Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-six, you are not good at it (Part 1)

The vegetation on the impact plain of the Long River is lush. Although it is not the silent rainforest, there are mostly towering trees, but there are also dense forests and rivers. The life that enters it is like a drop of water thrown into the sea, extremely small.

Ye Zhongming and 30 other people entered the flood plain with lush vegetation and started his first hunting trip.

Because the Sioux found signs of mutated life gathering in the three directions of the Blue Devil Desert, the Silent Rain Forest, and the Long River Impact Plain. The race above decided to take the initiative to attack and try to kill these enemies that showed signs of assembly, it is best to disperse them all.

Not to mention the Sioux side, the small race alliance is the first battle after grouping, so each race attaches great importance to it, and decided to adopt a rotation system in this six-day hunting operation, and for the first time sent two One army returned after three days, and the other two set off again.

As a member of the first team of the first general and first brigade of the first army, Ye Zhongming set off on the first day.

It's just that during the march, the team members were a little... strange.

In addition to being very curious about Ye Zhongming, the legendary Bronze Commander of the Star-Eyed Clan, they are also more interested in the one in the team who serves as a security fighter.

Because that is a member of the Changxu Shui tribe, and it is said that he is also the patriarch of the Changxu Shui tribe.

Yes, He brought his clansmen and followed Ye Zhongming to Star Battlefield this time.

This is tantamount to acknowledging the relationship between the Changxu Shui Clan and the Star Eye Clan.

"Captain, according to the map, about three kilometers ahead is the habitat of a group of 'encore beasts'. It is one of the few prey groups closest to our camp. The number is about 5,000. However, more than nine of them There should be thousands of first-level ones, more than three thousand for ninth-level ones, and the rest are mostly cubs, seven or eight hundred."

The person who spoke was an auxiliary soldier, responsible for scouting, spying, and harassment and containment on the battlefield. He was a member of the Eldar race. This race has specialties in vision and hearing, and there is also a very important racial ability. spirit.

Distribute the mental power in one direction, and investigate the situation within the range of ability.

"There are ten teams around us, and we are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. If we want to make a move, shall we notify other people to come?"

Ye Zhongming did not answer the words of Amy, the leader of the magic warrior, but focused on looking at the map, and then at the surrounding environment.

Everyone was very quiet, quietly waiting for the captain to issue an order.

Now there is no such thing as distrusting Ye Zhongming or even provoking Ye Zhongming, because this year's No. 1 novice, the Bronze Commander of the Star-Eyed Clan, and an inseparable relationship with the Sioux Clan.

Although I don't know what his specific strength is, but I think it will definitely not be too weak. After all, if I am not good enough, it is difficult to impress the super rich. We are not the villain in the novel, and it is impossible to despise such a person.

Don't say anything else, just say one thing, who can make the Changxu Aquarium work? Among the twenty-nine people, who can?

So everyone respects Ye Zhongming very much.

As the commander of the First Chief of the First Army, Amy's proposal is actually nothing. After all, the surrounding teams belong to the First Chief, and they are Ye Zhongming's subordinates.

"No, we will not act for the time being."

Ye Zhongming's words surprised everyone, only He looked at him with a smile.

She knows Ye Zhongming very well, this guy, it's okay if he doesn't do anything, but as long as he does something, it must be a big deal.

"Captain, why?"

The guy who spoke was a little muffled. He was a warrior of the Auf clan who was a fortified fighter, Oliga.

In the whole team, he was the tallest and the widest, and he looked like a hill when he sat there. The weapon he used was also huge, a door panel sword that was almost as tall and as wide as him.

This guy is also the most powerful fighter in the team's public information so far.

Fu Leila exceeded 50,000!

"No matter how many people we gather here, in terms of quantity, they are far behind these prey. If we want to gather superior forces to eat the opponent in a short period of time, we need too accurate time calculation. The time difference is not easy to grasp , if we fail, we will face the dilemma of being surrounded by the enemy, even if we can retreat, we may be followed by them and attack the Water Jedi."

Ye Zhongming said softly, although there are squads of secret whistle around, but in the territory of mutant life, it is better to be careful.

"Then how?"

Olga asked again.

Ye Zhongming was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's improve your strength first, you are a bit weak."

In a word, the originally harmonious atmosphere of the whole team became awkward.

Everyone respected Ye Zhongming before, but they were a little unhappy when they heard what he said.

In fact, they have always believed that if only talking about personal combat effectiveness, people like Oliga and Amy are much stronger than Ye Zhongming.

"Hehe." Ye Zhongming chuckled, "I know you don't believe me, but listen to me."


Hearing Ye Zhong call his name, Amy subconsciously agreed.

"You are a spell warrior, and most of your abilities are long-range, but what is your maximum casting distance? How much is your maximum power? How long can your mental power last in the most intense battle?"

Without waiting for Amy to answer, Ye Zhongming moved his eyes again and looked at another person, who was the first defensive fighter in the team, because he was born with four arms and the types of weapons he held in his hands were very free, so this time he was caught Selected as a defensive fighter, two of the four arms hold a giant shield, and the other two hold two small shields. On both sides of the body, there are also two straight knives.

After talking about this person, Ye Zhongming continued: "And you, Oliga, I didn't mention the offensive power of your Auf race. Your own combat power is also very strong, but your weaknesses are too obvious. You tell me, you How many prey can you kill by rushing up? After that? How long can the armor you wear last? How many lives can the weapon in your hand kill without stopping? Also, your racial ability can make your Berserker state How long will it last?"

Faced with Ye Zhongming's repeated questions, everyone was a little stunned. They could naturally answer this question, but they also knew that the purpose of Ye Zhongming's asking these questions was not to let them answer so simply.

"Shiyong." Ye Zhong yelled, and the man who followed him on the first day he became the bronze commander of the king of Yunding and became the chief officer of the assault battalion stood up.

"The battle is just around the corner, so there's no need to hide your equipment."

"Yes!" Shi Yong replied loudly, and then directly took off the 'ragged' he was wearing, and then took out a brand new equipment.

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