Zhongming was very calm, the first game was the best one to win, if he lost, there was no need to compare later, just admit defeat.

He taught the students in the assault camp the "Layered Eyes". Although the training time is not long, the direct effect is to capture the boundary and graded fluctuations of energy, but a little familiarity with the practice is also effective for themselves. With intentions, now It can barely recover the skills that were not fully released before. Only in this way did the opposite party reveal obvious flaws.

Ye Zhongming walked over to look at the injuries of the five people who left the stage, and frowned slightly.

The injury is not serious, but it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness. It is not good news for them who at least have to fight again.

But since the cowhide has been blown out, it can only hold on.

Take out some wound medicine and distribute it to several people, let them recover as much as possible.

"A shot is a wound medicine worth tens of months of gold. This guy is really rich."

Paobai, who saw this scene through the light curtain, looked envious, but Cheng Liujin said, "It seems like you don't have one, but Iserway gave you all the points.

In addition to the supplies exchanged for the clan, you also got a lot of good things, right? "

Pao Bai chuckled, "It's definitely not as many as Xiao Ye Zi."

"What did you see?" Cheng Liujin asked Paobai: "The equipment advantages we think are not fully displayed here, so how did the assault battalion manage to recover their abilities freely?"

Paobai thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I didn't see it, I just felt that at that moment, these people gave people the impression that their shots were very soft, delicate, and precise."

When the two people here were talking, the terrain for the second game had already been determined in the training ground.

"The corner of death."

Ye Zhongming's choice of this terrain once again puzzled the Bronze Camp.

The corner of death is actually a labyrinth of terrain. Huge walls of varying heights divide a square terrain into an unknown number of pieces, and these thick walls are not neatly arranged, resulting in a very irregular terrain. But one thing is the same, that is, the gap between the walls, the widest place can only be two people side by side, it can be said that every road is a narrow passage, once the enemy and the enemy meet, the competition is personal strength.

But personal strength... Obviously, the Bronze Battalion has the upper hand. Why did Ye Zhongming choose a terrain that maximizes its weaknesses and avoids its strengths?

This time, the thousand leaders couldn't sit still. The loss in the first game hurt their face, and they must not lose in the second game. Representative Zhong Hongke made a speech.

"I feel very ashamed!" One sentence made the faces of the twenty people burn hot.

"The people on the opposite side have good combat power. If ordinary fighters fight against them, they will lose if they lose. But your average pay is 1,000 to 800 more than the opponent's, but you lose completely. , do you think it’s shameful?”

Tie Cha and the others blushed as if they were bleeding, and their heads were so low that they were pressed against their chests.


"Enough! Do you want to say that you have been tricked? Are you still qualified fighters? Do you need a reason for failure?"

Zhong Hong's stern gaze swept away, and those who wanted to explain didn't dare to speak anymore.

"The terrain at the corner of death is actually compared to one-on-one combat ability and reaction, as well as the ability to sneak attack and counter-attack. Logically speaking, as long as we play normally, we will be absolutely safe, but the grown-up is not stupid, he will not miss the chance We chose such a terrain that is beneficial to us for no reason, so there must be fraud in it. After entering, please be careful, take it seriously, don't underestimate the enemy, and show your full level. It's okay if you win, but if you lose... "

"Don't blame me for crying for you!"

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