Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and seven control the earth

"To the south, our influence seems to have extended, right?" Ye Zhongming cast his eyes on Xia Lei, and after getting an affirmative answer, he said, "You can continue to the south, because there are many islands there, and it is a good place for naval training. , so that the newly formed naval forces can adapt here first before sailing in the high seas."

"Now that we have strength, and the land area in the southeast is very special and not too large, we can try to completely control it in our own hands. There are abundant products there, and there are many unique things on the earth. It is better to control it in our own hands. .”

After finishing speaking, Ye Zhongming thought for a while and said to Xia Lei: "How strong is the evolutionary over there?"

Xia Lei shrugged, "Normal."

"Then there's no problem." Ye Zhongming replied.

Many people below sighed in their hearts, this is the boss, just a few words decided the life and death of countless people.

"You can also do the same in South Asia, but there are a lot of evolutionaries and zombies there. I heard that there are some very powerful ones, so don't worry, take your time. Over there...we will try our best to occupy it completely. Non-Genting teams who are interested in participating can come to discuss and develop together.”

Ye Zhongming took a sip from the wine glass in front of him, and then said: "Continuing to the south, we will reach the southern hemisphere. You can decide what to do there. The land is vast and sparsely populated, but there are many mutated animals and plants. It should be a good hunting ground.”

"Finally, west."

Everyone's eyes are bright, because the west is not just a simple direction, but several large areas.

The Middle East, Europe, and Africa are all in that direction.

"We have been doing infiltration into the Middle East, how are we doing now?" Ye Zhongming asked Xia Lei again.

This matter was originally confidential, but since Ye Zhongming said so, Xia Lei has no worries.

"Basically, it's all under our control. It's mainly controlled by some people in Blue Secret Realm, and there are people who are avoiding military service. Basically, it's enough to control a few big cities and supply nodes over there."

The Middle East has a special landform and environment, and the gathering places are mainly concentrated in a few places, so it doesn't take too many people to control it.

The outside forces of Yunding and even some people in Yunding didn't know about this news. After hearing this, they were surprised. They had already controlled the Middle East silently?

"If anyone is interested there, they can buy it in exchange for the control of a certain area for a certain period of time. It is limited to five years. Let's take the form of auction. The highest price will win. At that time, Yunding will evaluate A reserve price will be given to each area later.”

"But there is one thing...the forces that successfully bid are not allowed to carry out extinct hunting, mining and plundering there within five years. Five years later, when bidding again, if the evaluation value of Yunding is lower than 80% of the last time, then I'm sorry, You will have to pay again what we think is adequate compensation before you can leave."

Ye Zhongming's words echoed throughout the test field, and everyone listened carefully, because this was the beginning of a new form of cooperation between Yunding and other forces, and there were huge benefits in it.

"And if the valuation increases after five years, then if this force re-participates in the bidding successfully, a certain percentage of the total amount will be exempted. In other words, the better you manage the place, the more money you will save. In this year's auction, you have an inherent advantage over others.


After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, the large number of Genting peripheral forces who came here immediately couldn't sit still. Everyone wanted to discuss with the people next to them, but suddenly realized that they were all future competitors, so they could only hold back their own thoughts. That expression, very happy.

Everyone realizes that, if done well, it's a way to have a solid territory.

Genting's current momentum is basically to control the world. If it wants to survive, it is inevitable to rely on Genting, such as these peripheral forces now.

Although life is good, even better than when they maintained their own operations, but who doesn't want to be better, who doesn't want to have the final say in one place.

Now Genting has given them this opportunity. Even if they are far away in the Middle East, that place is not full of sand, and there are still many good areas.

"Also, when the time comes, Genting will have the right to garrison troops in your territory, as well as the right to cross the border freely, because I want to use it as a springboard to enter the European and African continents."

"As for the strategy to be adopted by Yunding over there, this is what I think. In the land reclamation stage, it can cooperate with the forces of Yunding. When it is completely controlled over there, it can also follow the Middle East method and select some areas for bidding. Time limit Also for a period of five years."

Ye Zhongming stood up, "This is just my preliminary idea. In the future, the decision-making layer of Genting can adjust it at any time according to the actual situation."

"I will never forget all of you who have worked hard for Genting and supported Genting. Genting will reward you beyond imagination. When you are old in the future, sitting in front of the window and thinking of Genting, I hope to smile. "

"The earth is very big, and it is only the starting point. The stars and the sea are our goals."

After speaking, Ye Zhongming raised his glass.


The bonfire party went on very late, and many people would chat with Ye Zhongming, trying to find their own direction.

Ye Zhongming also gave them advice as much as possible.

In fact, this is essentially the same as the method used against the false ghost tree.

As Ye Zhongming said, the earth is too big, and it is impossible for Yunding to control all of it. In the future, the people of Yunding will go to the sky, so the earth needs the assistance of these peripheral forces even more.

Even... Ye Zhongming thinks that in the future, maybe Yunding will only be a spiritual symbol.

These people didn't leave one by one until the early morning, and the rest of the top management in Yunding gathered at Ye Zhongming's villa to have breakfast together.

The three big tables are full, there is no way, there are more than ten nine-star evolutionists in Yunding alone, plus Liu Zhenghong, Le Dayuan, Miya Li Daqian and others who are in charge of the logistics of the War Beast Legion, etc., there are still some people on the three big tables Squeeze it.

The breakfast is very rich, basically comparable to that in peacetime, and it is a combination of East and West. You can eat whatever you want. As long as you want, no one cares about you.

"I'm coming back this time. In fact, I won't take too much care of the affairs on earth. You can discuss it yourself. There are only two things on my side, or one thing, which is the problem of heaven."

Many people stop chewing in their mouths.

The myriad races in the universe are not some unattainable goal for the current Yunding people, but... prey.

After knowing some of Ye Zhongming's experience and development in the sky, many people in Yunding have already regarded the myriad races of the universe as prey.

Although these prey are now stronger than the hunters, I don't know how many times.

But this is Genting's character, there is no way.

"At present, there are two ways to go to heaven. One is the reception day, which is my way to go to heaven. Now we have a total of four admission tickets in our hands."

"The second way is the way I came back this time, smuggling, because this method cannot be used frequently, so I don't know when the next time will be, and this time, I will take some people away."

The King of Cloud Top pushed the bowl of soy milk made from mutated beans in front of him and said, "Let me ask your opinion first, who wants to go to heaven with me?"

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