Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-five pit cargo ball (below)

There is nothing wrong with the energy in the universe having the same origin. But this does not mean that all kinds of energy can be absorbed.

Especially the power that already belongs to other beings, except for a very special means and ability, cannot be converted into energy that can be absorbed. This is the same as blood type, but more complicated than blood type. Different blood types are together. There must be a rejection reaction.

Of course, the magic of the universe lies in the fact that many theories, many foundations, and many things that people believe are correct will change dramatically, or there are some individual cases.

There are some beings that can directly absorb energy without any transformation process.

Perhaps it is understandable to say this. For example, Dihuang Wan eats the corpse of a great master, which can be regarded as absorbing energy, but it needs to digest other people's flesh and blood to absorb nutrients from it, and then transform it into its own energy. 'process.

But the ball is not, it absorbs energy directly, directly absorbs the energy of others into its own body, and directly becomes its own.

Perhaps this is its singularity and power.


Qiuqiu has this ability, but Ye Zhongming does not!

At that time on the earth, a tube of evolution medicine might be painful to death. It is already the easiest way to absorb energy with the least side effects produced by roulette technology!

Now, a white thread of Qiuqiu is draped over his body, and what is transmitted is the energy that Qiuqiu obviously cannot absorb.

Perhaps the little guy himself didn't expect that it would be unable to eat the energy contained in one hand as a foodie.

From this we can see how terrifying the peak masters are.

Qiuqiu is very edible, and it can absorb a lot of energy in its body. Perhaps in its view, it is just a severed hand of a top expert, and the energy contained in it should be able to eat up. Perhaps it has never thought about this problem at all, but subconsciously Feel ok.

But after absorbing it, it found that things were not what it thought, the energy was still incomparably majestic after it was filled with the body of the ball, and it continued to come in. The defense of the ball is strong, like Xiaoqiang, but it is impossible to eat enough If you eat it after eating, it will really make you sick.

Just when Qiuqiu couldn't hold on anymore, Ye Zhongming came up, and the dizzy Qiuqiu immediately found a channel to vent, and transferred the excess energy to Ye Zhongming's body.

As someone else's favorite, Qiuqiu can only find Ye Zhongming to make this kind of transfer.

This strange and tyrannical energy rushed into Ye Zhongming's body. Because he was unprepared at the beginning, the king of Yunding just recovered from some injuries and suddenly relapsed. He spit out a mouthful of blood to relieve the discomfort of his body , It also awakened the consciousness that had been dark just now.

Ye Zhongming immediately tried to transform the energy that broke into his body.

It stands to reason that the King of Cloud Top is already very proficient in the transformation of energy, because no matter whether it is an elemental spirit or a master's equipment, he has to purify and compress his own energy. Although it is not the same as transforming this kind of external energy, at least There is experience to follow.

However, Ye Zhongming still underestimated the energy of this kind of peak master. He felt that the transformation efficiency was already very high, but after only purifying a little energy, his body reached the limit of endurance.

Compared with the total amount of energy rushing in, the speed of conversion is really too slow.

Ye Zhongming tried to let the elemental elves and master equipment absorb it by themselves, but they only started to resist after absorbing a little bit, so Ye Zhongming quickly gave up.

For the first time since Qiuqiu became Ye Zhongming's war beast, there was a plea. It was a sign that it couldn't bear it anymore. The capacity of the carrier is far inferior to it, and now one master and one servant have reached saturation, if this continues, they will all die together.

Ye Zhongming was sweating anxiously on his forehead. He knew that he had to find a way to unblock these energies as soon as possible, but Qiuqiu and his body couldn't do it, and neither could the existence and means that he could absorb energy, so...

Ye Zhongming's eyes fell on the mechanical beast next to him.

It filled his vision, the only thing he could touch right now.

The King of Cloud Top's eyes lit up, enduring the severe body tingling caused by the flood of energy, and began to process the materials.

At the beginning, Ye Zhongming was not very proficient. After all, he usually used his own energy to improve the quality of materials, so that the finished product had a higher grade. But now his biggest need is to consume the energy of the peak masters. Use this power to get the job done.

In other words, use Ye Zhongming's own technology and ability to cooperate with this external energy to complete the previous work.

A lot of parts crackled and exploded, either because Ye Zhongming instinctively input his own energy and then input the energy of the peak master to repel it, or the energy control of the peak master was not very good, which caused the structural damage of the parts. At first, this method didn't seem to work well, and Ye Zhongming continued to suffer physical pain caused by the accumulation of energy during the process.

But the King of Cloud Top is a top craftsman after all, and after trying for a while, he still found a way, and he successfully processed a part in this way.

This part is obviously much better than when he processed it all with his own energy.

There is no way, one is that when Ye Zhongming usually handles parts, only the core part will be exhausted, and other parts will only be handled slightly. This can not only meet the requirements, but also save mental strength, physical strength and energy.

The second is that although he is a top craftsman, the purity and strength of his own energy is much worse than that of a peak master, so now he can see the difference between the two methods at a glance.

In this way, Ye Zhongming improved the processing of parts one by one, and quickly finished the scattered ones, but the energy in his body was still there, and he couldn't stop. He could only disassemble the repaired mechanical beasts. Rework the parts.

In the past, it was used sparingly, but now it is used casually. Every part has almost obtained the highest level that Ye Zhongming can handle.

In the end, Ye Zhongming disassembled all the mechanical beasts except Mountain Fury, and all the parts were upgraded to the highest level, but...the energy was still not consumed, and they were still in Qiuqiu and Ye Zhongming's hands. Raging in the body.

Ye Zhongming had no choice but to start dismantling Mountain Fury.

Ye Zhongming hadn't dared to get this piece of Lenny-level equipment before, because it was too precious, and if one accidentally broke it, there would be no second one.

In battle, Mountain Fury's ability to magnify the mental impact is really useful.

But now, in order to save his life, Ye Zhongming didn't care about these anymore. While cursing Qiuqiu in his heart, he began to dismantle the less important parts of Shannu to strengthen them.

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