Roulette World

2062 Level 9 green skin monster

"Chapter Two in One~~"

Zhang Jialun yelled and threw a punch, but instead of hitting a beast-shaped parasite on the opposite side, it got farther and farther away from the target.

He turned his head and glared at the person who dragged him back.

It was a tall warrior in green equipment with firm eyes.

That person did not respond to Zhang Jialun immediately, but raised the magic crystal gun in his hand, and fired several shots at the target in front. The animal-shaped parasite was beaten and trembled, and the body The flesh and blood were continuously stripped until the body exploded into several sections.

"Fate, that's not how you fight."

Even after more than eight years in the last days, many people will have one or two pieces of green equipment in their hands, but the only ones who can wear green equipment all over their body and hold the latest model of magic crystal guns are the Genting Warriors.

"Stay where you are, a logistics team will come up later, you can go get a green-level weapon from there, just say what Niu Zhan, the captain of the third team of Kang Zhiqian of the Guangyao team, said, and I will report it here. "

Zhang Jialun was stunned for a moment, but this Genting fighter named Niu Zhan had already rushed over, and only then did he see that around Niu Zhan, there were nine other Genting fighters echoing each other and fighting with his team.

In the beginning, many teams from other forces came here with one worry, that is, they would be used as cannon fodder. After all, many people did not come here voluntarily, they were semi-forced by the big teams in Genting.

But they had to come, because now Genting is the real overlord and actual controller of the country, and the consequences of not coming may be more serious than coming.

The worry has always been there since I got here.

It wasn't until the battle really started that they believed that Genting really wanted them to cooperate with the attack instead of being cannon fodder.

Zhang Jialun entered the battlefield with the team as soon as the battle started, and naturally he couldn't see many of Yunding's arrangements, but the roar of the magic crystal cannon, the rockets passing overhead, and the self-destructing genetic soldiers who fell from the sky just now made him I know that Genting has always been there, opening the way for them.

Genting can do this, not only Zhang Jialun, a six-star evolutionary, but other non-genting people are already very satisfied.

It's just that none of them expected that Yunding's main team would enter the battlefield so quickly and fight side by side with them.

Also get a weapon? Green level?

Zhang Jialun, like most other doomsday evolutionists, regards weapons as the most worthwhile investment equipment. The usual sword is green-level, but it was interrupted by a powerful parasite in the battle just now. It made him feel extremely distressed. Can I have another one now?

Genting's weapons are notoriously good.

"Why are you in a daze!" A slap slapped him on the shoulder, shaking Zhang Jialun's body, and he knew without turning his head that it was his vice president, the seven-star evolutionary Ai Dadu.

"The guy is gone, and the people in Genting said they can give one." Zhang Jialun said turning his head, and smiled when he saw Ai Dadu.

It turned out that the vice president's hand was also empty, and the weapon should have been destroyed.

"Damn, these guys have really hard bones!"

Zhang Jialun was deeply touched by the words of the vice president.

Over the past eight years, he has fought against a thousand or eight hundred kinds of evolutionary life, but none of them has a body as hard as these parasites. This naturally refers to the situation of the same level.

"It seems that Genting has already prepared for this. I have encountered several similar situations." As he said that, the vice president looked enviously at the Genting fighters, who were basically wearing green equipment, fighting in groups to cooperate with these teams. , The tactical literacy and combat effectiveness shown by others are really not comparable to other teams.

After a while, dozens of people had gathered around the vice president, basically all of whom had damaged weapons or key protective gear. They were waiting for the logistics team from Genting to come and replenish them before continuing to fight.

However, some unusual sounds suddenly came from not far ahead.

Then there was the sound of more intense fighting, making everyone realize that something might have happened ahead.

"Dadu, don't be dazed, hurry up and get something, and then push it up, those monsters are fighting back!"

Ai Dadu and Zhang Jialun turned their heads and saw their boss leading a group of five-member Genting team speeding over.

