Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and eight: who to take and who not to take (Part 1)

All of them raised their arms in unison.

King of Cloud Top: "..."

"Ahem." Ye Zhongming coughed, and said in a little embarrassment: "I can't take so much, besides, you are all gone, who cares about Genting? Right now, the country is only stable, and there will be many wars for you to fight in the future." .”

"Boss, I want to participate in the novice battlefield, and I want to kill all the races in the universe."

Xiaohu drank a lot last night, and now his face was flushed, and he raised his arms and shouted as if surrendering.

Everyone looked at him like an idiot.

Obviously, what the boss needs to confirm now is that the people who can sneak away with him are not on the 'official' list of the universe. It is absolutely impossible for those who go to participate in the novice battlefield. If Xiaohu wants to participate in the novice battlefield, he must Only through the admission ticket.

"I really want to go and see it every day." Guangyao touched the hairline that even the nine-star level could not stop, feeling quite emotional, "I used to be very curious about the mysterious race in the sky when I was in the resistance zone, and now I have the opportunity to see it." Look, I really can't bear it."

"No, I think Zhong Ming discriminates against non-Nine Stars." Li Daqian said with a wry smile.

He also wants to go to the sky to see, but he himself is an eight-star evolutionary, and his chances will be halved immediately, not to mention that his current war beast, the colorful giant bear, is at level nine. If he leaves, what will happen to this top-level war beast? ? What about the Beast Legion? Now his granddaughter can't replace him for the time being.

Ye Zhongming smiled, "You don't have to go to Jiuxing, in fact, I have more than four admission tickets, but I promised to share some with several friends, so I plan to let our Jiuxing use these four tickets, especially It is a person with strong combat power, so it is justifiable to go this way, and you can gather the wool of all races in the universe in the novice battlefield."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the recognized powerful nine-star evolutionists.

Also, Ye Zhongming said 'you don't have to go to Jiuxing', which directly made many people who are not top-notch excited, especially those who usually do auxiliary work, and their own heartbeat can be heard.

Everyone knows that his boss is not a master among the myriad races in the universe, but the king will always be the king, his personal strength is improving rapidly, and his power is also growing rapidly.

If you can go up now, you will start a business with the boss, and you will be one of the founders. Let’s see what the status of the first few founders of Genting is now? Can you not envy?

Also, Yunding is just a force on the 'Earth', compared with a force in the 'Universe', it is not the same. In the future, even if it is called Yunding, it will also be the headquarters of Yunding universe, and the earth will at most be regarded as a branch, or the birthplace of the universe in the future!

"I want to go with you!" Liang Chuyin held back for a long time, not caring that other people would laugh at her, and said with shame.

Ye Zhongming shook his head, Liang Chuyin immediately turned from sunny to cloudy, but then turned back immediately, because she heard her man say: "You can use the admission ticket this year."

All of a sudden, one of the four places with admission tickets disappeared, and someone was in a hurry.

Xiaohu scratched his ears and cheeks, wishing he could put his big face under Ye Zhongming's eyelids.

"You...stay in Yunding for a year, the cavalry regiment cannot do without you for the time being, and Yunding also needs someone who is a bit 'dumb' to suppress those who have other ideas in their hearts.


Xiaohu's face immediately collapsed.

"I've become a father now, wouldn't it be nice to spend more time with Candy on Earth?" Xia Lei glared at him on one side, causing Xiaohu to wilt immediately, and on the other hand, he had to endure Tangtang's little hand turning left and right on his arm.

"I'm going, the earth is boring." Yan Wangshu said suddenly.

Xia Lei cast a look at Ye Zhongming.

For this rebellious and powerful existence, Xia Lei has always had a headache. If Yan Wangshu didn't agree with Liu Zhenghong, she still doesn't know how to manage this guy.

It is a good choice to let it go to the sky with Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming nodded, "Okay, but you can also go through the channel of the ticket."

Yama tree level nine, although it is a mutated plant, the admission ticket can be used.

As soon as Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he felt his back being pushed against him. Looking back, Dihuang Wan was touching him with his big nose, which meant clearly that it wanted to go too.

"Haha, you go too, but come with me."

Rhubarb immediately became happy, and he opened his mouth to lick it, but Ye Zhongming hurriedly stopped it. If the big tongue, which is not much smaller than the table, hits it twice, everyone will stop eating breakfast and eat the saliva of Rhubarb.

In just a few words, Ye Zhongming had already confirmed three candidates: Liang Chuyin, Yan Wangshu, and Dahuang.

"Guangyao, you are still in Yunding this year. You are needed here. Xia Lei will not go up this year. There will be movement in all directions this year. There are too many places that need your coordination. You continue to cooperate and run Yunding well."

Guangyao also smiled when he heard this. He had expected this result a long time ago, and he even knew that one year would definitely not be enough.

But Guangyao didn't have any dissatisfaction. Xia Lei reckoned that he would definitely go up there next year, and manage there after a little success in the power in the sky. Then, from now on, he would almost say the same about things on earth.

Guangyao sighed in his heart, who would have thought that in just a few years after joining Genting, he might be in charge of the world.

Life is indeed impermanent.

"Are you willing to sign a contract with Xia Lei? If not, we can let you go." Ye Zhongming suddenly spoke to the left window, which was empty, but everyone seemed to be not surprised. The next second, a The energy body emerged.

Yang Feng, that beast of the king outrageously!

At the beginning, Wang blatantly didn't want to be under others, and challenged Yunding alone, but he failed in the competition with Mo Ye and was killed. Yang Feng was kept by him, and part of the ogre chain was also merged into Yunding under his instruction.

Yang Feng looks very eye-catching, very close to the life of a leopard, but has a pair of small energy wings. After hearing Ye Zhongming's words and showing his figure, Yang Feng nodded in silence for a moment.

It is in Yunding, knows how powerful Yunding is, and also knows what Ye Zhongming's words mean.

At the moment when Genting may lose almost a quarter of its top existence in a short period of time, the King of Genting will never allow unstable factors to exist.

In the past, Yupo black cat Yan Wangshu Yanggus were all unruly existences, but later, Yanggos was persuaded, Yupo black cat basically integrated into Genting after the battle of Meicheng, and won Xia Lei's Trust, the only Yan Wangshu that is not stable and can only be maintained by Liu Zhenghong's friendship is also going to the sky. Looking left and right, the only remaining alien factor is Yang Feng.

Obviously, Ye Zhongming wanted to completely solve this 'hidden danger'.

If you agree, everything is fine. If you don't agree, for Wang Kuangran's sake, Yunding will not touch it. After all, the whole earth belongs to Yunding. It doesn't make much difference whether you leave or not.

Yangfeng knows how to choose.

"By the way, what about Yangos?"

Ye Zhongming asked suddenly.

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