Roulette World

1952 A reward was offered

"There is also a kind of mobilization task, which is a special mobilization order. For example, the right to open the hunting planet for your clan this time is a kind of special mobilization order. However, because such events are rare, special mobilization orders are not fixed A few exceptions, and rarely appear."

Wuqian saw Ye Zhongming casually bought a box of exquisite food worth 300 months old in a shop, his eyelids twitched.

Three hundred months of gold, you can buy a good piece of equipment.

“The second type of [My Love Novels] is public missions.”

Wuqian forced himself to forget other people's extravagance and continued talking.

"The so-called public missions are missions that can be released by each race or even everyone. These missions are large or small, such as hunting together to find companions, such as researching medicine or equipment refining manufacturing tasks together, such as opening a factory Or the investment tasks of reclaiming farmland, such as teaching tasks, such as trial tasks, such as search tasks, etc. "

Wuqian gave a lot of examples, just to let Ye Zhongming understand that public tasks are all-encompassing, as long as you have money, you can hire someone to do anything for you.

"Of course, there will be some more bloody tasks, such as buying a limb of a life or even a family member, etc., but among the public tasks, the chances of appearing are not too high, and there are only a few in a year. After all, once released Once the task is made public, others will be on guard, and there is a high possibility that one's identity will be exposed."

Each of the seven survivor fortresses can be regarded as a selected planet. All races in the universe are bereaved dogs in front of the slaves, but they can be concentrated on the seven fortresses. No matter in any aspect, the earth cannot compare.

Area, population, land, resources, etc.

So many people, such a large place, are still connected to each other, so it is not surprising that there are a large number of tasks.

"The last one is entrustment and reward tasks."

When Wuqian said this, his expression became more lively, because the star-eyed tribe basically picked up this kind of people.

"A commissioned task is a way for the entrusting party to directly seek help from the entrusted party, directly put forward the request, then determine the price, be accepted by the entrusting party, complete within the specified time, and be paid according to the degree of completion."

"Similar to hiring?" Ye Zhongming asked.

Wuqian nodded: "Yes, it's similar to hiring, the difference is that hiring is in the open, and this kind of entrustment is in the dark."

"Another type of reward task does not have a clear entrusted party, but there are several objects who can roughly complete the task. In this case, they will issue a reward task and let these objects compete together. It’s done, then whose bounty will be.”

"The reward for this kind of mission is higher than other methods. Of course, it is also more dangerous. Several forces compete, and those who fail will get nothing."

"The bounty task is semi-public and requires paid inquiries."

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, then raised his arms and said, "Now that the terminal is very developed, why does each city have to set up a place to accept tasks?"

The place where the two of them go now is a building similar to the task union.

"I think there are two points." After thinking about it, Wuqian replied: "One is the security issue, the places where the missions are specially announced and accepted, the system has a high safety factor, it is not easy to make mistakes, and it is not easy to be tampered with and used by others. After all, even if it is a public mission, some people don't want to find out about them."

"Another reason, I think it's more a kind of culture, many races have their own task system, they have been used to this way from the beginning, even if they become a member of the universe, technology has changed a lot things, but they still maintain a lot of habits. This should be regarded as one of them."

While talking, the two of them arrived at this inconspicuous building, but once they entered it was full of retro and technological sense.

Two very different styles are perfectly integrated here.

The building has four floors, the top floor is the office area and the host area.

It's not that the staff can't go up. The lower three floors are mission areas. The difference is that the lower you go, the less reward you get for missions, and the higher you go, the higher the privacy of those who accept missions.

The two of them first walked around the first floor. There are a lot of people here. Except for the entrance, there are huge light curtains on the other three sides, on which tasks are constantly being refreshed. People stand below to watch, and whoever they like can do it. Go around and choose from dozens of machines to operate on.

If you look carefully, you will find that the missions here are all for Darkstripe City and this survivor's fortress, not for the other six fortresses.

The content of the tasks is naturally varied, and most of them are not too difficult. Young people of many races will come here to choose tasks, which can not only exercise their strength, but also earn income.

The two of them went to the second floor after reading it. There were obviously fewer missions here, but they were all of high quality. Most of them were in other cities. Ye Zhongming even saw several missions on the fortress of other survivors.

The remuneration here is naturally much higher than that on the first floor. For example, a mission to accompany the trial is located a few hundred kilometers east of a city called Jieshibao, and the remuneration is actually 1,000 months old.

It stated the requirements of the recruits, such as Fu Leila's level, combat experience, and race suggestions.

Ye Zhongming's gaze hadn't moved away when the font of this task suddenly turned red. Wuqian told him that someone took the task. If it is completed, the task will disappear from the list. If it fails, the publisher has not withdrawn it. , that removes the red color and turns it back on.

Then, they went up to the third floor, and no one stopped them.

The third floor is completely different from the two floors below.

The place is divided into small rooms, each with a number. A service staff came over with a smile and asked if they would like to choose one of them to check the task. Originally, Wuqian planned to leave, and they just watched the excitement. There is absolutely no need to spend the cost of a mission room.

But Ye Zhongming paid the ten-month pension directly. After choosing the room, he walked in first, and Wuqian had no choice but to follow.

The room is not big, but it can be furnished very well. It is comfortable and warm. The operable light curtain is placed on the table, and you can choose the position at will.

Ye Zhongming opened it, and there were many tasks on it. The reward made even the king of Yunding feel a little bit excited.

Most of the tasks here need to leave this survivor's fortress, or go elsewhere, or simply go to dangerous places such as resource planets.

"Can the bounty mission also be operated here?" Ye Zhongming asked Wuqian.

The latter nodded, operated on the light curtain, the screen changed, and there was a logo, Wuqian used his own terminal to swipe and pay the fee, and dozens of tasks appeared soon, Ye Zhongming scanned it, and then He was stunned, because he found out that a mission turned out to be a reward for him.

Killing him, the first novice, can get a reward of 10,000 months of age gold!

If you can record the video of the battle process and the kill, the reward will be doubled!

Also, this task is now in red status!

Someone already accepted!

Wuqian also saw it, and quickly looked at the entrusted target range of this reward task. The above dozen races are all big clans!

That is to say, people from rich families will look for opportunities to kill Ye Zhongming!

"The time limit is a cosmic year?" Seeing this time, Ye Zhongming smiled coldly.

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