Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred sixty-six collective upgrade

Lenny-level equipment is Lenny-level. Its structural composition, parts grades, energy system, transmission system, etc. are so complicated that it is a headache. If it weren't for Ye Zhongming's in-depth understanding of mechanical war beasts, he could even manufacture them. At the Kegang level, at most he has found a way to consume the energy of a peak master, but Ye Zhongming found that his understanding of this manufacturing technology is deepening through continuous transformation.

This is a wonderful feeling. It sounds mysterious, but in fact, many people will enter this state for a long time or a short time in their life and work.

Ye Zhongming even forgot the danger for a while, while improving the parts, he studied the structure of Shannu and removed the next part.

In the end, Ye Zhongming even began to try to slowly 'pump' these energies of the peak masters through Shannu's transmission system, allowing them to automatically strengthen the core components of Shannu.

This is a very risky move, because once the energy control is not good, the entire circuit system of Mountain Fury may be completely destroyed, and this thing will be abolished.

However, the result is still very good. After the replacement of external parts, the various internal circuits and circulation systems of Shannu have also withstood the "test" of these energies.

This is a foundation. After they were improved, Ye Zhongming directly used these circulatory systems to start improving their crossing parts and starting and ending points—the core parts.

He does not dare to dismantle the core part of Mountain Fury now, but it is still possible to let the energy enter it automatically.

And Ye Zhongming discovered something during this process. Through the operation of energy, he understood these energy circuits and various circulatory systems. At the same time, through these systems, he began to understand the composition and operation of the core parts.

This is extremely important and precious to him. Although Ye Zhongming still has some things he can't understand, he believes that if he is given some more time, he will be able to understand them thoroughly. By then, he will master the Lenny-level mechanical war beast manufacturing technology.

Of course, Ye Zhongming couldn't even make a Hongning-level mechanical beast before, but now, Ye Zhongming is very confident that as long as the materials are sufficient, he can already manufacture a mechanical beast of this level!

But for the King of Cloud Top, he is not satisfied with such an achievement. After improving Mountain Fury, he feels that while he has mastered the manufacturing technology of the Hongning-level mechanical beast, he is still a little short of making the Lenny-level A little bit, this kind of feeling made him feel itchy. In addition, although the energy of the Kunzuo was not as surging as it was at the beginning, it was still there, so Ye Zhongming decided to take another Lenny-level machine purchased through the Sioux channel. Beasts were dismantled.

Before that, he bought mechanical war beasts through Jiesu, and Jiesu through the channels of the Sioux clan. Among them were one Lenny-class, thirty Hongning-class, and one thousand Kegang-class and five thousand Pu class.

More than half of the Kegang class was completely destroyed. Now that it has been repaired and reorganized, there are about 300 units that can continue to be used. Ten of the Hongning class were completely damaged, most of the others were damaged, and there were still twelve after repairs.

There are still about a thousand units available after ordinary repairs.

The second Lenny-level mechanical war beast was damaged before, and after Ye Zhongming repaired it, it was only a little better. In the final battle, it suffered a lot of attacks, and now its function is only more than ten percent. For such a machine, Ye Zhongming didn't feel bad even if it couldn't be repaired after it was disassembled.

Just do what you said, Ye Zhongming immediately began to dismantle this mechanical beast,

Also improve the removed part.

The higher the level of mechanical war beasts, the more energy is needed to improve parts. When the mountain fury was improved just now, the energy required almost caught up with all the previous mechanical war beasts. Although this one has no mountain fury Advanced, the number of parts caused by the degree of damage is much smaller, but the energy consumed is only less than that of Mountain Fury.

When Ye Zhongming finished dismantling and improving it, those powers of Kunzuo were finally consumed, and what was left was still uncomfortable for Ye Zhongming and Qiuqiu, but at least it would not be fatal. It takes a little time to digest on its own.

After all, the Lenny level is the Lenny level, and the mechanical war beast is more complicated and mysterious than the weapons and equipment of the same level, so when Ye Zhongming disassembled the mechanical war beast of this level, he still made a lot of mistakes, causing some irreparable damage So much so that this Lenny-level mechanical beast has been completely abolished and unusable.

There is no way around this. After all, these things purchased by the Sioux were not bought from the red dwarves of Talos. They were all used by other races for an unknown amount of time. Damage during the period is inevitable. Lenny and Hongning All levels are counted, the best ones can maintain half of the performance, and most of them only have 20 to 30% left, otherwise they will not make a move.

With such a Lenny class, Ye Zhongming wouldn't feel bad if he broke it.

Of course, this means that he has a relatively large sum of money. If it is replaced by other people, this is still a huge sum of money.

After destroying a Lenny-level, Ye Zhongming gained a lot and understood a lot of problems. He felt that he should be able to try to manufacture a Lenny-level mechanical beast after returning home, but the success rate cannot be guaranteed.

After solving this crisis, Qiuqiu took Baisi back from Ye Zhongming's space ring meanly, and the King of Cloud Top didn't have time to take care of it for the time being.

He first put away all the mechanical war beasts. During this process, Ye Zhongming smiled brilliantly.

After the energy of the peak masters improved the parts of the mechanical beasts, they all glowed with their second spring.

Needless to say, the general level, the performance is directly upgraded to the Kegang level, and in the Kegang level, those with good foundations have also been upgraded to the Hongning level. As for the Hongning level, although they have not surpassed the Lenny level , but all have reached the upper limit on the basis of restoring the original performance.

So now Ye Zhongming owns about 1,200 Kegang-level mechanical war beasts, and about 120 Hongning-level mechanical war beasts, among which the top-level twelve and one Lenny-level, that is, the performance is fully restored and it is still as powerful A lot of Mountain Fury.

Ye Zhongming reckoned that in the past, the combat power was at most equivalent to 70,000 to 80,000 Fu Leila's high-quality Lenny-level Mountain Fury, but now it is probably close to 100,000, which is no problem.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of mechanical beasts will be affected by many factors, this rough evaluation method is only a measure of progress.

After putting away the mechanical war beast, Ye Zhongming slapped away the ball that wanted to be sticky, picked up the space ring, tried it, and it opened!

Giving Qiuqiu a look that counts you making amends, Ye Zhongming took out something that 'doesn't belong' to him.

A bone hand with a space ring.

Ye Zhongming checked his own space and found that everything inside was safe and sound, which made him feel relieved, and then slowly took off the space ring on the bone hand. There was no accident in the process.

The king of Yunding held the bone hand in his hand, his expression fluctuated a little.

From the bone hand, he felt an extraordinary power, which he had touched before.

That is... the Soul Crusher Bone Staff.

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