Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-eight cracks (on)

Antiao City, which was originally a bit of a 'noisy', fell silent in an instant.

There is no way, Paobai is a great master, backed by the two big trees of the Sioux tribe and the Musk star, whether he wants to admit it or not, Paobai is the number one person in the dark strip city.

Although the two adults of Xingyan are also great masters, they only rely on their own strength. Apart from this, Paobai also has his good brother Jiesu and his own woman Isserway. It is they themselves who are masters.

There is also Ye Zhongming, although he is not a great master, but his performance in the planet hunting ground is seen by everyone. With all his strength, he can produce at least four master-level existences. Who is not afraid?

In such a city, it is not an exaggeration to say that such a person is life and death.

The high-level members of the Star-Eye Clan gathered together.

Seeing Paobai and Ye Zhongming, Ji Kesu, who stayed at home, gave the two of them a big hug. The old man is very happy and excited now, because this time the Star-Eyed Clan not only came back with all their beards and tails, but also had three more Big master, no, if you count the white dragon horse and the tired bird, there are five.

In addition, Cheng Liujin, Ye Zhongming and others are only one step away from the great masters. After a period of practice, they will definitely be able to break through. By then, the Star Eye Clan will no longer be that small clan that is on the verge of extinction!

How could Jixue be unhappy with such a change in just one multi-universe year.

Now that the Star-Eyed Clan really has money in his hands, his research department has received 20 million monthly funds at once, and many of the old man's ideas and projects that were only on paper before can be carried out.

These are all brought by these two young people.

"I've got time this time. You have to tell me in detail the key points of making dark-level equipment. I'm going to sort it out. It's the untold secret of the Star-Eyed Clan! It's really the bottom of the box."

The old man got carried away with excitement, and this request was actually a bit too much. After all, Ye Zhongming came to the Star-Eyed Clan by guiding the sun, and strictly speaking, he was not a direct line of the Star-Eyed Clan, even if he became the Bronze Commander. Same.

Besides, Ye Zhongming has brought enough benefits to the Star-Eyed Clan, saying this now is a bit like asking for their highest-level secrets.

However, Ye Zhongming knew the character of this old man. He was a chief technical officer, so he didn't think so much about other aspects.

"Okay, let's talk about it then." Ye Zhongming waved his hand nonchalantly, making the two adults with Star Eyes who wanted to talk silent.

"Long time no see, how is the library palace?" Ye Zhongming greeted Aslan with a smile when he saw Aslan sitting next to his parents.

"It's okay, no, it's not bad." Aslan's eyes brightened.

When she went to the library palace, she thought that she would be able to learn some knowledge and gain some insight. Who would have thought that after going there, she would receive great attention. Teaching, strength advances by leaps and bounds at this stage.

It's just that Aslan, who was in a hurry to come back to avenge "a fart", found that the former novice trash has now become the object that the entire clan must rely on, and his strength has soared to the sky like flying, and his progress is better than hers. I don't know how much sooner.

Coupled with things like marriage, Aslan's current mood is very complicated.

After everyone sat down, Yashinan, the chief logistics officer, began to talk about the gains at this stage. The figures for each item were soul-stirring. To be honest,

These people of the Star-eyed Clan have never seen so much money when they grow up.

When Ya Shinan finished speaking, these people couldn't sit still.

The two adults in Xingyan are better, the white robes are better, and the gilt is better. The rest of the people can't help but start discussing the use of these proceeds.

They were not dazzled by the huge benefits, and they were all talking about how to use these benefits to obtain greater benefits.

"This time I promised the Patriarch of the Stele Seal that within one cosmic year, our Star-Eyed Clan will reach the standard of a middle race."

Ye Zhongming said suddenly at this moment.

The entire conference room was silent.

"Is this the condition for the Musk Stars to support us?"

Master Xing thought for a while and said.

Ye Zhongming shook his head: "No, with Yiserwei here, Musk Star will not set too strict conditions for our support. This is an agreement between me and Master Beiyin. If we can do it, they may They will support us with a clearer banner, and the strength may also be greater."

"When we become stronger and become a big clan in the future, the Musk Stars promised us that we can become a race in power, and they will also give me something I need very much."

Ye Zhongming felt that it would be better to explain this matter clearly. He believed that if he continued to follow his ideas, the Star-Eyed Clan would definitely get a lot of benefits, and would truly ascend to the power level of the universe.

However, in the initial stage, the cooperation and dedication of the star-eyed tribe is still required.

For example, there are many conditions that must be met to become a middle-class race, which is the so-called Twelve Rules. Some of them are not only enough for money, but also for many issues related to people's livelihood, scale, system, urban construction, etc., which require a lot of money. Human and material resources and time, how should I put it, is the kind of soft power and hard power that need to meet the standards before they can be recognized by the universe.

Although the Star-Eyed Clan is rich now, if they want to achieve this goal within one cosmic year, the cost and consumption must be huge, and a large part of the benefits they get may have to be spent on it, and the whole clan needs to work together.

The two patriarchs of Xingyan glanced at each other, slightly hesitant.

It's not that they don't agree, but once this happens, all plans will have to be re-formulated, and even part of the funds that have been allocated before will have to be re-collected and redistributed. It is conceivable that the amount of funds that will be allocated again There must be a lot less, which will inevitably cause some objections.

Moreover, there is another point, the two adults of Xingyan are the patriarchs of the Xingyan clan after all, and their consideration of problems must be based on race priority. If they follow what Ye Zhongming said, they must delay the pace of the Xingyan clan becoming stronger.

The current situation of going hand in hand is bound to stop.

Pao Bai suddenly said at this time: "I think it is feasible, if you give up a little short-term benefit, you will be compensated in multiples in the future."

"Well, I think it's okay. For us, improving the overall strength is naturally important, but if we can obtain the title of the middle race, there are many benefits. At least in the dark strip city, we can justifiably take the position of leader. Time, whether it is communication or trade, will be smoother."

Cheng Liujin also expressed his opinion.

"I think that strength is the root of everything. If we rashly change the direction of progress, it may stop our current good momentum, you want to think about it again?"

All eyes fell on Bashilu who said this.

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