Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and seventy-nine countries and regions (below)

"Have you not seen each other for a long time? The last time we met, it seemed that we were still at Jianfengkou."

Guangyao looked at the handsome man in front of him and said.

Alang, the new commander-in-chief of the resistance zone, was no older than twenty-five years old. When Guangyao was the commander of the main battle department, this talent had just graduated from the Junior Commander Academy in C-zone and entered the Jianfengshankou Command Headquarters as an intern.

In just a few years, he has already sat in the position of commander-in-chief.

Although the current resistance zone can no longer be compared with before, as one of the only three remaining forces in the country, the position of the boss is not so easy to do.

That not only means surviving in the last days, but also faces enormous pressure from Genting.

Because you don't know when that giant will open its mouth and swallow you up.

This kind of pressure is not something ordinary people can bear.

But even a person like Guangyao has to admit that since Ji Ruiguang left, Alang has gone through some twists and turns and achieved the position of commander-in-chief, and he wants to be good at what he has done.

Aaron smiled and said, "Yes, at that time you were the idol of all our interns."

After a pause, Alang said again: "Actually, it is also now."

Guangyao froze for a moment, then looked inexplicable.

"I'm just a team commander in Yunding, but you're someone who speaks for power. To say you're envious...isn't it appropriate?"

Aaron shook his head after hearing this: "This is not judged by status, but by...influence."

"Everyone knows that Guangyao is Yunding's second commander and one of the decision makers. His power is second only to Xia Lei. Your words and deeds are related to the lives and deaths of countless people. This... I can't do it."

The smile on Guangyao's face faded a little, and he didn't continue to say anything.

"In the days after I became the commander-in-chief, I am making a new attempt. I no longer regard force and fighting as the core, but to help more people become able to live more easily in the last days, or in peacetime What they want to be, it doesn't matter without force, I can provide protection, I want to change the appearance of the resistance zone."

Alang looked at Guangyao, and said with a solemn expression: "I want the world to return to its previous state."

There was no expression on Guangyao's face at this moment.

"The strong save themselves, the saint crosses people." The powerful figure in Yunding looked at the stretch of human defense in front of him, and said softly: "You are a saint, but I am not, so I can barely be considered a strong one, so I can only save myself .”


The million-strong army on the side of the resistance area was arranged on the south side of the Yunding camp, and the Yaoshi army was on the north side. Looking at the map, they went up and down to surround the Yunding camp in the middle.

At night, the central camp of Yunding was full of people. All the senior management of Yunding here gathered together. First, they had a lively meal, and then gathered in front of two bonfires, chatting.

As long as it is not particularly important or urgent, Genting basically communicates and discusses in this more relaxed way.

There was a gust of wind in the sky first, and a beast leaning on the bonfire was caught and flew away by the huge dragon's mouth protruding from the sky. After swallowing it, it flew back to the sky, making harsh laughter.

"No fight for three days,

Go to the house to reveal the tiles! "Yan Wangshu, who turned into a human body, glanced forward, while showing off his language skills, while trying to figure out the meaning of the SPF value of sunscreen.

"It did it on purpose. It was beaten up by Xiong Da and Da Huang in the afternoon. It's normal to be angry. In addition, we also let it be in charge of the sky at night. It's mischievous." Xiaohu pinned his ear with a dagger, feeling uncomfortable. How enjoyable, I added a little more strength.

Xiong Da is what everyone calls the colorful giant bear.

Now there are a lot of bear war beasts in the villa, and the colorful giant bear is powerful, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a big bear.

Now there are more beasts at the top of the cloud than humans, so there is a strange culture where these beasts are regarded as humans.

Fighting together, discussing things together, eating together, fighting together... There was even a female soldier in Genting who was broken in love, and dragged Yangos to cry about such things all night.

Of course, Master Long was sleeping next to him.

"Seeing them, how do you feel?" Xia Lei ordered another beast to be put on, and then asked Guangyao and Deacon Tong who were picking up people on his behalf today.

Deacon Tong thought for a while and said: "It's a little cold, but it should be sincere. It must be that Mu Hanyi sent some message from the sky. You know, those commanders of Yao Shijun called brothers and sisters, and Mu Hanyi left. In the end, it was their second-ranked person who was in charge. He didn’t come this time, but someone else came. There are probably hundreds of nine-stars and eight-stars? Probably.”

Under the oppression of Yunding, Yao Shijun and the resistance area are still developing. According to the news of avoidance, both sides now have two nine-star evolutionists, but the resistance area is hiding from others. Yao Shijun It's fairly open and aboveboard, and I don't care much about this.

After Deacon Tong finished speaking, everyone turned to Guangyao.

"I don't have much contact with A Lang, but his rise is very fast. In the resistance zone, Ji Ruiguang's support from the sky is one thing, and he has his own means. Today's meeting secretly tested me. If it is rejected, I guess, he will also fight for Lao Mu, and the strength will be very strong."

"To this person, how should I put it? I have to be on guard. He's a little young and vigorous, but he wants to show his maturity. Maybe one day he will do something a little bit outrageous."

"He's a nine-star. I can feel it. There's another nine-star in the team who hasn't shown up in public. The eight-star evolutionary newspaper said that 700 people came, but didn't the avoidant just say that 900 people came."

After hearing Guangyao's words, Xiaohu said nonchalantly, "Just cut him if you don't care."

"Stop pretending to be from the Northeast!" Liang Chuyin, a serious Northeast man sitting beside him, gave him a kick.

"General Commander Mu told me about this matter. A Lang met with him, slightly intending to solicit, but he also didn't make it too clear. He was probing." Xia Lei put down the water glass, "It seems that this guy wants to Reorganize the resistance zone."

Some of the others sneered and some shook their heads, a little indifferently, but without exception, they didn't pay much attention.

Are Guangyao and Commander Mu so easy to win over? Alan thought a little too much.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Xia Lei stood up.

"Brother Tang Tian in the villa is currently in the process of evolution. After he became a nine-star, he gave ten guarantees to Sister Hong and the musician, so that Xia Bai and the red makeup guards were liberated. And here I have a bottle of nine-star evolution potion, everyone Tell me, who is it good for?"

"Also, new equipment will be delivered tomorrow. The performance... I will let the musician tell you about the performance. Anyway, it's very good."

"When I say this, what I mean is that when there are reinforcements, new equipment and new nine-star evolutionaries, should we launch a decisive battle against these sea beasts...?"

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