Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-four pit cargo ball (on)

It has been too many years since the pattern of the myriad races in the universe has not changed much. If some small races are eliminated because of their extinction, there will be no minor changes in the pattern.

From a long time ago, the three major camps and the liberal faction represented by the Talos red dwarves have fixed the existence mode of the entire universe and all races.

It's not that no one wanted to change it, for example, not long ago, the Hall star and Lena star secretly wanted to carry out the clearing operation. But these ideas were not put into action due to various accidents.

But now, the Musk Stars actually stood up and expressed their stance towards the Sioux tribe. The significance of this is so intriguing.

You must know that whether it is the Hall star camp or the Lena star camp, their backbone, or the skeleton of the alliance, is composed of other super clans.

It can be said that this is the basis for them to be able to hold the authority of all races in the universe.

As the so-called one hero has three gangs, without the support of these super-rich clans, the Hall Stars and Lena Stars would not be able to achieve their current status at all.

But after the Musk star made this statement, this stable 'building' shook a little bit.

On the survivor's fortress where the Hall star and the Musk star were located, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

In the dark, no one knows whether the Hall Stars and the Musk Stars are communicating effectively, but on the bright side, after the Musk Stars issued a statement, all the super and powerful clans of the entire universe fell into a strange silence .

Everyone knows that this incident either broke out in silence, or it ended there.


Ye Zhongming has already arrived in the outer sky at this time, waiting for specific instructions from the universe.

There was some news that made the emotions of the various ethnic groups here unstable, but everyone concentrated in different airports according to their camps, and there was no conflict for the time being.

This is exactly what the king of cloud top hopes, because now he is studying the state of the ball.

At this moment, the ball stretched into the space equipment and the silk was still inside, and it also changed from the previous awake state to a deep sleep state.

It's just different from the deep sleep of other battle pets before, Ye Zhongming feels that this guy is not evolving, but... really asleep.

Fortunately, this guy doesn't have any exhalation organs, otherwise, the snot bubbles would probably come out.

Ye Zhongming was so worried that something might happen, he even took a small aircraft to a place some distance away from the airport by himself, and this guy Qiuqiu was sleeping.

Ye Zhongming really wanted to wake it up if he wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to take drastic actions if he didn't understand its state.

But the king of cloud top can't do anything for the time being, after all, Qiuqiu's situation is a bit special.

Speaking of which, the situation of this little guy summoned from a different space is a bit similar to that of Dihuang Wan. They are the kind of war pets that do not need to sign a contract. In terms of interaction, there is a gap between Biyangos or White Dragon Male Lei Bird.

Therefore, Ye Zhongming couldn't clearly know the specific changes in Qiuqiu's body at this moment, he could only feel a rough idea.

It is precisely because of this,

He became more and more confused, because he couldn't feel any energy fluctuations in the ball.

Ye Zhongming couldn't be sure whether he couldn't feel it himself, or there was really nothing.

No matter what kind it is, he can't pull the ball's wire out of the space ring. He is afraid that something will go wrong. All Ye Zhongming can do is wait.

This kind of waiting is actually very excruciating. Ye Zhongming looked at the Sleeping God Ball that he had carefully moved to the table and connected to his own space ring. Bored, he could only start repairing and manufacturing those mechanical war beasts.

There is no way, he can't even make equipment, the materials are all in his ring, only the mechanical beast is in another space equipment.

Many of the mechanical war beasts he created before the Star Hunting Grounds started played a big role in the final fight against the Hall Stars.

At that time, the number of Hall star people who were already in a state of collapse was still a bit large, even if some people from the Sioux tribe took out the follow-up formation at the bottom of the box, and the Star-eyed tribe took out the ancient battle formation, plus so many master-level beings , Victory is certain, but there is no guarantee of complete annihilation. After Ye Zhongming's mechanical beast troops participated in the battle, they ensured that no one would be let go and the casualties were reduced.

But there are many damages. Ye Zhongming himself is on the aircraft, and the space is large enough, so he took out hundreds of damaged mechanical war beasts and all the broken ones in one breath, intending to piece together to see how much can be repaired tower.

The entire small aircraft was immediately filled with a metallic smell.

Ye Zhongming first studied the same damaged Mountain Fury, and found that the problem was not too serious, and the damaged parts did not involve the core. He found some parts from the wreckage, and after dealing with them himself, the Mountain Fury was repaired first. , only there is no suitable super-strength plastic cover on the head, we have to wait until we go back.

After that, Ye Zhongming began to repair other mechanical war beasts.

These things were originally made by him, so they can be easily repaired, and in the process, he can continue to deepen his understanding of the manufacturing technology of mechanical war beasts.

In a few hours, Ye Zhongming had already repaired most of them. In the end, there were only about 20 units left that could not be repaired due to unsuitable materials.

He thought about it, and simply removed some of the more difficult repairs, and used their materials to repair others.

After dismantling ten units clangingly, Ye Zhongming started his career as a repairman again.

When another six units were repaired, Ye Zhongming suddenly stopped what he was doing. He quickly moved to Qiuqiu's side and found that the little guy woke up at some point.

Ye Zhongming looked at it, and felt a strange feeling in his heart. He always felt that little things would cause trouble!

Sure enough, the soft white silk that had been stretched into the space ring suddenly tightened, and a force so huge that Ye Zhongming's hairs stood on end was being transmitted to Qiuqiu's body through these white silk.

This is... Ye Zhongming's eyes widened. This kind of power is definitely not what a great master should have!

Could it be that the power of Kunzuo's severed hand has not dissipated?

Even though he felt relatively vague about the strength of Qiuqiu itself, Ye Zhongming could tell after more than ten seconds that Qiuqiu's strength had increased rapidly, and those white threads even became a little translucent.

After a while, that is, about half a minute, Qiuqiu's body suddenly began to swell, and the little thing began to make gurgling noises, without the usual rhythm, and looked very messy.

Ye Zhongming subconsciously took a step forward, wanting to check the situation, but Qiuqiu suddenly threw another white thread and landed on his master's shoulder.

In an instant, Ye Zhongming wanted to curse.

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