Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and fifty-two I will send you a ride

The bodies of Kierselting and Delma flew up, and the bodies of Master Xing and Master Yan also flew up.

Among the energy snowflakes, apart from them, any other objects were blown to pieces.

The entire battlefield has come to a standstill, really.

Before this, no one would have thought that two people who are not even great masters would intercept a peak master. But the facts proved that the two people not only stopped them, but also broke through the bottleneck and entered the next level.

Such a scene is really the only one I have ever seen in my life.

Gilsell stood up, feeling extremely embarrassed, even when she was facing Kunzuo just now.

Under the blessing of visionary energy, those energy snowflakes exploded with unimaginable power.

He was already badly injured, and he was injured more and more. It's not bad that he didn't die.

Now his body is a little swaying.

He glanced at Del Mar. Under his care, His Royal Highness did not have any major problems. He suffered some injuries, but they were not fatal, and he could even maintain a certain level of combat effectiveness.

A strong light suddenly burst out from the eyes of the Lena star's peak master.

No matter what, he wants to send Del Mar out today!

His hands with missing fingers landed on Delma's body, and in the next moment, he would use all his strength to send the prince out.

"Did you...have you forgotten me?"

A figure suddenly landed in front of Kierselting, Kun Zuo said with a sneer.

A few Half-Life insects are indeed difficult to deal with, just look at the wounds on Kunzuo's body now. But as long as a peak expert is given a little time, even ten half-lived insects can be dealt with. After all, their shortcomings are too obvious.

Normally, the effort Kierselting's Half-Life intercepted was enough for him and Delma to run a sufficient distance. The Half-Life was lost, but the life was saved.

However, who would have thought that two little people who were usually like ants in their eyes would successfully advance to masters at such a critical moment and stop them.

Kunzuo didn't use any Falling Holy Bow either. That thing consumes too much energy. He directly took out the weapon that became famous when he was young, a skull whip with spikes, and whipped it at Kierselting. .

The whip turned into skulls one by one in mid-air, with piercing whistling sounds from its mouth, and light gray mist sprayed out from its eyes.

The mist turned into a silk thread and connected to Kierselting's body. The howling sound was to affect the target's mind. At least, it could prevent them from concentrating and releasing their abilities.

Even in the face of Kierselting, who was in a very, very bad state and whose injuries were almost irreparable, Kunzuo did not relax in the slightest. This is the respect for a top player, and it is also the experience accumulated over the years.

Things like comebacks mostly occur because the opponents have an opportunity to take advantage of it when they are full of ambitions. Kunzuo doesn't want to be the background board of others' fame.

Kierselting's heart was at peace. He knew that the matter was over and his end...had come.

Without any accident, those skeletons broke through Kierselting's last defense and destroyed his last three pieces of high-level defensive equipment.

After that, all of them were printed into the body of this peak master.

Kun Zuo twitched his whip back in the distance, and the skeletons flew out of Kierselting's body and returned to the weapon.

"Sometimes, the choice is very important." Kun Zuo looked at the collapsing master at the same level, and said lightly.

Kierselting's body seemed to be splitting apart at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the land hadn't been moistened by rain for four hundred years.

"Before the result comes out, who knows the right or wrong choice of one's own choice."

Two peak masters who have been fighting to the death chatted like friends, that was the last dialogue of life.

"Can you save Delmar's life?"

Kierselting glanced at His Royal Highness, and continued: "I can guarantee that he will forget what happened today."

This is not a verbal cheque. The myriad races in the universe who have become accustomed to the combination of various race technologies and roulette technology, indeed have many ways to restrain a person.

But... there are almost all ways to crack it, but the difficulty is different.

Kun Zuo naturally wouldn't believe such a promise. Seeing him shaking his head, a sad expression appeared on Kierselting's face.

"You've gone so smoothly this way, I won't be able to accompany you in the future, hehe, maybe, I will accompany you again, but in a different place."

Speaking of later, Kierselting's body had already begun to collapse, and he did not lose his breath like ordinary people after death, but was about to truly collapse and shatter.

"No, maybe, I'll give him a ride." Kunzuo sneered and waved to Delmar, and the fifth heir of the Lena star flew to him without any resistance.

Delmar wanted to struggle.

It might be possible when he was in good condition. After all, Kunzuo is not in good condition, but now Delmar is also in a seriously injured condition, especially those snowflakes that Master Xing exploded just now. Kierselting stopped most of them for him. , but the occasional missed ones still caused him a great shock, and now his breath has not calmed down.

Kun Zuo pinched Delma's head with his hand, looked at Kierselting, and then exerted a little force, the prince's head exploded directly, and Kierserting's also exploded together. Body.

The two of them died together in the end.

Their death represented the downfall of the crown guards, even if there was a very strong master over there, Kun Zuo easily killed him with the help of several subordinates.

So far, all the Lena Stars who came here were wiped out.

The Hall Stars, the Sioux and others have become two distinct parts again.

"Clean the battlefield!"

"Sentry out to see if there is a herd of beasts gathering around."

"Go and find out where the Lena star's army is."

"Heal the wounded!"


Orders from both sides continued to be conveyed through the command system, and the subordinates took their own initiative.

On the Su Clan's side, almost all the high-level officials were in the camp. After hearing the inaccurate report, everyone's face was not very good.

Because the loss is too great. Whether it was the Sioux tribe or the small race alliance, the casualty ratio far exceeded their previous expectations.

After a battle, the two sides lost almost one-ninth of their personnel!

No matter which side it is, it hurts.

The situation seems to have returned to the way it was before. While everyone is recovering as soon as possible, they are also considering whether the two sides can still maintain communication as before after this battle, and the agreed 5.5 billion is still the same.

However, before these high-level officials began to discuss what to do next, the sound of fighting suddenly came from outside.

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