Yunding's logistics team is not the traditional supply team with large and small bags. There are five people in the team, four of them are guards, and the other person carries space equipment, and the contents inside are the supplies.

A lot of equipment was taken out and distributed to these people. In less than a minute, the sound of fierce fighting in front was even louder. They even saw another rocket salvo. This is already the third It's just that after the bombing, those who had only been familiar with the equipment for a short time actually heard that the battle line seemed to be getting closer to them...

This means... the attacking team is retreating!

"what happened?"

Ai Dadu grabbed a person who had withdrawn from the front and came here to replenish his weapons and asked.

"These bastards suddenly counterattacked as if they were dying. Not only that, but some very special types appeared. Some of the buildings were covered with transparent lines. Our people bumped into them. As long as there is no Wearing defensive equipment above the green level, all of them have their bodies cut off. There is also a kind of bug that can lurk in the soil, and it comes out to bite the man's lower third road. Damn, just run, those things are not big at all, they are still fast, and you can’t find them even if you go to the ground. There are still a lot of disgusting things, you should pay more attention when you go up, don’t be fooled.”

The man took a few breaths, took a weapon from the Yunding supply man, drank some water, and continued to run forward.

In this battle, Yunding issued rewards to the teams participating in the battle early. As long as they have credit, the rewards are very eye-catching. But before everyone was suspicious of Yunding, so they didn't look carefully, but now is the time , everyone believes that it is not fake.

It is true that you may die if you try your best now, but when will one day in the last days not hang your head on your belt? Fight hard now, as long as you survive, you can save a year or two of struggle, which is a good deal! So even if you know that the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, you will move forward bravely.

Ai Dadu and Zhang Jialun's boss yelled if they were all right, and when they saw everyone looking up at him, they waved their hands, "Follow me!"

These players followed immediately.

Zhang Jialun followed behind. His strength and combat effectiveness determined that his position in the team was responsible for flank attacks. Holding a brand new green-level saber, he gradually approached the front line with the team, but he didn't wait to rush to the front. , he froze for a moment.

He saw a dead body. Just ten minutes ago, this person was still talking to him. Zhang Jialun clearly remembered that his name was Niu Zhan.

A small captain of the Guangyao team in Yunding Mountain Villa.

He judged that this person should have a seven-star level, and the players around him are all six-star, and their equipment is basically green.

But such a person, no, such a small team, was killed in more than ten minutes?

Beside Captain Niu Zhan were the corpses of other members of his team, but the corpses were not complete, and the death conditions were miserable.

Zhang Jialun looked around and found that this place is not too far from where he was standing before. Have those monsters pushed humans back so far?

"Be careful in the rear!"

"Be careful in the rear!"

There was a sudden shout from the front, and Zhang Jialun's team immediately moved closer to their boss. This was a signal that an enemy had broken through the front line and entered the inner formation.

"I go……"

A companion just raised his head, subconsciously uttered such a sentence, and Zhang Jialun naturally saw that in front of the team, there was a group of at least a hundred monsters rushing towards them. Like a velociraptor with three heads.

This kind of monster did not appear in the information given to them by Genting.

But no matter what it was, they could only fight against it, and they couldn't let these monsters go deep into the human formation, otherwise they would disrupt the battle.

Melee combat is the method with the greatest casualties in the last days.

"Kill the horse first!"

The boss of the team let out a roar, and rushed forward with his weapon in hand.

The top horse is the first existence of the enemy. In this kind of narrow battle, the front one is often not the strongest but also the bravest. Killing it at the first time will boost the morale of one's own side and make the opponent weak. .

The weapon in his hand turned into a ray of light and slashed towards the four-meter-tall monster.

Everyone followed the attack one after another, and all kinds of energy and skills bombarded the monster team on the opposite side.

The collision with each other was fierce. Zhang Jialun just handed out a knife, and found that the boss who flew out first just now flew back, and after that, warm liquid spilled down.


