Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine cracks (below)

Is Bashiru telling the truth? Of course it is!

But can you say that? cannot!

Because it means opposing Ye Zhongming.

And Ye Zhongming is too important to the current star-eyed clan.

Lord Xing was the first to say: "Our strength will naturally be affected, but it's all temporary and will be made up for in the future."

"It looks like a sacrifice now, but compared to the previous Star-Eye Clan, we are already much stronger. With the Sioux Clan and the Musk Stars behind us, there will be no problem even if we slow down. There is no need to worry. "

Cheng Liujin glanced at Ba Shilu, feeling angry in his heart, obviously he had made it very clear just now, why did his old friend jump out?

The rest of the Star Eye Clan don't understand the importance of Ye Zhongming, and you, as a senior executive, don't understand either? Without the cultivation methods and resources brought by others, can you be strong to the point where you are now?

Also, this time Jie Su and Pao Bai became masters, don't you know what's going on?

What's more, although the clan doesn't know how the agreement with the Su clan was reached at that time, Paobai has already said that 90% of it is due to Ye Zhongming.

This must be true, because Paobai and Jie Su have been brothers for a long time. Why did the two races not unite before, but Ye Zhongming came to unite?

When you are just getting better, do you need to offend the source of all this for some so-called reason to be stronger?

Is my old friend's head broken?

"Actually, what Bashilu said is not unreasonable. I am in charge of logistics. I know that a resolution often means the consumption of a lot of money and the long-term labor of many soldiers. During this time, they do not produce benefits. We need to be supported by the clan, and we seem to have gained a lot of income now, but the cash income is not too much, and if we put it all in, many plans that have been made will be stranded."

Yashinan thought for a while and expressed his opinion.

He didn't feel that he was on Basil's side by saying this. He just spoke out the disadvantages of changing the plan as a logistics officer.

"Before, in order to reward the fighters, issue pensions to the fighters, and promise compensation to other small race alliances, most of the monthly bonuses received have actually been distributed, and then recovered...It is very difficult, even if it can be recovered , this resentment will definitely be very great."

Hearing what Yashinan said, Mr. Yan asked, "What about the real estate?"

Strictly speaking, real estate is the bulk of the harvest.

Yashinan shook his head.

"Now the entire Dark Stripe City is facing a reshuffle, eight heads are destroyed, and the vacant space is too large. After we parted with the small race alliance, we are basically in a saturated state. At this stage, there is no way to sell these real estates, even if they are sold. Now, the price will also suffer a blood loss. When we first established a firm foothold, we couldn’t bring in other forces stronger than us to lure wolves in, so we could only digest it internally, so we couldn’t escape the above problems.”

The adults were silent after hearing this.

Ye Zhongming watched from the side, the expression on his unmasked face remained unchanged, but his eyes became more tranquil.

"I will think of some solutions in this regard, as well as the benefits of our planet's hunting ground this time..." Pao Bai hadn't finished speaking when he saw Ba Shilu shaking his head greatly.

"Before you come back,

This part of the income was given away as an exchange. The Sioux and the Musk Stars stood up for us, and we couldn't just give nothing. "

Hearing this, Pao Bai was taken aback, while Ye Zhongming frowned.

They had just returned, and had not heard any news about this, and neither Jiesu nor Yserwei had told them about it before.

You must know that Ye Zhongming has the absolute right to speak about the income of the planet hunting ground. If he is not here, this part will be taken back? Didn't even notify him?

"Let me ask." Ye Zhongming stood up, nodded to everyone, and then walked out.

No one in the conference room moved.

After a while, Paobai stood up abruptly, and said in an angry voice: "What are you going to do?! Do you think the Star-Eyed Clan can do it now? Don't you need the bell? Why do you have such an idea? ?”

"Paobai, what are you talking about?" Ba Shilu did not agree with Paobai's responsibility accusation.

"It's not that I disagree with him completely, but I hope there is a compromise." Facing the rising star in the clan, Ba Shilu said, "You know, although we have made a lot of money in this Star Wars Feng, when we came back to Dark Strip City, we stole other people’s homes. But at the same time we gained, have you ever thought about what we lost? How many people died in Star Battlefield? That was the heaviest casualty we have had in these years. Pension Under the promise of Lord Bronze Commander, it is an astronomical amount, and those promised to the small race alliance are all money!"

"In addition to pensions, what about other war damages? Supplementation of weapons and equipment, follow-up care for seriously injured retired personnel, resettlement of families of soldiers who died in battle, etc. There are too many things! In such a situation, a lot of monthly pensions have to be spent to do it. Basic construction and participation in some organizations that require high membership fees, just for the quota of a middle-level race, our clan will be dragged down!"

"We just got a little bit better, are we going to fall back? Can't we delay this plan for a while?"

After speaking, Bashilu also stood up.

"You are all short-sighted. With the bell ringing, what difficulties do we have to overcome? You don't really think that we can get the protection of the Sioux and the Musk Stars by ourselves?"

"I don't know about the Sioux tribe. Isn't it because you like the Musk star because you have a woman with a big background?"

"Fuck less fart!"

"I'm the chief training officer. I'm not inferior to you in terms of level. Please keep your words clean. Even in terms of strength, don't think that you are just a master!"

As he said that, Ba Shilu exuded a very majestic force all over his body, and he was already a great master!

Paobai calmed down instantly at this moment.

Looking at Ba Shilu in front of him, he said coldly: "No wonder, I made a breakthrough when I was at home, but I don't know if you practiced or not when you made a breakthrough, and you got it back from Zhongming."

After finishing speaking, Pao Bai slammed the door and left.

Cheng Liujin also stood up and walked towards the door, but said softly at the door: "Zhong Ming and the others are in the planet hunting ground, and the top experts have killed them before."


The two adults in Xingyan were walking in a corridor, and Master Xing suddenly said: "What is the reason that made you start to reject Zhongming?"

"I haven't, I just feel that Basil..."

"We've been married for many years."

Master Xing continued walking, his voice was faint.

Master Yan paused for a moment, then followed.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see one of you."

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