Roulette World

2125 subdivisions

At the end of the meeting, Ye Zhongming's proposal had been passed.

Even if the patriarchs are unwilling to do this kind of thing, the facts will force them to nod, otherwise, they may be kicked out.

There are so many small races, and many of them directly agreed to this condition, such as the Auf tribe.

Since it is not monolithic, then everything is easy to handle, and Ye Zhongming's proposal will be implemented immediately, but before that, all races need to submit a detailed information on each soldier.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Now that we have agreed to obey the assignment and carry out group combat in the future, the more suitable the characteristics, the greater the combat effectiveness, the more income, and the safer the members. Therefore, everyone fights against the soldiers There is nothing to hide from the information, and it will be handed in within a few hours, and then let the Star-Eyed Clan deploy it.

The two adults of Xingyan also came forward to guarantee at the last time that the Xingyan tribe will distribute the groups fairly and justly, and the subsequent battle plan will also do this. Do something like Hachito.

So everyone is relieved.

This is a fact. Although the Huitang clan extermination incident this time did not continue to conflict with the eight heads because of the start of the planet hunting ground. But after returning, everyone knew that there would be another storm. At that time, without the help of the small race alliance, the Star-Eyed Clan would definitely be alone.

So they will not have any bad thoughts about the small race alliance here and at this time.

As for the adjustment of the defense zone, everyone has also made a decision, that is, to vacate the Banyuan Devil's Nest of the Star-Eyed Clan and only arrange some troops to defend.

Now that the decision has been made, the Sioux Clan will be notified. The Formation Race has no objection to this, but just tell them to guard the defense zone, so that no accidents will happen.

So the transfer began immediately. In fact, only half of the Star Eye Clan, about 10,000 people, were transferred to the side of the Long River Shock Plain. The Banyuan Devil's Nest was still defended by the Star Eye Clan, and it would also be used as the other side's logistics. base. Supplies and wounded will also be concentrated here.

Naturally, the Small Racial Alliance was so happy. They also knew that there were only so many fighters in the Star-Eyed Clan, and if they allocated half of them to support them, their defense would definitely be greatly improved. Although they haven't seen the strength of the Xingyan warriors with their own eyes, they were able to destroy the Huitang tribe in a surprise attack, which is enough to show that as long as the Xingyan tribe is given a chance to make a surprise attack, their fighters are very powerful.

However, Ye Zhongming did not arrange a formation on the side of the Long River impact plain.

It didn't take long to deploy troops, but it took a lot of time to allocate each race into teams. It was not until the next day that the Star-Eyed Race came up with a formal charter and a detailed distribution plan.

Looking at the final allocation list, the small race wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

The distribution made by the Star Eye Clan is that 30 are a small team, including five defensive fighters, six fortified fighters, six long-range fighters, six magic fighters, five auxiliary fighters, and two security fighters.

This is the composition when going out to hunt. When the Water Jedi defends and fights, the logistics fighters among the support fighters and the medical fighters among the auxiliary fighters will be under the unified responsibility of the logistics department.

The fighters of the Star Eye Clan belong to the auxiliary fighter category.

The tenth squadron is the first squadron, the tenth squadron is the main squadron, and the tenth squadron is the first army. The entire Dark Stripe City, including the Star-Eyed Clan, is divided into four armies.

The two adults of Xingyan are the commander-in-chief. Among the four armies, the commander-in-chief of the first army is Cheng Liujin, and the commander-in-chief of the second army is the patriarch of the Abel clan, called Chen Ning. The commander of the third army is Leona, the patriarch of the Heifa tribe, and the commander of the fourth army is the patriarch of the Auf tribe, Duoduo.

Ye Zhongming was appointed as the commander of the first general of the first army, with three thousand soldiers under him.

This was requested by Ye Zhongming himself. Originally, everyone wanted Ye Zhongming to be the commander of the first army because of the face, but he refused, and only took the command position of the first general.

Everyone doesn't understand why, it stands to reason that Ye Zhongming definitely has the qualifications. He has commanded the Bronze Battalion of 11,000 people within the Star Eye Clan.

But the fact is that Ye Zhongming really refused, without giving a reason.

Not only that, Ye Zhongming also called the general soldiers he was in charge of to his side, and reassigned their respective responsibilities and tasks when fighting in multiple teams, which also made everyone very puzzled.

And Ye Zhongming himself even announced that he would join the first brigade and the first team to fight during the battle.

Regardless of Ye Zhongming's decision, the matter of the small race alliance was settled in this way. Everyone is trying to get to know each other as well as possible, and the materials of the thirty members of the team have also been distributed to their own hands. These must not only be memorized, but also thoroughly familiarized.

Ye Zhongming also joined the first team and the first team, becoming the thirty-first member of the team.


On the Su Clan's side, Huozhi thought about it and smiled after hearing the report of what happened there.

A person's height determines his vision.

On the side of the small race alliance, almost no one realized how this incident would bring changes to the Dark Stripe City, but Huozhi could understand it after thinking about it for a while.

Of course, this has the advantages and convenience of being an outsider, but it is also true that the vision is higher than that of the people of the small race in the dark strip city.

"This kid is really restless, but he is so courageous. He actually thinks he can bridge the gap between races?"

Huozhi shook his head, looked at Jie Su and said, "Ask that kid later to see if he needs anything, we can help here."

Jie Su nodded, but he didn't come here to ask this, but wanted to know, can the method taught by Ye Zhongming really increase the power of all formations?

"Theoretically so." Huozhi said seriously: "But in the end it still depends on talent, just like going with the formation. Although things are good, not everyone can learn them."

"It's like your talent makes people jealous. It took me a day to figure it out, but you only took a few hours."

Jie Su was a little embarrassed, touched his face and wanted to say something, but Huo Zhi waved his hand: "This is a good thing, to be honest, your talent is the confidence for us and the patriarch to make many decisions, don't waste your talent, Don't disappoint our expectations. Not only your good brothers hope that you can sit in that position, we also hope that one day, the patriarch will not be nostalgic."

"Okay!" After Huozhi finished speaking, without waiting for Jie Su to say anything else, he stood up and said, "Go and inform the Star Eye Clan and the Small Race Alliance that there are signs of life gathering on the three sides of the Water Jedi, we... first Go out and meet them."

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