Roulette World

2061 War Potential (Part 2)

The sound of zi la zi la almost became the theme of the entire Meicheng in the next moment. These huge power grids fell on the parasites. Maybe some powerful existences cannot be electrocuted immediately, but paralysis is certain, even if the strength is low Those who are around level seven must also be unable to move for a certain period of time.

The purpose of Genting to put down these power grids is indeed not to kill the parasites, but to prepare for the real killing move... the self-destructing genetic warrior.

Just like many other technologies, Yunding has also made great progress in the research of self-explosive genetic warriors, and has gradually differentiated into two mature types.

One type is the complete self-explosion type. The only function of this type of self-explosion genetic warrior is to explode, causing damage to the surroundings. There are many types of damage, the main one is the energy damage after the explosion, and the toxin damage also accounts for a large proportion. , For example, genetic pollution damage, corrosion damage, burning damage, etc. depend on the situation, and these can be added to the body of the self-explosive life at any time.

The other type is the combat type. This type of self-explosive genetic warriors will not self-destruct immediately, but have good combat power. However, when they die in battle, they will activate the characteristics in their bodies and explode.

The most perfect situation would naturally be to combine two self-explosive genetic warriors, but it is technically difficult and expensive, far less cost-effective than manufacturing the two genetic warriors separately.

After the thunderbolt insect net fell, pieces of huge life flew from the high points around Meicheng. It was a flying behemoth raised by the clouds, and it was not used for fighting, but for transportation.

At this moment, there are huge carriage-shaped metal cabins tied under their bodies, flapping their wings and gliding over Meicheng, their bodies dive, and an unknown number of genetic soldiers immediately landed in the metal cabins, and when they fly away and gradually move away, the sky above Meicheng It has been occupied by two thousand self-destruct fighters.

They fell into the parasite swarm like bombs in the air one after another.

The dull explosion sound was far less powerful than the magic crystal cannon and grenade rocket launcher, but the parasite swarms were still wiped out in pieces. These self-explosive genetic fighters were all completely self-destructive, because there was no need to fight, the power of the explosion was for This time the battle was infinitely magnified by Liu Zhenghong, and the damage they caused was far from comparable to the self-destruct fighters in any previous period.

The damage they caused was even comparable to the volley of magic crystal cannons at the beginning.

Every evolutionary who entered Meicheng almost felt the pressure suddenly relieved at this moment.

It has been more than ten minutes since the war started, but even so, the evolutionists who first stepped into the city were all very uncomfortable.

The pressure they face is enormous.

Meicheng was occupied by parasites, so naturally they would not build any defensive facilities such as city walls. Before, many evolutionists believed that even if there were millions of enemies in a small city that was almost open, it would be difficult for the same millions of enemies to survive. In the attack of the evolutionary, isn't it destroyed in an instant? You know, standing behind them is the invincible Yunding Villa, which is now the true overlord of the country.

But when they actually came into contact with these parasites, they discovered that these beings without magic crystals were far more powerful than they expected.

Every minute and every second, there are evolutionaries dying. Originally, for them who have lived in the last days for more than eight years, they are ready to give up at any time, but when death is too fast and too much, there will also be fear.

It was these attacks by Genting, from the magic crystal cannon to the bazooka, from the power grid to the self-explosive genetic fighters, that gave these fighters the courage to continue fighting.

It's not that their fighting will is much worse than that of Yunding Mountain Villa, but that they are somewhat uncomfortable with this kind of intense war.

And Yunding has experienced similar scenes in several offensive and defensive battles and secret battles.

That's what experience does.

If there hadn't been several attacks from Yunding to help them get through the most difficult initial stage, these evolutionaries might have collapsed first.

In the end times,

Although the battle has broken away from the scope of the previous peacetime, the defeat like a mountain still exists. Once these evolutionaries found collapse first, Yunding will not be able to fight this war by itself.

In ten minutes, the two sides may have more than hundreds of thousands of casualties, and both sides are adapting to this fierce battle. Fortunately, Genting was the first to adapt as they were taking the initiative.

"Ten more salvos from the V3 rocket launcher!"

For some reason, Xia Lei's voice was a little anxious.

Countless lines of fire streaked across the sky and fell into the parasite swarm.

"Is the analysis done?!"

Xia Lei turned her head, and behind her was Yunding's staff department.

"The initial display shows that the number of parasites is 1.7 million. When the battle begins, the number of newly appeared is 2.8 million. Up to now, at least one million have not yet emerged!"


"The number of green-skinned monsters is about 2.2 million, and the ones that haven't emerged... are basically them."

Xia Lei turned back, looked at Meicheng, which was bleeding everywhere, and slightly closed her eyes.

"Can't force you all?" The Queen of Black Heart whispered, and then the previous worries and hesitation disappeared.

"The magic crystal cannon paused its attack, and the air force dispatched to rush to the city center immediately, destroying all the buildings along the way. The Rat Legion and Nine Treasures also appeared directly from the center and attacked to the southeast! Yangos, you are covering in the sky they!"

"Red hair! You and the undead ichthyosaur enter the battlefield, clean up the enemies in your position, and let Yupo lead the zombie group to cut in from the northwest."

"Li Daqian! The Beast Legion attacks, let the other teams in front of you get out of the way, but don't go too deep, control the speed and formation, and I will let you turn to the southeast at the right time."

"Little Tiger, your cavalry is also moving to the southeast now. Once the Rat Legion, Nine Treasures, and the Air Force are blocked, you will lead people to rush in to meet them. If they go well, you will rush in through the gap they opened and turn to the Beast. In the direction of the legion, join them!"

After a series of orders were discovered, some teams that had been behind the battle formation before moved, and the moment they received the order, they were involved in the war whirlpool.

Xia Lei looked at the battlefield and whispered: "If you don't show up yet, then I will wipe out the millions of parasites around..."

Deacon Tong and Deacon Shui stood on the top of a slope, looking at the battlefield not far away.

"If you don't see this, you can't understand how powerful Yunding is." Deacon Shui sighed. Deacon Shui didn't think any force in this world could resist the high-intensity attack just now.

"Yeah, most of the country has not forced out the war potential of Yunding, but it has revealed some here, but this is not all."

Deacon Tong sighed, it was a weak and appreciative sigh.

Her team and the team that the ogre chain has joined have not moved, Xia Lei's own team and Mo Ye's team have not moved, and the even more terrifying red makeup guards have not moved either!

And the top life is only dispatched half of it at this time!

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