Roulette World

1953rd you will be very busy

When he returned to the Star Eye Clan, Wuqian was completely speechless, and at some point he even wondered if he would be killed by this Commander?

"Secret, understand." Ye Zhongming looked at Wuqian and said when they parted.

Wuqian nodded quickly, there is nothing you don't understand, you have to understand if you don't understand!

Looking at Ye Zhongming's leaving back, Wuqian felt that he was a little behind the times. Could it be that this is the correct way to revive the Star-Eyed Clan?

It's just... unbelievable, right?

Back to the Star Eye Clan, Ye Zhongming first stayed in his room for a few hours, then went to the two patriarchs, came out after a long talk, and immediately summoned the commando team that had just rested for training.

In Ye Zhongming's words, the commando team has entered the special training time.

No one knows why Ye Zhongming did this, except Wuqian. However, thanks to the outstanding performance of the previous assault battalion, the members did not complain at all and devoted themselves fully.

Another point that Ye Zhongming did not expect was that five soldiers from the Bronze Battalion applied to join the Assault Battalion.

Ye Zhongming would not be surprised how many people came when the assault battalion was just established, but just now the assault battalion slapped the Bronze Battalion in the face. At this time, it is normal to train hard to regain face in the future, and you can choose to join the assault Camp, this is a bit thankless.

On the one hand, the people in the Bronze Battalion may regard them as traitors, on the other hand, the Assault Battalion may also think that they are clinging, and only come here when they see that this place is good.

In fact, Ye Zhongming was also worried about this. The assault battalion can be said to be his first step in the universe. It must be solid and stable. He does not allow speculators to exist here.

However, after some investigation, Ye Zhongming found that things were not as bad as everyone thought. These five people came here sincerely.

For example, that Retting, after he failed in the battle with the Assault Battalion, he immediately found the thousand-man leader of the thousand-man team he belonged to and made this request, but the thousand-man leader didn't want to put Fu Leila, who was already more than eight thousand The people let go, so they were suppressed, and then they were a little bit unable to stop, so they reported it to Ye Zhongming.

Although Fu Lei is only a high-ranking Fu Lei, the skills of the Star Eye Clan are not very good, but he is brave in combat, has a straightforward personality, and obeys orders. He is a very good subordinate, and no one is willing to let him go.

After the investigation, Ye Zhongming felt relieved, and handed over the person to Shi Yong, and let him continue to watch over him, so that any problems could be found and reported as soon as possible.


Mizahaike picked his fingers boredly, thinking about his future in his mind.

He doesn't have much talent for fighting, but among the myriad races in the universe, warriors are the ones with the highest status, and those who can't be warriors don't have a high status.

Mizahaike also has a wish. He hopes that one day, through his own efforts, he can join the three major teams, instead of staying in this dilapidated shop where no customer will come to his door for ten days.

He hoped that the clan would sell the shop, so that he could return to the clan in a logical manner.

After that, he will tell his parents to ask a teacher to tutor him in martial arts.

"Did you not sleep today?" A voice suddenly sounded above his head, he suddenly looked up, and saw a person wearing a mimetic armor, and three other people beside him.

The person on the far left quit the battle armor state, and Miza Hekton stood up suddenly.

"Master Yashinan!"

It's possible that Mizahaike doesn't know anyone, but he will definitely know this person, that is Yashinan, the logistics manager of the star-eyed tribe, who was selected from the school to be in charge of managing the store.

At this time, the other three people also quit the battle armor state, and Mizahaike was stunned again.

He knew all three of them, but they didn't know him.

This time in the novice battlefield, he has watched a lot of related videos, and he is very familiar with two of the faces.

Ye Zhongming and Jie Kui are two newcomers to the Star Eye Clan.

The fourth is Mr. Wuqian, a logistics officer with a very good reputation.

What are these people here for? Also, why is that sentence so weird. ,

Ye Zhongming didn't really blame this fanzhahaike for his bad attitude when he slept that day. Imagine that a life in full bloom can only guard a room in this dark and smelly alley. In the customer's shop, all eat, drink, and sleep are here, and there is no one to replace the shift.

In such days with almost no end in sight, no one can maintain their enthusiasm for work.

"I'm here to tell you something." Ye Zhongming sat at the side, and Yashinan went to rummage through the cabinet skillfully, and found out half a case of wine.

Here, it used to be a place for him to relax, and today he also intends to have a good relationship with the new Bronze Commander.

As the chief logistics officer, Yashinan is thinking very openly now. The clan has already expressed their support for the bronze commander with various actions, so he naturally has to obey.

Also, if this person can really bring positive changes to the Star-Eyed Clan, he will be even happier. He is the most aware of the logistical constraints, and he is also the most uncomfortable.

"Here, I plan to renovate it, add some products later, and then do some publicity. I want to ask for your opinion and see if you are willing to continue to manage this place?"

"Of course, your salary will increase, even according to the turnover, and you will have a few men to dispatch."

Ye Zhongming's words made Miza Haike a little confused, and it took a while to react, and he stammered: "You, you, mean that the business will be reopened, and the family will not sell it?"

After getting an affirmative answer, Mizahak first fell into disappointment, and then realized that something seemed wrong.

Disappointed because if it is not for sale here, he will still be guarding here, and he can't stand it anymore. But now Master Bronze Commander said that he would reopen this place, are you so confident? Brand new product, still have promotion?

Mizahek was a little aware that this might be an opportunity for him.

"It's okay if you don't want to stay. We will recruit people again, and we will give you a sum of money in recognition of the loneliness you have endured here."

"If you stay here, then I will officially accept you as a member of the Bronze Team. Every cosmic year, I will give you two months of full-time training. I and other thousand leaders will personally guide you."

"I would like to stay!"

Before Ye Zhongming could finish speaking, Mizahaike called out immediately. Whoever refuses to agree to such a condition is simply out of his mind.

"Well, after a while, people from the clan will come to renovate the store. After that, there will be a golden masked warrior leading two silver masked warriors and five bronze masked warriors to be responsible for the safety of you and this store. During this period of time, you All that needs to be done is sort out the remaining merchandise, make the final accounts, [] and take a few days off to go back and see loved ones.”

"Trust me, once it opens, you'll be busy."


That night, after Ye Zhongming drank Yashinan and Wu Qian, he reconciled in Antiao City, and the Changxu Shui tribe bought a residence in Antiao City the next day.

At the same time, Husky also appeared in Dark Stripe City, and also bought a property as a place to stay.

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