Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and forty-nine

Five minutes later, everyone put the notes they wrote on the table in the middle, and A02 began to open them one by one, and showed them to everyone.

In this way, everyone can see their own and everyone else's, and there is no possibility of fraud.

Ye Zhongming also pretended to write one, but he directly wrote 95 million years of gold plus a plant called 'true shave dew'.

True shave dew can increase Fu Leila, how much it increases depends on the year of the plant and the absorption of the user, but at least so far, there are records, the highest is to increase Fu Lei La by about a thousand.

This level is definitely not worth five million months old.

Therefore, the reserve price is 100 million, and the real value does not exceed 100 million. This is not a winning bid.

After A02 finished displaying all the bidder's slips, he said, "Okay, I will send the final results to your terminals later."

This is also to ensure that the identity of Ye Zhongming's creator is not discovered by everyone.

After this incident, A02 said again: "In the past few days, our task list has been updated a lot, so you can take a look. If there is something that can be completed, in addition to the reward, you will also get a lot of points. If you have more points, You can get the corresponding franchise."

"Okay, if there is nothing else, today's party is here, I wish everyone good luck."


Back in his room, Ye Zhongming quickly informed A02 of his choice according to the previous agreement. After a while, 70 million years old gold plus one item were delivered to his room.

Along with it, there is also the requirement for the main weapon of the successful bidder.

Ye Zhongming calmed down his excitement, and first looked at the request.

If this requirement is fulfilled, the transaction can be completed. If not, the transaction may obviously fail.

Fortunately, although Ye Zhongming's favorite bidder had a high requirement, at least it was not so difficult that Ye Zhongming could not complete it.

After replying to the letter over there, and agreeing to complete the final deal on the next party day, Ye Zhongming felt more at ease.

That person's bid was 70 million Moon Years Gold, plus a rare treasure, the dried liver of the Mipu Beast.

Yi Pu Beast is a kind of overlord level existence that existed on a certain big star. The strongest king beast is no less than a peak master, but after that king star was visited by slaves, it gradually became a place of death Stars, this kind of life is gradually extinct.

Later, although the myriad races in the universe tried to clone this kind of life in the survivor's fortress, they also succeeded, but the Yipu beast could no longer grow to the height of its ancestors, and those who could surpass the level of masters were very rare.

The reason why the Chupu Beast is remembered by people and has been cloned and bred by people, in addition to its once overwhelming strength, there is one thing that people will never forget is its liver.

Over the long years, people have found that taking the liver of the Mapu animal after it has been dried naturally has the effect of improving Fu Leila, and the improvement is not small.

According to the level of strength of the Pomon that the liver belongs to, the amount of Fuleira's increase after taking it is also different. It was once recorded that after the entire liver of a master-level catfish is dried, the ground powder can increase Fu Leila by nearly 5,000 for people who are not master-level, and increase by up to 3000 for people above the master-level. Thousands of Fu Leila, but ineffective against the peak master.

And the Lipu beast liver that has entered the peak state can increase the life of non-great masters by more than 10,000 Fu Leila, and it can increase the lives of people at the level of great masters by up to 7,000 Fu Leila. Increments of three thousand.

Of course, these are all referring to the 'wild' ones, that is, the catfish that were born and lived on that big star, not those that were artificially bred by all races in the universe. Those livers have been lost for some reason. this ability.

Ye Zhongming didn't expect that, hundreds of years after the last wild catfish became extinct, someone could still produce such a peak-level wild treasure.

The King of Genting felt extremely lucky.

According to normal circumstances, this wild pinnacle beast can at least increase itself by 10,000 Fu Leila, which is exactly what Ye Zhongming urgently needs.

As for other people, the items that can best improve Fu Leila can only increase by about 5,000.

According to the price, even if the air-dried liver of the Mipu beast can add so much Fu Leila, it is still a bit exaggerated to say that it is worth 30 million yuan. But there is no way, this thing depends on the demand. For the person who took out this thing, he may already be in the realm of a peak master, and he doesn't care about the increase in Fu Leila after taking it. High, it doesn't matter whether it increases or not.

But for Ye Zhongming, this thing is worth 30 million.

Because of the covert guarantee, he got the full payment in advance, and naturally he also got the dried liver.

But Ye Zhongming just forget it? No, since the King of Genting has seen so many things that can increase Fu Leila, he will not let it go.

A02 walked in with permission and sat opposite Ye Zhongming.

" should have thought about it a long time ago. Although it is within the rules, I think the boss is not happy with this approach."

Everyone knows what A02 refers to.

"I can contact them for you and ask them what price they are willing to sell, but there is one thing to explain, you must pay a little more. This is a punishment for your not pure intention."

After hearing this, Ye Zhongming readily agreed.

"Fishing law enforcement" is not allowed secretly, but Ye Zhongming's behavior is undoubtedly, so it is fair and reasonable to use money to avoid disasters.

"I can provide monthly gold and equipment." Ye Zhongming first agreed on the conditions he could provide.

A02 nods.

"That's what I mean too. Since you can get a high-quality Lenny grade, then start from this aspect, and I will publicize it for you."

After finishing speaking, A02 was silent for a while and said, "You still have to agree to one condition."

Ye Zhongming looked at the No. 2 founder, not knowing what conditions he was going to propose.

After this person said it, Ye Zhongming opened his mouth, smiled wryly, and said in his heart that it seems that this month's gold cannot be taken away.


Ye Zhongming, who left from the secret base, had seven more things in his hands, which were his confidence.

Of course, he also has a list of gear he needs to rush out before the next party.

Shortly after he left, A02 and A03 walked into a room. If Ye Zhongming was here, he would be surprised, because the person sitting in the room turned out to be A01, who hadn't shown up this time, the founder of No. 1 .

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