Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and eighty Rocky 10 words

The shadow of the last defeat shrouded everyone's hearts again in Xia Lei's words.

It is true that Yunding is strong now. The number of top existences is second to none in the whole world, let alone in the country. No power can look down on the world like Yunding Villa.

But in fact, every top executive in Genting knows that they are strong because the boss has laid a good foundation, and even after Ye Zhongming left, the eruption of the number of top-level lives is due to the large wealth left by Ye Zhongming.

Looking at the present, although the number of top players is still increasing at this stage, the speed has slowed down significantly.

Naturally, there is a reason why everyone's main energy is involved in the seaside, but without the boss's magical hands, it is also true that the probability of drawing the evolution potion has dropped a lot.

Also, high-level magic crystals are the hard currency in the last days. When Ye Zhongming was on the earth, many things did not need to cost magic crystals, such as various equipment, etc., but now he has to spend huge sums of money here. On the one hand, it also consumes a lot of wealth.

In addition, the establishment of Yunding Science and Technology Department is a place that burns money. The advanced knowledge that Ye Zhongming passed down from the sky, after learning, researching, experimenting and manufacturing a whole set of processes, the money is spent like running water.

This is more expensive than the combination of the Gene Life Laboratory and the Magic Crystal Weapons Laboratory.

Only the big family in Yunding can support it. If it is replaced by another family, it is estimated that it will have been dragged down by the astronomical research expenses.

Now, everyone has not seen much results for the time being, but it is estimated that the musicians will come up with a batch of high-quality and advanced musicians in a while, but this cannot make everyone full of confidence in the whole battle.

After all, the magic whale is not an ordinary monster. It is an existence that can defeat the powerful life of the same level in Yunding within a few minutes. It is recognized as the most powerful existence on the earth.

If you fight against such an existence, you may not win. If you win, you may lose a lot, and many people will die.

This lingering anxiety is in everyone's heart.

Another point that cannot be ignored is that there are many sea beasts, several times as many as humans, and the number of advanced life forms is also quite large, at least not less than Yunding, otherwise they would not have been dragged back and could not be rescued.

Since the demon whale was able to kill a top life in this way for the first time, it can do the same in the next battle.

Even if there is no chance, they will create opportunities. The lives of the demon whales are far less rare than Yunding.

Seeing the silence in the atmosphere, Xia Lei also knew everyone's worry, she patted her hands lightly and said, "Let's talk about the medicine first, Uncle Daqian doesn't want it, so who is it for?"

The core members who have not become Nine Stars are naturally moved, but no one speaks. First, they feel that everyone has similar achievements, and no one dares to pat their chests and say that they can stand out.

The second is that Xia Lei has always done things fairly, and she has her own reasons for giving to whoever she doesn't. Just listen to her.

The scene was silent again, Xia Lei smiled, "Then I decided to give it to Teacher Park. I really look forward to how terrifying the top medical professionals will be after Nine Stars."

Everyone nodded and felt that this was the best decision.

Park Sooyoung is one of the earliest members of Genting, silently standing on the edge of the battlefield these years to provide everyone with various medical assistance,

She and the medical department led by her don't know how many people have been saved. Such people are worthy of a bottle of nine-star evolution potion.

This matter was settled so lightly, and Xia Lei did not continue to discuss the matter of launching a general attack on sea beasts. In fact, even she herself needed a strong reason to increase her belief.

When Yunding's transport convoy arrived, Le Dayuan also teleported over from Yunding Villa, and Mo Ye was following him.

Miss Hong didn't come, so Xia Bai and the red makeup guards temporarily stood there to protect them. When Tang Tian woke up, Xia Bai and the others would rush to the front line.

Perhaps then, is when the attack begins.

Xia Bai and the red makeup guards have already become the cornerstone of Yunding, but at certain moments, they still represent Yunding's attacking attributes.

Apart from a dozen researchers who came with Le Dayuan, there were also several huge metal boxes they carried.

It is said that it is the core component of the weapon they are going to assemble today.

The other parts arrived with the convoy and departed from Yunding many days earlier, because there were too many things and the cost of delivery was too high.

Le Dayuan still had that happy look. Although he was only an eight-star evolutionary, he was not ranked high in the force value of Yunding Villa, which was full of masters.

But when he arrived, everyone stood up straight, including A Lang who rushed over and the commander of Yaoshi's third army, the two nine-star evolutionists.

As the so-called shadow of a famous tree, except for the special existence of Ye Zhongming in Yunding Villa, everyone knows that the core queen Xia Lei is the core, everyone knows that there is Xia Bai who is secretly called Xia Gou, and everyone knows that Xiaohu knows that Guangyao knows that Liang Chuyin... …

But these people, they think they are their own kind, at most like Ye Zhongming, they are just a peak in front of them, they are also mountains, but no one is taller. Give them some time and they can reach those heights too. As for whether Ye Zhongming was taller at that time, that's another matter.

But Le Dayuan is different from Liu Zhenghong, they are... the clouds and mist on the mountain tops in the distance, they can be seen, but they cannot be reached, and they will never become.

It is a kind of awe of knowledge and technology.

Le Dayuan didn't know A Lang and the man called the third brother by Yao Shijun, but seeing them present, Xia Lei and the others didn't object, so they didn't care too much.

In his capacity, he really doesn't care too much.

"Let's start assembling today. If you hurry up, it should be ready before dark."

After hearing Le Dayuan's words, Xia Lei asked, "How many doors?"

"Three doors."

Xia Lei nodded, and immediately drew a map and Le Dayuan to make the final confirmation, and then ordered her subordinates to start the layout.

Everyone was very curious, so they followed along. A Lang and Yao Shijun's third brother saw that he was not shy, so they also followed. They even participated in the discussions with the top management of Genting.

It's just that Le Dayuan didn't say anything, and everyone didn't know what it was.

"Rocky Cross!"

After the assembly was completed, Le Dayuan gave everyone the names of the three weapons.

Everyone looked at these huge weapons with a height of more than ten floors, and was a little confused.

"I got a lot of inspiration from Xiao Yezi, and also absorbed a lot of knowledge from above. I improved the magic crystal system so that they can be integrated with the brand new moon age gold system, complementing each other and working together."

Le Dayuan said excitedly, but he was keenly aware that the people around him didn't quite understand. So Master Le also lost interest in showing off.

He started talking directly about the role.

"Didn't you guys get pissed off by that magic whale? I wondered if I could make a weapon to kill that guy. And to put it bluntly, what is the best weapon? Isn't it just to hit people, kill them?" Do you have to die? That is, fast enough, accurate enough and strong enough."

"And this thing..." Le Dayuan pointed to the three Rocky Crosses and said: "There are no other bells and whistles, only one attack method, but the pursuit is the ultimate speed, the ultimate accuracy, and... the ultimate powerful!"

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