Roulette World

2134th communication silence

This time, even the two adults of the Star Eye Clan couldn't sit still.

Together with everyone in the camp, they rushed to the command post, where messages from members were received.

Yes, when going out to fight, except in very special cases and with all high-level authorizations, it is not allowed for individuals to communicate with fighters in combat status, which can prevent many situations.

In so many years of combat experience, all races in the universe, no matter how big or small, have formed many rules that are almost unified.

When everyone came to the command room, on the light curtain map, the green dots representing the position of the First Army were indeed almost assembled.

Because it is the first time for everyone to come to this planet, this system cannot achieve global positioning, after all, without the help of satellites.

It's not that the myriad races in the universe can't do this, but to train fighters. Of course, the most important thing is for 'fairness'. On the surface, the big clans want to train fighters to deal with the invasion of the slave clans, but the fact is that they control the small clans A means of harvesting.

Anyway, for them, it doesn't make much difference whether there are satellites or not. For the small clan, it is very important. It can be used for early warning, targeted hunting, and efficient defense.

The systems currently used by Dark Stripe City are a set of systems established by themselves in the camp. The location of everyone is determined through the transmission and reception of signal towers, but it will be affected by terrain and weather. The detection distance is not far and the stability is stable. Not too good either.

Fortunately, the weather is fine today, and the first army is not too far from the station, so the display is quite clear.

"where is this?"

Leona watched for a long time, but didn't realize where the First Army was assembled?

"It should be a narrow passage between two unnamed hills." The person in charge of the contact was not sure. The place was not a landmark and had no name at all, not even the names of the two large hills next to it.

"Here, are those subordinates of the 'Twin-tailed Goji'?" Master Xing asked, pointing to a place only a few kilometers away from the current gathering place of the First Army.

"Yes, the number here has exceeded 80,000 now." The man continued to answer.

"They won't be the target of the first army, right?" Master Yan said worriedly.

Although he thought it was impossible, Cheng Liujin was a very stable person, but there was no guarantee that he would not be tempted. After all, the First Army had no results in the past three days. family, perhaps Commander Golden will really take the risk.

"Maybe it's here. You see, it's not far from the group of 'Huandu wolves'. Relatively speaking, these Huandu wolves are easier to deal with, right? The number is also small, and now there are only more than 50,000."

Only...the corners of the eyes of the two adults Xingyan twitched when Duoduo said these two words.

The first army only has 30,000 people!

Is Huandu wolf easy to deal with? Those guys have fast speed, sharp teeth, sharp claws, strong team combat ability, and are very bloodthirsty. Several talents are very powerful.

If the Star-Eyed Clan were to choose, they would rather choose an 'unknown army' of more than 80,000 people, rather than choose the Huandu wolves as a whole.

At this time, the first army was indeed not too far from the gathering place of the Huandu wolves, about seven or eight kilometers away. And in the surroundings, apart from these two mutated life groups, there are no more than double-digit populations.

If the first army's target is not them, then the current assembly... is to go home?

Everyone thought of this and couldn't help looking at the location of the Second Army, and found that the signs representing the Second Army were rushing towards the station without any haste.

Looking at the distance, it seems that it should arrive at about the same time as the First Army...if the First Army just walked back like this.

"Why don't we contact the First Army? Don't do anything stupid. This time the hunting didn't produce any results, and there will be another time. But if you do something out of your control on impulse, it will be irreversible." .”

It was Leona who spoke, and she didn't mean to target the Star-Eyed Race, but she really thought so.

You must know that each army is composed of fighters from various ethnic groups, and whichever loses heavily is the loss of the whole.

The two adults in Xingyan looked at each other and agreed.

At this time, I can't care about anything else.

They knew that Cheng Liujin was stable, and they couldn't guarantee whether he would take risks for the sake of the Star-Eyed Clan. And Ye Zhongming was in the first army, they knew it, that kid, he especially liked to walk on the steel wire, at this stage the wind was going smoothly, it was inevitable that he would not act on his will, and his actions were dangerous.

After all, the First Army is neither the Bronze Battalion nor the Golden Battalion. The two adults of Star Eyes are really afraid that they are not so precious to the lives of other races.

It's a pity, but when the contact was sent...

"First Army, all communications are silent." The person in charge had a bitter expression, just like the other people in the room who heard the news.

If it is going back normally, how can the entire communication be silent, this is a sure signal to fight! Close the connection with the station, and form an independent communication section there, the effect will be better.

"Shall we go to support?"

Duoduo was a little anxious, his son was in the first army. Over there, Leona also looked at the two adults with Star Eyes.

"Wait, it's moving! They're all moving!" The person in charge of surveillance yelled, and everyone hurriedly looked over and found that on the light screen, the group of beings representing Huandu wolves moved first, very fast, and the target It was the location of the First Army.

And the two-tailed wolfwort also moved, but their moving route was a bit weird. First they walked in one direction for a while, then stopped, and after waiting for a while, they ran in the same direction again. It was already a few minutes later when they marched towards the First Army.

The First Army is also moving, but from the light curtain, they seem to have retreated, but the distance is not too much, so it is not so obvious,

Now, even if they send people to help, it should be too late. If the three parties want to maintain this speed, they may collide in a few minutes.

"Let's send someone there, they should last for a long time."

Master Yan sighed and said: "Let the Fourth Army go first, and set off a few hours earlier. The soldiers of the Third Army stay at home and wait until the Second Army returns. Just go, if you don't need it over there... you can go hunting according to the plan."

In the words, there is helplessness.

Although he and Mr. Xing are now the commanders of the entire small race alliance, they can't let them desperately rescue each other after all.

Duoduo knew the reason why Master Yan asked him to support him. His son was in the first army, and he would do his best. After saying goodbye to Master Xingyan, he hurriedly dispatched troops to set off.

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