Roulette World

2128th: ​​Huo Chao (Part 1)

"Captain, here are the petals and roots of the 'Yefanghua' you want. They have been processed, and their seeds, but I don't know if they are mature."

A soldier took out a box from his backpack, and when he opened it, there were the materials he said inside.

Ye Zhongming checked it and nodded, quite satisfied.

"The flower stems of this thing are crushed and used as medicine, which can remove some toxins in the body. It is a good thing, so don't waste it."

Added together.

The soldier nodded immediately after hearing this, and wrote it down respectfully.

During this day's operations, he had seen how special this team was.

They first start with weaker life and less dangerous areas, while killing prey, while training the team, and collecting resources.

During this process, they began to really get acquainted with each other, their fighting styles and habits, and got used to following Ye Zhongming's command.

At the beginning, everyone was a little uncomfortable, but before each battle, the Bronze Commander of the Star-Eyed Clan would ask everyone to evaluate the difficulty level of the next battle, and listed ten criteria, corresponding to Ten levels, let everyone determine the level they think they think, and then discuss together to determine the final difficulty.

In this process, Ye Zhongming naturally did not participate.

Afterwards, he began to fight under his command, and every time the result was that the battle became very simple!

These fighters are also the backbone of all ethnic groups, and they are no strangers to fighting, and most of them have rich experience. Even if their assessment of each battle is not completely accurate, it is almost the same.

But the facts have hit their self-confidence again and again. They don't know why the battle that should have been very difficult has become easy, and the battle that should have been easy has become like a child's play.

Obviously, the equipment has not changed, and everyone's strength has not changed. What has changed is only everyone's combat methods and commanders.

Now the idiot understands why.

They didn't expect that when the various races fight with each other, the battle will be so easy, and with a good command, the combat effectiveness will be doubled and doubled.

Another point is also very important, that is, fighting so far, everyone has not even killed a single person in battle, and even very few people have been injured.

This is indeed due to the Changxu Shui tribe's attack, but everyone also knows that when fighting in this kind of mutated life site, there will always be various accidents, which can turn injuries into injuries in a day's battle. A kind of luxury, not just a person from the Changxu Shui tribe can do it.

Seeing that this person handed in the materials, the others immediately refused to be outdone, and within a short while, they had already given Ye Zhongming nearly ten various things that he asked for by name.

"By the way, I want the magic crystal too."

Ye Zhongming said a word, and immediately asked everyone to hand over the magic crystal of at least level eight to him.

This thing is very precious on Earth, but those below the seventh level here are not willing to pick it up, because the evolution potion is not a must-have for them, and they can reach the ninth level through self-cultivation.

And in every race, even the smallest race, has enough ability to support all levels of mutated life, to provide most of the magic crystals needed by the clan.

"Not bad, all good." Ye Zhongming was very happy. Now this group of guys basically met his requirements. This team of thirty people can be regarded as his starting point.

"One piece for each person, they all correspond. Pick out your own."

Ye Zhongming took out twenty-eight pieces of Kegang-level equipment, except for Hehe Shiyong, everyone else had them.

Everyone picked out their own one after another, and their faces were full of joy after wearing them.

The way they look at Ye Zhongming now is the same as that of many star-eyed people when they first met Ye Zhongming.

Being able to come up with Kegang-level equipment that suits everyone's characteristics in less than a day is already a very heaven-defying thing.

What they don't know is,

Ye Zhongming only needs to slightly improve some of the existing equipment.

The members of the team were already very happy to get a piece of Kegang-level equipment. As for the Hongning-level equipment, they really didn't think about it. They knew what kind of equipment it was, and they wouldn't expect it.

Although Ye Zhongming paid a small 30 pieces of Kegang-level equipment, he was not at a loss, and he gained a lot.

These materials are what he needs, what the Changxu Aquarium needs, and what the library needs.

Although they are not particularly precious, they are not bad.

"Everyone should be familiar with the tactics between us by now, right?"

Everyone nodded together. After nearly a day, everyone had indeed gotten to know each other, initial trust had been established, and they were gradually adapting to this combat style.

"Well, the base already dislikes our inaction, so we have to work hard."

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, everyone laughed lightly.

"This time our goal is here." Ye Zhongming clicked on the map.

Everyone watched together, Olija said: "Huo Chao?"


Huo Nest is a place named by the Universe Wanzu information party. It is marked as a nest of mutated plants, occupying a large low-lying area. Because of the mutated plants, it is still the kind of low shrub-like mutated plants, so the number It is impossible to count at all.

This kind of mutated plant is called 'Huocao'. It looks soft and weak on the outside, but their root system is extremely terrifying. When they go crazy, countless iron-like root systems about five meters long will crazily grow from the ground. It can last for hours without interruption.

And it is very difficult to kill a plant of this kind of Huocao, because you can't accurately find the taproot with the magic crystal.

The members of the team did not understand why Ye Zhongming would target here.

The mutated plants are indeed the most numerous life in the Takihe impact plain, but after all, they seldom move in a large range, and the threat to the resident is very small, so moving them is really not very purposeful.

Besides, everyone didn't think that now thirty-one people were able to wipe out Huo Chao.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Ye Zhongming didn't explain, but said: "I know you think this place is inappropriate, but before I explain, let me talk about what we will gain if we can clear this place?"

Everyone is actually a little uncomfortable with this style. When they act, they first look at what they can get after success. That is when they are capable. Now everyone obviously cannot deal with so many top-level mutant beings.

"First, we will get Huo Cao Ye." Ye Zhongming said slowly.

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