Roulette World

Two thousand one hundred and thirty-five battles

"Two minutes left!"

Standing on the top of the hill, Cheng Liujin looked at the fallen trees and plants in the jungle in the distance, and estimated the precise time.

Ye Zhongming nodded, his attention was more on the three teams of the No. 1 general team below.

"Zhong Ming, is it really useful? In case of accidents, the 30,000 of us will be here. Two mutant populations block our way back to the camp. If things go wrong, we can only retreat. Then The farther and farther away from the station, it’s hard to say what happened.”

Cheng Liujin was not without worries.

When Ye Zhongming found him and told him the plan, he didn't believe it at first, but Ye Zhongming made a promise.

Cheng Liujin chose to believe in this kid's sturdy 'record' since he joined the Star Eye Clan.

It's just that when things come to an end, it's inevitable to worry.

It's really Ye Zhongming's's a bit of a fantasy.

"It's okay, even if something happens, I still have a backup here, and I will definitely be able to keep us safe and retreat." Ye Zhongming said with a smile: "Wealth and wealth are in danger, we are indeed taking some risks now, but once we succeed, we will gain a lot." It’s also very big, among other things, the two-tailed wolfwort is worth 10 to 20 million yuan, not to mention the whole body of the Huandu wolf is a treasure, more than 50,000 heads, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.”

Some people behind Cheng Liujin wanted to laugh when they heard it. At this time, the battle was about to start in more than a minute, so he was still joking.

"The two-tailed wolfberry enters the range in fifteen seconds!"

"Huandulang enters the range in twenty seconds!"

As someone from behind continued to reveal the time node, everyone watched with bated breath.

Ye Zhongming also felt a little nervous at the moment. Although he was somewhat sure about this matter, he couldn't guarantee 100% that it could be done after all.

Fitz's fish is used at this time.

This kind of fish itself is actually nothing, even for the universe, it doesn't even taste good.

However, when this kind of fish meat is eaten by a mutated life, the meat of the mutated life itself will become very tender and delicious.

Of course, this is not important, what is important is that this kind of tender and delicious food is a fatal temptation for carnivorous mutant animals, and after eating it, it is extremely beneficial to their bodies.

However, this kind of thing will cause a little side effect, or strictly speaking, it is not a side effect, but it will make the mutated life that eats this kind of meat become irritable, belligerent, and bloodthirsty for a certain period of time.

Even this kind of change does not last long, the degree is not high, and it will not affect other aspects.

But for Ye Zhongming, this is enough.

The mutated life that likes to eat fish is called 'Zhi Zhuo', and nearly a thousand Zhi Zhuo ate half of those Fitz fish... After that, they were all caught.

Whoever made them run fast except for their rough skin and thick flesh, they were really greedy, and they were caught by Ye Zhongming and Cheng Liujin in a random trick, and they were all caught up in one go.

And just now, he cut open these beasts one by one, and left them on the two groups of mutated beings who came towards the first army.

The two groups of mutated beings are all beings with extremely high intelligence, and the others are all ninth-level and super-ninth-level existences, and there are not many seven or eighth-level beings.

Normally, such a simple trap is too rudimentary.

But it was precisely because such a trap was too rough that Ye Zhongming felt that those higher beings would not care about it, or would not consider it a trap. On this planet, picking up food is quite normal.

And precisely because they are high in level, high in intelligence, and have their own judgments, they can see that there is nothing harmful to them in the corpses of those Zhuo, and there are even good things in them.

Once they eat, things are much easier.

The two-tailed wolfberry first appeared in front of the food. Ye Zhongming couldn't see if they were eating, but visually, their speed slowed down significantly.

That's a good sign.

Then, he looked at Huandu Wolf again,

Those fellows also stagnated for a moment, but regained their speed in an instant, and continued to come towards the large number of life forms in the universe that they discovered just now.

"Let's prepare for battle, things may be a little more difficult than we imagined." Ye Zhongming said to Cheng Liujin.

Commander Gold nodded, and immediately ordered everyone to prepare for battle.

"Ten-second contact with all wolves!"

Someone made a loud report through the communicator, and everyone in the First Army entered a fighting state.

It feels like, after only an instant, the first tall Huandu wolf jumped into sight.

The body of the Ringdu wolf has three colors, the head, body and tail, and the three parts have three colors, which are distinct.

The strength can be distinguished from the size, the bigger the body, the more powerful, after entering the ninth level, every ring is at least as big as a wolf and a stallion.

Ye Zhongming also saw the first wolf that jumped out. From the cruel and calm eyes of this guy, he knew that these guys didn't eat the food.

It's really a very disciplined group.

Ye Zhongming also had to sigh with emotion.

The Ringdu wolf jumped out and stood there staring at the person in front of him. After a few seconds, he let out a long howl.

Then, a large number of Huandu wolves swarmed in behind, and rushed towards the position of the first army.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Because the battle plan had already been drawn up before, the chiefs of their respective teams knew what to do and kept reminding the members of the team to pay attention.

At this stage, the wolves rushed into the place about 100 meters away from the team.

Because the First Army is on the narrow road between two hills, the squadron is divided into the narrow road and the slopes on both sides, and there are also some squadrons on the hills on both sides.

But the first target of these wolves around the city is only those people on the narrow road.

Everyone just felt a flash of light [] in front of them at a certain moment, and then saw that the entire Huandu Wolf's attack team slowed down, and the direction was still a bit off.

They didn't have time to ask why this was, only that it was the signal to start an attack.

The people with long-range abilities moved immediately, and the arrows, short spears, hatchets and all-over-the-sky abilities landed on the vanguard of the Huandu wolf.

The strange thing is that the Huandu wolves were not prepared for this at all, and did not respond until the attacks landed on them.

There was no time for this, so many Huandu wolves were killed directly, and the first attack of the first army was very effective.

"The shadow formation is not bad." Cheng Liujin looked very excited. The formation arranged by Ye Zhongming played an obvious role. Such an attack at least killed the thousand-headed Huandu wolf, and the results are still continuing.

But Ye Zhongming was not so optimistic. He found that the first wave of Huandu wolves was only about 5,000 in number, and they were separated by a distance before all of them rushed forward, so that the first wave of attacks just now did not achieve greater effect. And more Huandu wolves began to detour from both sides, playing tactics with the first army.

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