Roulette World

1947th 19 to 11

The thirty people from the Bronze Battalion knew that they really couldn't lose.

The victory or defeat this time is not only about them personally, but also about the face of these middle-level people. It is conceivable that once they lose, these thousand elders will get back all the lost face from them.

"Can I go back and get some equipment!" A soldier from the Bronze Battalion suddenly shouted.

Because they all came here to protest silently before, many of them did not bring the daily equipment that would only be used in official combat, so they made such a request.

Although this request was a bit embarrassing, the chiefs of the thousand people held back, thinking it was better than losing, so they all looked at Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming nodded, indicating that you are free, and then he also gestured towards the soldiers of the assault battalion.

Everyone didn't care, thinking that he was telling the people in the assault battalion to be careful.

After waiting for a few minutes, the soldiers from the Bronze Battalion returned and the battle officially began.

At the same place just now, after the light, the terrain of the corner of death appeared, because the terrain was full of tall walls, so it was impossible to watch the battle from the side, but the holographic image was projected by the terrain maker onto the huge light curtain next to it.

The fighters of the two parts entered the entrance on the opposite side respectively and got ready. As the countdown of the huge numbers above the terrain ended, they stepped into the battlefield together.

Just at the beginning, everyone saw different choices in two aspects.

As for the Bronze Battalion, they split up almost immediately, with people entering from every route.

After all, each passage is very narrow, and even one person is enough to defend it, but it is useless if there are too many people.

This terrain is a competition for hard power.

Compared with the Bronze Battalion, the approach of the Assault Battalion is confusing.

They chose only three paths, each with ten people.

On such a narrow road, the widest one can only be two people side by side, and they can't use it at all when they are side by side. Ten people on each road is a complete waste.

But because of the first victory, everyone suppressed their doubts in their hearts.

The area of ​​the terrain is not large, and the two sides soon came to the central part. The people watching the battle became nervous, and the hand-to-hand combat was about to begin.

Shi Yong led a group of people to quickly shuttle through the passage, they didn't have any purpose, because they didn't care who they met.

Soon, when he turned a fork in the road, he saw a Bronze Battalion soldier on the opposite side. The other party also spotted the Assault Battalion, roared, and rushed over.

The speed of Shiyong's team did not change at all. When there was a certain distance from this person, Shiyong who stood in the first place continued to move forward, while the person behind him suddenly squatted down, and the third person stepped on the ground with a slight jump. Flying over Shi Yong's head with his strength, he attacked his opponent first.

This is not over yet, when Shi Yong and this person entangled the opponent one after another, the rest of them immediately turned around and ran towards the loop.

What kind of tactic is this?

Those who watched the battle didn't think this method was so novel, and it wasn't like no one had done it before. They just didn't understand that it was good to play two against one, but it would inevitably leave half of the opponents.

No matter how complicated the terrain here is, the roads are connected after all. Knowing that the battle will basically take place in the central area, it will basically not take long from hearing the sound to rushing to the battlefield. In such a short time, even the assault battalion Temporarily formed a numerical advantage, but the individual combat power is lower than the opponent, it is very difficult to quickly defeat the opponent.

Once the rest of the people arrived, wouldn't it be the same as returning to the situation of competing for hard power?

But soon outsiders noticed the difference.

The three teams of the assault battalion all met their opponents, and the remaining eight members of each team turned back, but instead of continuing to look for their opponents, they stopped at the fork leading to this passage.

Soon the nearby Bronze Battalion soldiers came to support them, but they were stopped by those who blocked the intersection.

The eight-person team did the same thing, splitting up two people to deal with it, and the remaining six continued to guard the other intersections.

It was only at this time that everyone discovered that the routes chosen by the three assault battalions were very particular. They were very close to each other and chose routes next to each other. After the battle broke out, most of the fork roads that could lead to here were controlled by the assault battalion.

Even if there are multiple soldiers from the Bronze Battalion, they can only be divided and surrounded, and continue to fight more with less.

The Bronze Battalion was too scattered before, and the Assault Battalion was in the center. They traded space for a certain amount of time.

The individual strength of the soldiers of the assault battalion is not so good, but in a two-on-one situation, which must be one in front and one in back, the winner will be determined soon.

It was originally thirty to thirty, but it started to become thirty to twenty-nine, thirty to twenty-eight, twenty-nine to twenty-seven...

Looking at the ever-changing numbers, the faces of the people in the Bronze Camp were very bad. Why didn't they expect such a simple tactic? They still underestimated the enemy. Now they can only watch that they are eating away at their people little by little.

It can be seen from the light curtain that the rest of the Bronze Battalion is coming, but the Assault Battalion is also moving, and their directions collectively deviate to one side, that is to say, they focus on attacking one side, while pulling away and attacking the other side. The distance between the soldiers of the Bronze Battalion who rushed over.

Even in order to hold back the reinforcements, the assault battalion will send a few people to guard the hub of the channel like moths to a flame, that is, the intersection of several channels. In this way, it will create opportunities for large troops to fight more .

Paobai and Cheng Liujin looked at this scene with astonishment in their eyes, even more surprised than the group of soldiers just now who had mastered the state of subtlety.

"How could such a ban be enforced in the past few days? How could it be so efficient between advancing and retreating?"

Both of them are commanders, and they are usually responsible for the training of their subordinates. They know how difficult it is to do this. The Star-eyed tribe mainly focuses on assassination and surprise attacks, and they are not good at this very regular and efficient frontal combat method. .

"This guy really has some brushes." Pao Bai murmured while watching the live broadcast.

When the soldiers of the assault battalion rushed to the extreme edge of the death corner, they had already wiped out all the opponents on this side. Now, the ratio of the two sides was nineteen to eleven, and the assault battalion had the upper hand.

Although the faces of the thousand chiefs were not good, their hearts were relieved a little.

In terms of numbers, they are still at a disadvantage, but in their view, the outcome is basically decided. It's just that this certainty is accompanied by lingering fear.

Just now, the difference in the number of people was not only eight as it is now, but twelve. It was the personal strength of the bronze fighters that played an important role. Let the situation not become so bad,

Although there are fewer people left now, but all of them are elites, the 19 people on the opposite side are all wounded. What is more beneficial to the Bronze Battalion is that the position of the Assault Battalion has only three exits, and all of them have been blocked. .

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