Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred fifty-one and one

A breakthrough? !

This kind of phenomenon behind the scenes will only appear when one breaks through a major level, that is, when one evolves into a great master or a peak master.

But breaking through during battle, although this kind of thing is not unheard of, many people really saw it for the first time.

It's not that easy to make a breakthrough.

But everyone in the Star-Eye Clan felt that it was right after falling into ecstasy.

The two patriarchs of Xingyan were originally the most powerful people in the clan. Although no one knew how many Fu Leila they had, they could probably estimate the two patriarchs if they thought about Jin Jinba Shilu and the others.

Before Ye Zhongming came, they should have paid 70,000 to 80,000 Leila.

After Ye Zhongming came, they can be sure that the progress of the two patriarchs must not be slower than anyone else, so their Fu Leila may have reached the edge of a master, and the difference is just an opportunity.

Now, this opportunity has come.

Once Delma and Kierselting escaped, the Star-Eye Clan would face the danger of genocide, which was one, and Master Xing was in danger, which was the second. Perhaps, for a long time, Master Yan's views on some super rich families also made him accumulate dissatisfaction and even hatred, which erupted at this moment. This is the third.

The combination of these factors allowed him to break through the limit of 100,000 Fu Leila at the moment of life and death, and successfully entered the realm of a master, and thus produced a vision.

One thing is also the reason why many people are shocked now, that is, every life will more or less have some visions when it breaks through the master, and these visions may be the invisible spiritual power like Jiesu spreading over a large area , It is also possible that the ancestors like Bailongma came, or it was just a little light around.

Although there are visions, and the momentum varies from big to small, it is generally accepted that the greater the momentum of the vision, the greater the corresponding energy and potential after becoming a master.

To put it bluntly, a person with a large vision will be stronger than a person with a small vision after becoming a great master. Most importantly, the future potential will be better, and he hopes to touch the realm of a peak master.

Now this huge black shadow standing in the sky is still the kind of black shadow that opened its eyes, which is a complete manifestation of a big phenomenon.

No matter how shocked other people are when they see such a big vision, Mr. Yan has only one thought in his whole body and mind, saving people!

The dagger in his hand swiped at the sky, right in front of the vision that hadn't dissipated. From a distance, it seemed that the weapon in the vision's hand had been unsheathed.

I don't know why, but before the vision disappeared, it really moved like that. The knife light of Master Yan crossed this distance and arrived in front of Kierselting in an instant.

At this time, the peak master didn't dare to push himself too hard, so he could only give up the attack on Lord Xing, put his hands in a Tai Chi-like posture in front of him, and then pushed outward.

This kind of attack launched by using the vision that happens to be promoted, has already exceeded the level of the initiator. Although it is impossible to reach the realm of a peak master, it must not be underestimated.

Kierselting, who was seriously injured, really didn't dare to take it too seriously.

Bright light collided with the pinnacle master,

There is blood splashing out!

Eyed adults grinned and smiled.

Only blocked by the mask, no one noticed the blood on his teeth.

Anyway, he did it, and he freed his wife from the clutches of the enemy.

Danyan also exhausted all his strength. In the blow just now, he really exhausted all his strength, and he also used the power of vision.

Let's put it this way, if he is lucky and talented, he may still use that blow in his lifetime. If he lacks potential, lacks ability, or is unlucky, it is estimated that he will be at the peak of his life.

Kierselting let out a muffled snort, leaned back, and Delmar, who was next to him, saw a deep bone wound on the chest of the peak master of the clan! And the hands that resisted the attack at the beginning had three fingers cut off!

"Die!" Delmar was furious.

Apart from his own mind and flexible character, his reliance in the clan is this peak expert who takes good care of him. With Kilsel Ting around, at least he doesn't have to worry about his competitors fighting against him in terms of force. He presses.

But now, Kilselting was seriously injured by Kunzuo first, and he didn't know if there would be any hidden dangers, and then he was intercepted by two rubbish patriarchs of the Star-Eyed Clan, and even lost his finger!

For His Royal Highness, who has been immersed in the glory and arrogance of Lena Starman all his life, this kind of momentary setback and bad associations for the future immediately made him roar with anger, and he made an instant move to understand Mr.

A person who tried his best, even a great master, would be vulnerable in front of Delma.

But at this time, Master Yan really didn't care, he didn't even hide, and he couldn't hide anyway.

It's just that Delmar's weapon didn't fall on him as expected, but hit a snowflake of energy.

Master Yan looked at his wife in surprise.

Master Xing stood there quietly, the sky behind her was like a mirage.

Between the vast expanse of heaven and earth, there is the shadow of a huge mountain, but its majesty is covered up by heavy snow all over the sky.

The whole pattern is dreamlike and unreal, as if you are on the scene.

Under this mirage-like picture, reality has been connected as one, and the heavy snow falling from the sky in the picture fell into reality from the joint, wrapping the two adults of Star Eye, Kilsel Ting and Delmar within the scope within.

After Master Yan, Master Xing also successfully advanced to become a master at this moment!

The people who had been shocked just now fell into disbelief again.

Another breakthrough! Another big master!

Probably, only the people of the star-eyed tribe would not find it strange.

In the clan, Lord Xing's strength is already a little higher than that of Lord Yan. Since Lord Yan can break through and become a master, then Lord Xing can naturally do the same.

Husband and wife are of the same mind, aren't they?

When these large energy snowflakes fell, Kierselting's expression was more cautious than the one he faced with the sword just now. He didn't dare to move rashly, his eyes scanned the surroundings quickly, and at a certain moment, his body suddenly accelerated, and he grabbed it. Delma, who was also afraid to move, rushed in one direction, and kept adjusting her position on the way.

Master Xing, who was standing there without moving at all, sneered, raised his right hand lightly, and flicked his five fingers together, all the snowflakes exploded in an instant!

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