Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven, you are not good at it (below)

The people in the team looked at the 'renewed' Shi Yong, their eyes were a little straight.

Because of the equipment that Shi Yong put on, there are four Hongning-level pieces, and the rest are Kegang-level pieces!

Hongning-level equipment, within these small races, can only be used at the patriarch level, and Kegang-level equipment is also used by some middle-level people.

Ordinary warriors would be fine if they could wear a few pieces of general-level equipment. Seeing a Star-eyed tribe warrior with better equipment than their patriarch appearing in front of them made them feel dazed.

"Shiyong's current Fu Leila is just over 8,000, but those of you whose Fu Leila is around 15,000 may not last two minutes in his hands. Only those with Fu Leila over 15,000, Only then can we steadily defeat him, and this is still in a face-to-face battle, if Shi Yong finds a chance to sneak attack, people of this level Fu Leila will not be able to retreat unscathed."

There are indeed very powerful characters in this team, such as Oliga, the prince of the Auf clan, with more than 50,000 Fuleiras, and Amy, the magic warrior, with more than 40,000 Fuleiras. However, the level of other people is a bit uneven, the better ones are more than 20,000 points, and the bad ones are only a few thousand.

Hearing Ye Zhongming say this, everyone was full of surprise. They didn't quite believe it at first, but after thinking about it, they all believed it again.

They don't have Hongning-level equipment, but it doesn't mean they don't understand the power of this level of equipment. After properly estimating the increase in combat power brought by the four pieces of Hongning-level equipment, they all agree with what Ye Zhongming said, and even feel that what he said is still true. A little conservative.

"This is Ai Karawan. After taking it, it can increase the fighter's reaction speed and action speed in a short period of time, and it can also heal the physical pain uninterruptedly within three hours after the effect expires. This is the third turn. drug."

"This, the pride injection, you should be familiar with. After the injection, it will be fearless in battle, and the defense of the skin will be doubled."

"And this, moco juice, drink it before the battle, it can improve the body's overall facial data, drink it after the battle, it can speed up the recovery of physical strength and energy."

Ye Zhongming put down the three medicines, looked at the people around and said.

"If Shi Yong takes these and fights again, his combat power will increase a lot, right?"

The rest of the team looked at each other, before Amy asked in a low voice, "Captain, what do you mean?"

"I mean, I won't talk about other aspects, but at least your fighting methods are too rough in my opinion."

In one sentence, everyone in the team blushed.

Indeed, compared with what Ye Zhongming said, all kinds of good equipment and potions, let alone rough, they can be called simple. In more modern terms, there is a generation gap with others.

"So, you can't beat like this, too many people have been killed like this."

Ye Zhongming saw that it was about the same time, and passed a piece of information to the team members.

"I can give you these equipment, these medicines, but it will not be free. You need to do something for me. The things in this document are what I want you to do."

Everyone clicked on the terminal to check the information on it.

"There are all kinds of medicines, materials, mutated life, etc. on it. I need them. If you find them for me, I will give you corresponding rewards. And the other side-by-side gains of each operation are privately owned by everyone. There is no need to hand it in, mind you, it is completely private.”

When Ye Zhongming said this, everyone's eyes lit up.

The various materials mentioned by the Bronze Commander of the Star-Eyed Race must not be so easy to obtain, and some of them even knew that it was a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair just by looking at it. However, Ye Zhongming's conditions were too tempting.

As long as you find him what he needs, you can get what they can't imagine.

Equipment, potions, materials and others.

For those of them from small clans, these are enough to make their hearts beat.

"Are you agree?" Ye Zhongming asked softly,

Everyone nods together.

I still don't agree, isn't that something wrong with my brain?

Ye Zhongming laughed.

His plan has initially succeeded, and he will use a little subtle influence to make these small clans realize one thing, following him is far better than developing by themselves.

The King of Genting did not have the desire to completely control them. Among other things, the mere differences between races were enough to prevent these beings from truly merging.

But he doesn't need to integrate these beings into one big race, he just needs them to obey orders.

When he is not so strong, he will use gentle means to make interests become the bond between each other. When he is strong enough, he will add carrots and sticks to bring these people into the same system.

As for what the big stick is...the number of people on earth is enough now.


"The bell rings to send an order to let the first general not to attack the Encore beasts, but to clean up other mutant lives within ten kilometers around them first?"

Cheng Liujin, who is now the commander of the First Army, was a little surprised when he received the news. After thinking about it, he didn't know what Ye Zhongming was going to do.

However, he also knew that Ye Zhongming would not be aimless. After carefully checking the map, he ordered the first army not to make any big moves for the time being, and to round up the mutant life that could be easily hunted first.

The second army was completely different from the first army. On the first day they entered the Longhe River Shock Plain, they concentrated all their troops and launched an attack on a mutated life group that had begun to take shape. After five hours, they won a complete victory.

This battle has gained a lot. More than 20,000 mutated life forms were wiped out, leaving no more than 10,000 mutated life clusters within 50 kilometers to the left of the Longhe Shock Plain.

The results of the second army suddenly highlighted the "incompetence" of the first army. In the first day, they just killed some prey in a small way, and the harvest could not be compared with the second army. , even they didn't directly carry out any large-scale operations at all, and none of those target mutated life groups were taken away.

This made the third army and the fourth army who were still at home a little confused. I don't know what the First Army is doing, why it is so... avoiding the battle.

The hunting operation this time was originally carried out to clean up nearby prey, and the purpose was for the safety of the station. If you don't fight, what's the point?

The commander-in-chief of the first army is Cheng Liujin, a member of the Star-eyed tribe, and the first commander-in-chief of the first army is Ye Zhongming, a member of the Star-eyed tribe. It was the two of them who led the "no war" policy this time. There is a lot of pressure on the two adults with star eyes.

However, after contacting Ye Zhongming, Commander Bronze only replied with one sentence.

"They're not very good at it."

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