Zhang Jialun is too familiar with the temperature and taste of this liquid.

His skills had already been used, and because he was at a later position on the edge of the team, he immediately flew back to catch the boss, preventing him from falling to the ground.

It's just that when Zhang Jialun looked down at the boss, his heart sank. He saw a wound on the boss's abdomen that almost split the person in half. The body was not broken, but the spine and some flesh on the back were supporting it. What's even more frightening is that the wound was gray and white, as if it had been petrified, and I don't know what kind of ability it was.

"Let Ai Dadu, take, take my place, this time, after this time, you vote, vote for Genting."

After finishing speaking, the boss who knew he was about to die pushed Zhang Jialun with his last strength, "Go, go..."

Zhang Jialun gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and returned to the team with a roar. His boss lay on the ground watching, smiled and closed his eyes.

The death of the boss completely aroused the hostility of the team. They attacked the monster that killed the boss like crazy. When the monster with at least level eight strength was killed, there were only ten monsters left in the team. There are five or six people.

Zhang Jialun was very lucky, he didn't die, but his left shoulder was bitten, and a large piece of flesh was lost, and a piece of flesh and bone was also gnawed off. It was impossible to recover in a short time, and he could only fight with one arm temporarily.

He glanced at the broken weapon in his hand, and wanted to look for the supply team of Yunding, but he suddenly saw his own soldiers fell to the ground in one direction, like a grove passing by a hurricane.

Afterwards, a cyan shadow appeared in Zhang Jialun's field of vision, and only a moment later, that cyan shadow disappeared beside him.

Zhang Jialun ran back directly.

His gaze moved to the human being approaching from behind.

He is not escaping, but to pass the message, he knows that Yunding has a way to quickly deliver the message, he must find the soldiers of Yunding as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after only two seconds, he saw a man in blue equipment and a team of more than forty people in green equipment around him.

That must be the elite commando in the Genting team.

"Level nine green-skinned monster, ninth-level green-skinned monster!"

Zhang Jialun started to shout with all his might while running towards that side!

The figure in the blue equipment froze for a moment, and then immediately said a few words to a device on his arm. Instead of retreating, this person who was at least the squadron leader in Yunding began to direct his subordinates to let the humans here step back.

Zhang Jialun grinned, as long as Genting is notified, then there will be the same top life here to help.

He suddenly felt a little cold in his body, and lowered his head subconsciously, he saw a claw that was so hideous and terrifying that he didn't know when it appeared on his chest.

Afterwards, he saw the slight movement of the paw, and Zhang Jialun sighed in his heart.

I'm still going to die.

He knew that the guy behind him was the green-skinned monster that had reached level nine, otherwise, even an enemy at level eight would not have been able to appear behind him so quickly and silently without being noticed by him, nor by the people next to him. people found out.

To die in the hands of top beings seems to be considered consummation.

Zhang Jialun planned to close his eyes and wait for death, because he knew with his ass that in the next step, this strange hand that penetrated his body would tear him apart.

It's just that he felt a pain in his body, and it hurt more and more, letting Zhang Jialun know that he was still alive, he opened his eyes again, and found that two brown branch-like things had inserted into his shoulders at some point, and were still beating there. With a buckle, he was pulled out of the monster's hand and thrown aside.

Zhang Jialun narrowly escaped death, but was seriously injured and could not move. Fortunately, several soldiers from Yunding came over and pulled him back.

With the movement of the body, Zhang Jialun finally saw who saved his life. It was an extremely graceful female back, behind her, there were hundreds of branches dancing with the wind.

Compared with the five-meter-tall green-skinned monster on the opposite side, the back of this female life looks so weak, and has a strange beauty.

However, before Zhang Jialun fainted, he heard this female existence say something that accelerated his fainting.

"Your grandma is such a leg, I'm going to put your head in your ass today!"

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